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Oldest episodes

DMU RB Farber - Emma and Steve, home aloneMightyMrJ136Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
New Neighbors: Another knock at the door
Jon Arrives Back Home
Ez16MTF Unaware
Musical Closets Variation: Nurse Tammy Brant
Tim Brant is Now Tammy Brant, the School Nurse
Anonymous51158Age Aware MTF Unaware
Musical Closets Variation: Saved By the Wish
The Phenomenon Saves Myka From Being Raped By Steve
Anonymous51156Aware MTF Magic
Musical Closets Variation: Myka Finally Gets Horny
Myka and Steve Agree to Have Sex, But Myka Hesitates
Anonymous51155Age Aware MTF Unaware
DMU RB Farber - Steve’s turnMightyMrJ133Age MTF Size TF
Musical Closets Variation: Myka and Gena Are Now Twins
Myka's Mind Wanders in Class
Anonymous51153Age Aware BE MTF Magic Twin Unaware
Musical Closets Variation: Promise Me
Promise Me
The Guest152Age MTF Unaware
Musical Closets Variation: Myka and Karyn Get Caught Skipping Class
Myka Reveals to Karyn That She Knows About the Stone
Anonymous51151Age Aware MTF Magic Unaware
DMU RB Farber - HousecallMightyMrJ131Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU RB Farber - Steve’s in troubleMightyMrJ130Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU RB Farber - The third morningMightyMrJ129Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Musical Closets Variation: Miss Warren's House
It's Miss Warren's House
Anonymous51149Age Aware BE MTF Magic Unaware
New Neighbors: A New Middle Child
A New Middle Child
The Guest15Age MTF Unaware
Musical Closets Variation: Who's the Boss?
Who's the Boss?
The Guest146Age MTF Unaware
Musical Closets Variation: Agatha and the Fergusons
Tiffany Finishes Changing Into 37-Year Old Tara
Anonymous51145Age FTM MTF Magic Unaware
Musical Closets Variation: Grave Calls BS
Jay and Simon Continue to Change While Questioning Agatha
Anonymous51143MTF Unaware
Musical Closets Variation: Who is the Intruder?
Who is the Intruder?
The Guest142MTF Unaware
Musical Closets Variation: Three Friends
Three Friends
The Guest140Age MTF Magic Unaware
Musical Closets Variation: Hanging Out With Friends
Zachary Suggests Doing Something Together, and Jay and Simon Meet Their 'New' Friend Grave
Anonymous51139Age MTF Unaware
DMU-122: Siblings
The Guest87Age FTM MTF
Musical Closets Variation: Kyla Lands on Karyn
Kyla Finally Finds a New Outfit
Anonymous51133Age Aware MTF Magic
Musical Closets: Myka Finds Karyn
Myka Finds Karyn
The Guest132Age Aware MTF
Musical Closets Variation: Surrogate Mother
Stephanie Offers Myka a Ride Home
Anonymous51131Age Aware MTF Unaware
DMU RB Farber - End of day 2MightyMrJ128Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU RB Farber - an eventful eveningMightyMrJ127Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU RB Farber - A butting of headsMightyMrJ126Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Musical Closets Variation: Prank Her Back
Jay Gives Simon Some Friendly Advice
Anonymous51129Age MTF Unaware
Musical Closets Variation: Transitioning Jay
Jay Leaves the School and Encounters Simon
Anonymous51127Age MTF Unaware
DMU RB Farber - Steve gets cleaned upMightyMrJ125Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Musical Closets Variation: More Realization
Myka is Offered a Position on the Softball Team
Anonymous51123Age Aware MTF Magic
Musical Closets Chaos: Getting rid of a loose end
Getting rid of a loose end
Ziggu4521BE MTF Magic Myth TF Unaware
Musical Closets Variation: Third Base Girl
Mikey Has Sixth Period PE Class
Anonymous51121Age Aware MTF Magic
Musical Closets Chaos: keep falling one after the other
Keep falling one after the other
Ziggu4520Age BE FTM MTF Magic TF Unaware
Musical Closets Chaos: Slipping into the future (lives)
Slipping into the future (lives)
Ziggu4518Age BE MTF Magic TF Unaware
DMU RB Farber - Steve’s accidentMightyMrJ124Age MTF Part_Swap TF
Musical Closets Chaos: dominoes keep falling
Dominoes keep falling
Ziggu4517Age BE Bimbo FTM MTF Magic TF Unaware
Sartorial Impact
Jon feels the need to change clothes
Omiar14MC MTF Unaware
Chick for a Dick: Chick Chats with Her Dick
Karyn meets Jen
ekempo5000158FTP Herm MTF Magic
Musical Closets Variation: Mikey Finally Confesses
Mikey Finally Confesses
Anonymous51119Age Aware MTF Magic Unaware
Jon to the Rescue?
John to the Rescue, maybe.
Omiar13Age Aware MC MTF Magic Unaware
DMU RB Farber - Steve gets dressedMightyMrJ122Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Musical Closets Chaos: ACTUALLY plugging the last hole.
ACTUALLY plugging the last hole.
Ziggu4515Age BE FTM MTF Magic TF Unaware
Musical Closets Chaos: Plugging the last hole in the system
Plugging the last hole in the system
Ziggu4514Age FTM MTF Magic TF Unaware
Musical Closets Chaos: Closing more holes
Closing more holes
Ziggu4513Age FTM MTF Magic TF Unaware
Musical Closets Chaos: Closing one loop
Closing one loop or two
