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161. Jen gets a visitor

160. Elsewhere…

159. Meanwhile, back at school...

158. Karyn meets Jen

157. Welcome home

156. Getting home

155. Elsewhere...

154. Jen's new clique

153. Getting some answers

152. A whole new life

151. Jon's day goes off the rails

150. Jon catches up with the new as

149. Now for the rest of the class

148. A conversation with Zoe

147. The calm...

146. Jon continues with his day

145. Getting things back to normal

144. Meanwhile, back at Jon's...

143. Karyn’s first night

142. Zoe wakes up

Chick for a Dick: Rude Awakening

on 2023-07-12 09:34:15

1674 hits, 149 views, 3 upvotes.


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A soft, persistent ringing broke the silence of the still bedroom. In the bed, a figure stirred. Droopy eyelids parted and the sheets rose as a heavy breath filled waking lungs. A gentle, feminine moan on the exhale caused a stirring in Jon’s cock. He could feel his naked rod hardening and pushing up on the soft sheets. He tried to remember through his sleep addled memory who he had gone to bed with. Lisa? Toy? A random fling? Didn’t matter. The voice sounded sexy and he couldn’t wait to hear it moaning again.

He smiled and turned over, expecting to find an available lover laying next to him. A shifting weight on his chest and long hair brushing against his face roused him more from his slumber. He cracked open his eyes and looked down. Two massive mounds filled his vision. He smiled wider and reached towards the heavenly flesh. Two small hands entered his vision, and when they firmly grasped the tits, a jolt of pleasure radiated through his chest.

Jon’s eyes snapped open and he sat up. He felt the weight on his chest shift with him and watched as the breasts came to rest, pointing proudly outward. He felt long hair dance along his shoulders and back, causing him to shudder.

“What the-“ he started, but it was the feminine voice that spoke his words. Her words.


Memories came rushing back. Her wish, her body, her embarrassment, her new reality. She wasn’t Jon anymore. She was Jen.

The gentle chime drew her attention away from her body.

“What the fuck is that?” she asked in frustration.

“Attention, User,” a cold, mechanical voice announced as the pinging ceased. “A visitor is at the main gate.”


“Affirmative, User.”

Jen looked around, unable to spot the cheerleader-turned-android. “Where are you?”

“My hardware is currently located in your personal study. I am utilizing the estate’s home interface, as per your current preferences.”

Jen looked around the room, the sound drawing her to a series of small speakers that were cunningly concealed in the walls around the room. “Attention, User. A visitor is at the main gate,” the voice repeated.

“Who is it?”

“Fiona Chambers.”

“Fiona? Who the hell is-“


Confusion and shame burned away as rage ignited in Jen’s soul. That bitch had tricked her. Betrayed her! Convinced her that they were friends only to throw her to the wolves and humiliate her! Jen may be stuck as a girl, but Fiona would end up as something much worse!

“Send her in,” Jen said in a cold, malicious voice.

“Affirmative, User.”

The room returned to silence. Jen pulled back the covers and stood up. Her tits and cock swayed with her movements. She moved to her discarded clothes, checking the purse to make sure the stone was still there. A devious grin spread across her face as she spotted the magical object.

What should I do to you? Perhaps Pervert would like a friend to join her in being an uncontrollable slut? Or maybe I should make you a tampon. Oh! Maybe I’ll just turn you into a cloud and watch you float away!

“Uh… Jen?”

Only when the voice spoke up did Jen realize she was actually beginning to cackle maniacally. She looked down between her cleavage and saw her cock looking up at her with concern. “What are you planing?”

“Just a little payback on my dear, sweet friend,” she responded. The look of terror on her penis’ face caught her off guard. “Jen! Please! I don’t know what happened today, but just hear her out. This could all just be a misunderstanding.”

“A misunderstanding?!” Jen snapped. Her prick seemed like it wanted to recoil, but it was firmly mounted in place.

“Just… please. Before you do anything that can’t be undone. Please, just listen to what she has to say. I doubt she came here to gloat.” Jen considered its words. It would be so easy to just fuck with her. Make her pay for what she did. She felt calmness pass over her, and gave a huff.

“Fine. I’ll listen to what she says. Maybe she will give me an idea of what I can do to her as an ironic punishment.”

Her cock’s expression softened, but it still seemed stressed. “Thank you. Also, you should probably get ready before she gets here.” Jen attention shifted back up to her exposed chest and she let out a huff. She was still standing naked in the middle of her room. She looked at the tattered clothes she had ripped off earlier and realized they were unwearable.


Looking around they room, Jen spotted the wardrobe placed where the door to the walk-in closet had been when she was Jon. She threw the purse on the bed, wanting to keep the stone within easy reach, and moved to the wardrobe. When she opened it, she was disappointed to find it filled with sleeping attire. Nighties, various pieces of lingerie, and a robe made of sheer, rose pink silk.

Jen considered using the stone to wish for clothes, but she was still scared about making wishes directed at herself. What if she accidentally made it so she could only wear one set of clothing? No, better not risk it. She grabbed the robe and threw it on. The material felt good on her soft skin, but it clearly outlined her nipples and dick beneath it.

It doesn’t matter. Fiona won’t be around long anyways. At least not as she is.

Jen’s devilish smile returned. She walked back across the room, planning on sitting on the large couch by the fireplace. However, she caught sight or her reflection in the vanity and it gave her an idea.

Maybe I’ll turn her into some makeup. A tube of lipstick? Some eye shadow? Maybe a bottle of perfume. Yes, that might do wonderfully.

