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11. Falling into Place

10. The Scales Flip

9. The Best of a Bad Situation

8. Linda and Sarah

7. A Startling Transformation

6. Susan McMillan, Queen of Lakev

5. Susan Meets Jon

4. A Spoiled Wish

3. Found by... Sarah McMillan, wh

2. The next day at school

1. You Are What You Wish

Country Clubbing: Falling Into Place

on 2023-09-28 01:01:54

1031 hits, 139 views, 5 upvotes.

Age Aware Body_Swap FTF TF

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(Just FYI, there's no Mikey in this branch. With the timeline of when Roger left, it made more sense for Zoe to be the youngest of two.)

"But I don't want to be you," Sarah whined petulantly. The Queen Bee was absolutely mortified to have been turned into her mom's frumpy assistant, and she absolutely didn't want to be seen in public looking like this.

Linda walked over to her, seeming to bounce on her new feet, and put a hand on Sarah's shoulder in a comforting manner. "I know, sweetie, but I think you'll have to for a little while. No one would believe us if we tell them what happened and we need to keep up appearances." Sarah noted Linda's hand really was a perfect match for Sarah's old one, down to the pink nail polish.

Sarah let out a final loud sigh before asking, "fine, what do we do then?"

Linda beamed up at her, "well first we'll need to trade outfits." Linda began pulling her black cotton top over her head before offering it to Sarah.

Sarah eyed the garment warily, "Do I have to wear your clothes?"

Linda, now only clad in her ill fitting underwear (The bra wasn't too bad of a fit but her old granny panties were slipping down all on their own due to her smaller waist, rear and thighs), gave a little shrug. "I'm afraid so. Your own clothes certainly don't fit anymore since you're so fit," Linda explained while giving her new pert ass a little slap. "My clothes will have to do, and you should probably go ahead and get your outfit off before you tear something. It's a nice top and it'd be a shame to ruin it."

That seemed to convince Sarah who began struggling to get her tanktop off, finally managing after a minute. She hadn't been wearing a bra before the swap and found without the tight shirt compressing them, Linda's old breasts sagged heavily on her chest. Linda meanwhile unhooked her bra, and her new boobs remained perfectly perky even without support. Now naked from the waist up, Linda took in the difference between her and Sarah; they had actually been very close in cup size, 32 C for Linda to 34 C for Sarah, but several factors contributed to their busts looking very different. With her new much more svelte body, Linda's boobs looked proportionally much bigger, and easily stayed firm and upright all on their own. Sarah had been a girl who could easily get away without wearing a bra as far as support if not propriety was concerned, though now she possessed Linda's saggy and soft older bosom. Linda set the bra atop her blouse on the ground beside Sarah, and kicked her panties next to it before stepping back to grab her discarded skirt; her plain loafers and ankle socks had already been discarded during the transformation, leaving her stark naked in Sarah's body.

As Linda gathered her things, Sarah reluctantly peeled her sweats off her legs with some difficulty, eventually huffing and puffing by the time she got them, the tanktop and sky blue bikini cut panties off her new larger form. She hated all the new sensations she was feeling, the way her body jiggled, the twinge of pain she felt in her back and especially her saggy pancake boobs. With some reluctance she turned to the neatly piled set of Linda's clothing, complete with simple metal stud earrings sitting on top.

For her part Linda was resisting the urge to revel in her new body or rush to look for a mirror; there would be time for that later. Even still though she couldn't help but grin at how thin she was, especially enjoying the comparison between her new rear and her old one that Sarah was sporting. During the transformation Linda's bottom had smoothed, cellulite pits had filled in, muscle hat tightened and ultimately gave her the cute little bubble butt of the head cheerleader.

Linda scooped up Sarah's clothes and set about getting dressed; Sarah had been in casual clothes, not dressed for going out, so there wasn't as much to deal with if the transformation had happened when Sarah was in her school outfit or dressed for dinner. 'Well, I guess I'll need to change pretty soon again anyway if I'm going out for dinner with mommy dearest' Linda reflected as she shimmied into the warm blue panties Sarah had discarded. As she did so she felt a little tingle from her vagina and had to resist a shudder of pleasure; as part of the transformation Linda had gone from being in the back half of menopause to being a young fertile woman and her new hormones were cascading over her in waves. She wondered if Sarah had noticed that particular change yet, or if the former blonde was too distracted by the bizarre situation.

Sarah reluctantly donned Linda's outfit, actually pretty glad to have the support of Linda's plain sturdy white bra. It was a totally drab outfit, the kind of thing Sarah could see a grown up Kyla Leeson wearing, but as Linda had pointed out, this severely unfashionable set was the only thing in the house that would fit her. Across from her Linda was slipping into Sarah's sweats. 'Why do bad things always happen to me!?' Sarah lamented as she looked at her old body, so close but so far out of reach.

Linda finished her simple outfit by pulling on the pink tank, which easily fit her slim form while being just tight enough around the chest to look enticing. She realized she now looked like the spitting image of the teen bombshell she'd been low-key jealous and judgemental of just half an hour previous. She ran a hand through her long golden locks before turning back to Sarah.

Sarah had finished dressing as she pulled on Linda's loafers, looking like her mom's assistant from head to toe. "What do we do now?"

"Well, dropping of your mother's dress was the last thing I had scheduled for the day, unless she changes her mind," Linda began while tapping her chin in thought. "I'd say we could sit down and talk over the things we'll need to know or brainstorm ways to switch back, but Mrs. McMillan is going to be home within the next half hour and then you two have those reservations at 7." Linda let out a cute little giggle, "Or I guess I should say mom's going to be home soon and then we have rezzies at 7. We'll need to get in the habit of referring to people based on who we appear to be."

"So what do I do tonight?" Sarah asked uncertainly.

Linda swiftly bent down, loving not feeling any pain in her back or shoulders as she did so, and grabbed her big mom purse to hand to Sarah. "My phone's in there which should get you to my house with the GPS. I was just planning to make hamburger helper tonight, so you should be okay as long as you just follow the instructions on the package. Zoe's bedtime is 10, but she might fight you a bit on it. Your alarm's set for 5:00 am tomorrow since your mom wanted me to schedule her a weekend at this Swiss Spa resort and you'll need to call early to catch them with the time difference; don't worry it's all on your schedule app."

Sarah was taken aback at the sudden onslaught of responsibility and had a blank eyed stare as she took the purse. There was a sinking feeling in her stomach as she realized she was now stuck not only working as her own mother's assistant, but taking care of that dweeb Jon and his basket case of a sister. 'What did I ever do to deserve this?'

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