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11. Dreams of Silk

10. First Steps

9. Trust Your Memories

8. A Peek Behind the Curtain

7. Learning about the New Her

6. Waking Up

5. The Assignment

4. Arriving at the Reassignment C

3. The social experiment

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Trophy Life: Dreams of Silk

on 2023-09-22 19:54:08

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Sierra was drifting in darkness, feeling herself shivering against the cold. Her body kept shifting between her old Jon form, and her newly crafted being as she catapulted through the dark, feeling increasingly chilled and vulnerable. All was silent, all was in shadow, and she felt terribly alone. Then, suddenly, there was a burst of crimson coming from the heavens for her, an impossibly large cloth of red silk surrounded her. Her form shimmered and solidified into Sierra's as the silk caressed her, hugging her curves and running all along her tingling body. It banished the cold in an instant and the loneliness followed; she'd been an unloved, anonymous asteroid hurtling through the void, but this lovely silk treated her like she was the center of the universe.

The silk was joined by other fabrics as she giggled and tumbled through waves of lycra, chiffon, cotton, leather, nylon, satin, velvet and lace, all in a rainbow of colors. She was no longer hurtling in space, instead tumbling softly through endless curtains of fabric, sliding along a slide of shiny black patent leather, only to gently land in a pillow of gossamer chiffon. She felt delightful, cared for, seen in a wonderful way. What had begun as a nightmare had turned into the most remarkable dream.

Unfortunately all dreams must end, and Sierra's did when the happy upbeat music that seemed to serve as her alarm clock at the Femcorp facility gently called her back to wakefulness. With a languid yawn she stretched and rose from her cushy bed, the gentle sway of her breasts and the golden hair falling into her vision no longer alarming her as it had done the first several times she awoke.

With a glee in her eyes she darted for her closet, unexpectedly excited to wear one of the outfits she'd added to her new collection the previous day. She couldn't put her finger on it, but for some reason she felt giddy at the idea and it pushed all other thoughts, like worrying about the stone, temporarily from her mind. With total focus she began sliding through the hangers, taking in what she'd selected with new eyes, and thinking more about what to wear for the day than she ever had before.

"Ooh, you naughty girl," Sierra murmured as she found a few items she'd been too shy to try on the previous day, that it seemed Tracy had snuck into her growing wardrobe after all. She couldn't find it in herself to be mad at her assistant, since today she was actually finding herself drawn to some of those bolder garments. 'Let's face it, I'm pretty, and I should dress like it. It might even be fun to draw a couple of eyes and be the center of attention for awhile' she thought to herself as she started grabbing elements to make an outfit. The subliminal messaging of the previous night had both worked to continue shifting her feelings regarding her new body towards the positive, and to help build her intended love of fashion; if it had the knock on effect of making her want the adoration of onlookers, well that was well within the projected parameters for her new personality profile.

Biting her lip a little in excitement over her own daring, she slipped herself into a tight, backless, sky blue, virgin killer sweater dress that hugged every centimeter of her new curves. The impossibly soft high quality wool felt incredible on her skin, even if the sensations coming from her newly sensitive nipples was a little distracting. Looking over in the mirror she decided she could get used to it when the outfit made her look this good. She couldn't wear a bra with this particular piece due to its backless nature, which actually served to demonstrate the gravity defining nature of her new world class breasts. She then slid on a pair of white thigh high socks, with two pink stripes at the top of either sock, before sliding on a pair of shiny black heeled boots, and smiling at her chosen outfit in satisfaction. At no point did it occur to the former Jon that she'd made a 180 on her feelings about revealing clothing, showing off her new body, or just general interest in fashion; dressing to impress just felt perfectly natural to Sierra.

When Tracey arrived to deliver Sierra's breakfast and start that day's plan, the supposed assistant couldn't help but grin at how well Sierra's programming was beginning to take effect. There was still a lot to do; the planned Sierra would never put an outfit together without jewelry and accessories, or dress to go out without doing her makeup and hair, but it was a strong start and a foundation Femcorp could easily build on.

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