She moved to the seat in front of the mirrors and sat down. She looked over all of the various bottles and cases, trying to memorize them so she knew which one was Fiona after she was changed. The ding of a bell sounding in the hallway beyond her closed doors pulled her attention away from the cosmetics. The elevator had arrived on her floor. She didn’t hear the elevator doors open, but did hear the sound of footsteps moving closer.

tap tap

A gentle, timid knock sounded from the door.

“Jen. It’s me. Can I come in?”

“Come in,” Jen commanded. The door knob turned and one of the double doors opened slowly inward. When it was just wide enough, Fiona timidly stepped in.


Upon seeing her face to face, all of the memories of the cafeteria flooded back. Jen’s composure cracked. She frowned deeply and stared daggers at Fiona. The girl recoiled and looked away.

“What the FUCK, Fiona?!”

She reacted as if she’d been slapped. “Jen, I-“

“You what?! Didn’t get enough fun earlier and decided to stop by for more?!”

“I- What?! No! I was worried! About you! That- I didn’t do that!”

“Oh! So you didn’t set me up?! ‘Sorry you’re having a bad day! We’ll get lunch with the girls! Your friends will cheer you up!’” Jen shouted mockingly. Fiona’s mouth quivered as tears filled her eyes.

“It’s not like that!”

Jen scoffed and rolled her eyes, she erupted from her chair and moved to the bed. She picked up the purse and turned to face her so-called friend. “You know what? I don’t believe you in the slightest. And now, I’m done with you.”

She flipped the top of her purse open, the stone exposed to her. From the door, Fiona was weeping hysterically, as if knowing how much danger she was in. “Jen! Please! What can I do to make you believe me! I’ll do anything! There has to be something I can do to prove it!”

Jen hesitated, her fingers almost on the stone. She looked up. “Ok. You want to prove it? Fine. Fiona, honestly, why the fuck did you treat me like shit in the cafeteria?!”

Fiona’s demeanor instantly changed. Her hands unclasped at her chest and fell limply to her sides. She stopped sobbing, but residual tears still streamed down her face. She looked blankly into Jen’s eyes.

“I didn’t treat you like shit. I was trying to help you.”

Jen froze. She knew Fiona was telling the truth. She had to while in the questioning trance. But Jen couldn’t believe it. She had purposely brought her to that table of bitches!

“How could you tell me those girls were my friends and then let them do that to me? Is that what best friends do? How does that help me?!”

“I never said they were your friends. They’re just who you hang out with. And we’re not best friends. You’re my best friend. And I was trying to distract them with prom so they’d leave you alone. Instead, it gave them something else to mock you about. I didn’t want that.”

Jen stared at Fiona. She replayed their conversations through her head and realized she was right. She only ever called them “the girls” and never “friends.” And what did she mean they weren’t best friends? She closed the purse and put it on the bed behind her.

“Fiona, can you explain all of this to me?”

“You’re my best friend, because I don’t really have any other friends. We met in elementary school and hung out together, but you were always better than me. Prettier, richer, more popular. I was always in your shadow. I was like an accessory to you. As we got older, it only became stronger. People didn’t see me. They saw the girl who hung out with you. You’re my best friend, but I’m your lackey. I’m window dressing to you.

“You care about your image. Your social status. You hang out with those girls because you all boost each other’s prestige. You’re all super catty to one another, but you’re the queen bitch. They’ve got nothing on you and they all know it. I thought meeting up with them would be no big deal. You’ve always taken charge and put them in their place before. This was the first time they saw any weakness in you, and they went after you. When I saw what was happening, I tried to intervene. But it backfired. By the time I got the guts to chase after you, you had left school.”

Jen was fighting back tears. This wasn’t the life she wanted. She remembered being a nerdy boy with no friends. The type of guy who girls like this picked on. And now she was one of them.

“What am I going to do now?” she asked morosely.

“Whatever you want.”

Jen looked at Fiona, who was still locked in her trance. “What do you mean?”

“You can do whatever you want. You’re beautiful, beyond rich, everyone adores the ground you walk on. You have the world on a silver platter.”

“Do… do you know about the stone?”

“No. You wouldn’t dare trust me with something like that. I’m completely clueless about it. But even without it, you have everything you need to do whatever you want.”

Jen reflected on her words… and realized she was right. Sure, she was a girl now. But she was also super hot. It would take a little… a lot… to get used to it, but she was better off than a lot of others who had been transformed. She was also richer than she could have ever imagined being in her original life. And she still had the stone.

“I believe you.”

Fiona immediately returned to crying before her sobs caught in her throat. “Wha-what?”

“I… believe you, Fiona. I know you didn’t want to hurt me.”

Fiona let out another sob, but this one was of relief. She rushed forward and gave Jen a hug, catching her off guard. She awkwardly wrapped her arms around the girl and patted her back. Between her legs, her dick started to firm up. Fiona must have noticed it too, because she stopped crying. After a moment, she bashfully pulled away and looked away with a blush.

“Thanks for stopping over,” Jen said while also looking away. Fiona looked up at her and gave a small smile. “Sure. What are friends for?” Fiona must have caught the slight pained expression on Jen’s face, because her smile evaporated. “Do… do you want me to leave?”

“I… I really don’t know what I want.”

Fiona gave another kind smile and took Jen’s hands in hers. “Well, I think I know what you need.”

Jen’s heart raced at Fiona’s touch, and she felt her cock beginning to press against robe.

“Hey, V.I.C.-E.!” Fiona said, looking upward. Jen couldn’t tell if she was trying to talk towards the speakers, or was trying to look away from her rising bulge.

“Responding, Guest-Fiona,” came the synthetic voice through the speakers.

“Tell Renee to load up and head up to Jen’s room.”

“Acknowledged, Guest-Fiona.”

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