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9. The Best of a Bad Situation

8. Linda and Sarah

7. A Startling Transformation

6. Susan McMillan, Queen of Lakev

5. Susan Meets Jon

4. A Spoiled Wish

3. Found by... Sarah McMillan, wh

2. The next day at school

1. You Are What You Wish

Country Clubbing: The Best of a Bad Situation

on 2023-09-27 00:05:56

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Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF TF

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Back at the club, in the employee supply closet, tensions were high.

"What did you do to me?" Susan demanded, trying to look intimidating in Jon's form, but coming off comical. His usual body language, sticking a hand on his hip and jutting his chest out, didn't translate well to his new male body, and his ill fitting outfit just contributed to him looking ridiculous.

"Me, I didn't do anything," Jon replied, still reeling from hearing Susan's voice come out of her mouth. Then again, she had Susan's mouth now, so in a way the voice was right at home. In the back of her mind, she was thinking the stone must be responsible for this, but there was no way she was going to tell Susan that. For one, she had no clue who could have found the stone or what they might have done to make her and Mrs. McMillan switch bodies, and for another, she didn't want Susan to blame her for what happened, since the stone had belonged to Jon to begin with.

Susan scoffed, "obviously you did something to steal my body, brat." He stomped his foot impotently, "Change us back!"

"I don't know how to change us back!" Jon shot back, exasperated. She took a step forward, all too aware of how her new breasts bounced as she did so. "I didn't do this, and I'll thank you to stop blaming me!" Maybe it was being in Susan's body, but Jon felt the fear she normally had towards the woman who's body she now inhabited fade away, to be replaced with annoyance.

Susan seemed to deflate a little bit, "well then what are we going to do?" He gestured down at himself, "I can't be seen like this!"

Jon flicked a strand of golden hair over her shoulder, making a split second decision. "We'll have to pretend to be each other; we don't know why this happened and no one would believe us anyway." She couldn't think of a better solution in the moment than switching lives to match the bodies they inhabited; without the stone, or knowing exactly what triggered the swap, she had no clue how to reverse it. "Besides, if I'm not back in the kitchen soon, my supervisor's going to go nuclear."

Susan sneered, looking odd with Jon's face, "I'm Susan McMillan, I am not some busboy."

Jon gestured back and forth between the two of them, "well, you don't look like Susan McMillan right now. What do you think would happen to your reputation if I tried to go back to my shift looking like this?"

Mrs. McMillan looked like he wanted to argue, but couldn't find a counter to Jon's logic. He tried to protest anyway, saying, "Well, I'm not going to do it! I have reservations for Edo tonight," he stressed the name of the fancy new sushi place he'd been intending to go with Sarah that evening.

"Well then I guess I'm having sushi tonight," Jon responded, trying not to lose her patience, "since I doubt they'd seat you under Susan McMillan's name looking like that. Look, we don't have time to fight, we need to work together to avoid messing things up until we can figure out what happened."

Susan finally acquiesced, bitterly saying, "fine, what do we do?" He was still in a state of shock from the transformation and nearly apoplectic over what happened, but knew the last thing he needed was for Jon to screw Susan's life up. Once the kid's stupid shift was over though, he'd be going through this damn closet with a fine tooth comb to figure out what did this and get his life back.

"Well first, I need you to give me your clothes," Jon said, glad to have finally convinced Susan. Already mostly disrobed herself, she kicked off the now too large shoes and socks she still wore and hesitated for a moment before going ahead and pulling down her boxers. After all, it wasn't anything Susan hadn't seen before, and the two couldn't exactly afford to be modest. She looked over to see Susan had managed to wiggle out of his dress and was petulantly handing it over to Jon.

"I'll need the underwear too," Jon reminded her, earning a pout from Susan that would have been much cuter with his old face. Nevertheless, Susan undid the gold silk bra he wore and kicked off the ill fitting matching thong; the latter garment was admittedly very uncomfortable with Susan's new dick and smaller butt. While Susan started glumly gathering up Jon's discarded uniform, Jon set about getting dressed herself.

It took her a moment to figure out the bra, making sure both of her breasts were comfortably situated in the cups and getting the hang of doing up the clasp. She could only assume her new body had some muscle memory, because she managed it after only one or two tries. Susan had very perky breasts for her age, but she was still a mature woman with a large bust, and Jon felt herself relaxing a bit now that her new chest had support. The thong was also tricky to navigate, sliding the garment into place, but she again managed it okay.

After that came the dress, a thigh length sun dress in yellow with white accents and a square scoop neck that gave ample view of Jon's new cleavage. It fit her new body like a glove, although there was an awkward moment when she had to ask Susan to zip her up. Susan had already managed to get fully dressed in Jon's polo, khaki shorts and loafers, continually scratching at his chest. Jon couldn't help but smirk with her new fuller lips; the Emerald Hills work polos were notoriously scratchy and the bane of her shifts.

Scooping down to retrieve Susan's fallen earrings, Jon looked over and said, "I'll need your smartwatch, rings and necklace too." It was like pulling teeth to get Susan to do the obviously necessary things.

Susan looked doubtful, "I'll just put them in my pocket. I don't want you pawning my jewelry."

Jon resisted the urge to scream in frustration, and as calmly as she could said, "Mrs. McMillan, if I wanted to steal from you I could empty your accounts with my face right now. I'm not going to pawn your things; people saw you wearing them in, they'll need to see me wearing them out. Besides, if Susan McMillan's jewelry is found in Jon Gibson's pocket, you're going to get me fired at best or arrested at worst."

Mrs. McMillan grumbled but complied, handing over his gold and sapphire necklace, that matched with the earrings, apple watch, and golden knot ring. Susan had only worn his wedding set for the first year following the death of Richard, just long enough for propriety's sake. Jon also took the opportunity to snag the white and gold coach purse that had fallen to the ground during the transformation before it could become another debate. Jon donned the jewelry, marveling at the new feelings she got from the necklace sliding between her breasts and the weight of the earrings on her lobes. Finally, Jon slipped into Susan's discarded white heels, boosting her up still further if unsteadily, given she'd never worn heels before. Checking herself in the compact mirror she found in the purse, she looked nearly exactly like Susan had before they ran into each other, minus her slightly askew hair, which was quickly fixed with a few strokes. As far as the world would be able to tell she was Mrs. McMillan, and the grimacing boy in the polo on the other side of the closet was Jon Gibson.

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