Ziggu4512Age BE MTF Magic TF Unaware
Musical Closets Chaos: Sirius Black (not a wizard)
Sirius Black (not a wizard)
Ziggu4511Age BE Bimbo FTM MTF Magic Unaware
DMU RB Farber - Waking up on day 2MightyMrJ121Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU RB Farber - Off to DreamlandMightyMrJ120Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Transformation Guns: Dr. Elaine tells her story
Dr. Anissa Fairlane hears the stories of Jeffries and Dr. Elaine
Christine L.93Aware MTF TF
Transformation Guns: Calming the situation
Things get a bit heated before the doctors arrive
Christine L.92Aware FTM MTF TF
Musical Closets: Absolute Chaos
Absolute Chaos (aka A thrift store)
Ziggu458BE MTF Magic Musc TF Unaware
Yep, Still “Jon”
Of course they are
Ziggu4518BE MTF Magic Unaware
DMU-122: Walking Time?
Walking Time?
The Guest83Age Animal FTM MTF Part_Swap
DMU RB Farber - Dinner timeMightyMrJ118Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Transformation Guns: Rachel's friends arrive at a tense situation
Samantha and company reunite with Rachel and the transformed Board members
Christine L.91Aware FTM MTF TF
ZGHO: Four Girls Wake Up
Four Girls Wake Up
Ms. Cork48Age MTF Unaware
ZGHO: Makeup Time
Makeup Time
Ms. Cork47Age MTF Unaware
ZGHO: Text Messages
Text Messages
Ms. Cork46Age MTF Unaware
ZGHO: Bra Talk
Bra Talk
Ms. Cork45Age MTF Unaware
DMU RB Farber - Steve gets checked overMightyMrJ116Age MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU RB Farber - Steve’s day at schoolMightyMrJ115MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU RB Farber- Breakfast time
DMU RB Farber - breakfast time
MightyMrJ114FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU RB- Farbers first morning
DMU RollBack - Farbers first morning
MightyMrJ113FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - Day 3 endsMightyMrJ111Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU-122: The McMillans and the Gibsons
The McMillans and the Gibsons
The Guest82Age FTM MTF Part_Swap
DMU - Earlier with SarahMightyMrJ107FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Checking in on Jon
Checking on Jon Sanders
Ziggu4511MTF Magic Unaware
DMU-122: Abby, Ethan, Lydia, and Buster
Abby, Ethan, Lydia and Buster
The Guest81Animal FTM MTF Part_Swap
DMU - Jon and Laura’s evening reaches its climaxMightyMrJ106BE FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - Jon gets hisMightyMrJ105FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
ZGHO: Ghost Stories with Karyn
Ghost Stories with Karyn
Ms. Cork44Age MTF
Trophy Life: The Start of Sierra
Learning about the New Her
Gooose7Age Aware BE MTF SciFi
DMU - a new experience for LauraMightyMrJ104FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - Jon’s turning pointMightyMrJ103Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - Movie nightMightyMrJ102FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - Jon and Laura’s evening continuesMightyMrJ101Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
ZGHO: After School Activities
After School Activities
Ms. Cork43Age MTF
Trophy Life: One Month Later
Waking Up
Gooose6Aware BE MTF SciFi
Trophy Life: The Assignment
The Assignment
Gooose5BE FTM MTF SciFi
DMU - Jon takes a showerMightyMrJ100MTF Part_Swap TF
ZGHO: Home Again, Home Again
Home Again, Home Again
Ms. Cork42Age MTF
DMU - Jon and Laura’s evening beginsMightyMrJ99FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU-122: Miss Fine Makes a Housecall to the Gibsons
Miss Fine Makes a Housecall to the Gibsons
The Guest80Age FTM MTF Part_Swap
DMU - Lydia discovers some more changesMightyMrJ98Animal Anthro FTM MTF Part_Swap
DMU - Lydia takes a napMightyMrJ97Animal FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Mandatory Milf: Birth of a Domestic Goddess
Melissa's First Day
Gooose15BE MTF Magic TF
Femcorp Reassignment
Arriving at the Reassignment Center
Gooose4Age BE FTM MTF SciFi TF
DMU-122: Day Three Begins
Day Three Begins
The Guest79Animal FTM MTF Part_Swap
Nametags: Relationships old and new
Name Tags: New friends and old
Great Sage8Aware MTF Magic Twin Unaware
Name Tags: Revelations
Name Tags: A deal is made
Great Sage7Aware MTF Magic Twin Unaware
Nametags: Loves Young Dream and The Return of a Lost Soul
Nametags: The Journey back
Great Sage8Aware MTF Magic Twin Unaware
Nametags: Along comes a Manwhore
Name Tags: Twist in the Tale
Great Sage7MTF Magic Twin Unaware
Conversations with her new auntie
Nametags: Auntie Sonia tells her story
Great Sage6MTF Magic Twin Unaware
Mandatory Milf: Decisions Made
Not Going Back
Gooose14Aware BE MTF Magic
Bodyswap Stone: Cascading Mistakes
Cascading Mistakes
Gooose6Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic
Connection with his reflectionbelchest11MTF TF
Jon needs to lie downbelchest10MTF
Surprise appointmentbelchest8MTF

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Oldest episodes

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