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11. The Value of Preparation

10. Mirror Image

9. Heading Towards A New Home

8. A Quick Conversation

7. Becoming the Teacher

6. Uneven Numbers

5. Swap Class

4. A New Class On The Schedule

3. The Next Morning

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Swap Class: The Value of Preparation

on 2023-08-04 03:31:50

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Body_Swap FTM MTF SciFi

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Later that evening Jon was in Sonia's nightie and lilac silk robe, her reading glasses perched on his nose as he read in bed. The shower had been sort of magical, but he hadn't had the time to explore like he might have liked; he was still a bit nervous about handling Ms. Esposito's responsibilities at school the next day so he couldn't waste time. At the moment he was reading through a volume of Spanish poetry the logbook had noted as being Sonia's favorite and finding it quite enjoyable even if he wasn't quite understanding all of it. He'd flash read a Spanish English dictionary first, and found that he really had retained a lot of the meanings, and the more he read the book, the more the grammar made sense to him.

"I wonder if I'll keep the language when we switch back," Jon muttered, his voice now perfectly emulating Sonia's slight accent. He loved the way it tripped off his new tongue. Speaking of his new tongue, dinner had been an experience. He had reheated some leftover spicy black bean soup Sonia had made earlier in the week to eat. What was surprising was that he could tell the dish was far spicier than he normally had a tolerance for, but with Sonia's taste buds it just tasted delicious. He glanced over at the alarm by his bedside, "I need to get some shut-eye."

He closed the book and hit the light after grabbing Sonia's sleeping mask, pulling it over his new eyes. He let out a contented purr, really feeling relaxed in his new form. For a moment his hand fluttered over the front of the panties he was wearing, but he restrained himself. There was a long semester to become more familiar with Mrs. Esposito-Kildare's body; for the moment he needed to get some sleep to be able to handle his first day teaching tomorrow.

Sonia Esposito-Kildare resisted the urge to grimace as she consulted Jon's wardrobe, or lack there of, the next morning, looking for an outfit to wear. Sonia could admit she was a bit of a girly girl, and into fashion. She liked the thought that went into putting together an outfit, but unfortunately Jon had given very little direction in his logbook on how he dressed. 'Based on what I can find, it seems he just wears a rotation of like 10 tee shirts and always with jeans' she thought to herself as she slipped a Van Halen shirt over her new form, needing to get ready for the day. Jon's morning routine section was similarly a bit sparse, but seemed to consist of just a quick shower every other day, running his fingers through his hair, and that was it. Part of that was likely down to the fact that students wrote their logbooks before they realized what they'd be used for, but Sonia would have likely marked Jon down a bit for skimping on his winter homework, if she was still in charge of grading that was.

Grabbing a poptart, she waved to Jon's mom before heading down the street to meet with Karyn Black. According to her notes, the girl was Jon's best friend, and if she read between the lines, potential crush. Ms. Black wasn't in swap class, and so would likely be the person Sonia would have to work the hardest on her Jon impersonation for. Either her or the family, but she'd have to see.

"Hello Jon-boy!" Karyn called out as they met up.

"Hey, Karyn," Sonia replied. "How you doing?"

"Fine," Karyn said as she fell into step with Sonia, walking towards the Academy. "I'm stuck with Sarah in my calculus class, but it's whatever. Did you figure out what Empathetics was all about?"

"Oh it's just studying how to better empathize with people, working on how to build trust, that sort of thing," Sonia said vaguely. Keeping Swap Class a secret was vital to it's effectiveness; if everyone knew you were swapped, they wouldn't treat you like who you appeared to be, meaning you wouldn't really be living your partner's life.

"I told you," Karyn said.

Soon they arrived at school, and Sonia had to get back into the rhythm of being a high school student. Jon was a fair bit different from how she'd been back in her own school days; she hadn't been a cheerleader like her sister, but she'd been quite a bit more social than Jon seemed to be. As far as she could tell, Karyn was his only really close friend, with Jay Duncan and Leonard Drullers being closer to friendly acquaintances. Of course the latter had been switched with Elizabeth Callahan for the duration of the semester.

Eventually she got to Swap Class, and had to pause and remind herself not to walk to the head of the class out of habit. Looking to said head of the class, she was a little surprised by what she saw.

Jon was there in her body, and wearing a purple long sleeved body con dress; a far more feminine and daring outfit than she'd expected him to try on his first day. Sure, her wardrobe tended in that direction as a whole, but she did have slacks and more conservative shirts he could have chosen. He'd even worn low matching purple heels, silver hoop earrings and had managed a basic but competent makeup job. Whatever points she'd have knocked off for his own sparsely written logbook, she'd have to return for how much it seemed he'd devoured hers. Most cross gender pairs wasted the whole first night exploring their new bodies, but Jon seemed to have actually put the work in towards preparing his impersonation of Sonia.

Jon smiled out at the class and said in a light accent, "Please take your seats everyone, Swap Class is about to begin."

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