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3. Stolen Stone: Linda's Mischief

2. The stone is gone

1. You Are What You Wish

Stolen Stone: Linda's Mischief

on 2023-07-17 03:12:07

1435 hits, 202 views, 5 upvotes.

Body_Swap FTM MTF

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Linda rolled the stone in her hand, still marveling at the incredible artifact she'd stumbled on while tidying up her son's room. All it took was absently saying, "I wish I knew why Jon had a random rock on his dresser," for her to learn about her father bequeathing the stone to Jon and the incredible power that now sat in her hand. She was a little chagrined her old man had given the stone to Jon instead of her, but it hardly mattered, the stone was in her possession now.

So far she hadn't done much with it, beyond wishing to drop that stubborn fifteen pounds and wishing up the two surveillance monitors she was glancing between. She had been momentarily flummoxed over what to do with the stone; it had the power to change her life, but Linda was pretty satisfied with her life if she was honest. She was a senior partner at her law firm, she had a family she loved and a nice home. Sure she was divorced, but she was hardly chomping at the bit to get Roger back, as she was quite happy to no longer be wed to him. Linda could wish up a new partner but that felt a little artificial to her, she wasn't ruling out using the stone to help her love life but it wasn't her first priority.

Instead, Linda's mind had turned to the mischief she could get up to with this rock. Despite being a respectable member of the community, Linda Gibson had always been something of a prankster. She loved a good joke as much as the next person, maybe a little more is she were honest. (Perhaps it was this impulse that had made her father skip over her when it came to bequeathing the stone.) Before long a brilliant plan to mix things up began to come to her and she wished up the two monitors to observe the subjects of her planned prank.

On the right was her son Jon, walking hurriedly towards Karyn's house. It was a bit amusing to see Jon worrying so much about where the stone had gone, but it was easily remedied. "I wish Jon would forget about the stone until I decide to let him remember," Linda said and with a flash of white, Jon was suddenly walking at a much more normal pace, the panicked expression disappearing from his face. If only he'd build up the moxie to actually ask the girl out, Linda thought with a pout, as Jon approached Karyn's house. She loved her eldest but he could be so careful sometimes. Linda thought he could do with a dose of confidence or even a bit of recklessness. Then again, she thought as she considered the ratty old tee shirt Jon was wearing, he might want to learn to dress a little better before going to spend time with his crush.

The other monitor showed the condo of Ruby Drake, a junior associate at her firm that Linda had taken under her ring. Lin had started thinking of the 28 year old lawyer as a little sister like figure, and despite the around ten year age gap, the two women had become close friends since Ruby had started at their firm two years ago. Ruby was a beautiful, elegant young woman; she never dressed anything less than her best and even on the weekend, she was wearing a black silk button up, red blazer and skirt, pantyhoes, black heels and tasteful jewelry. While just puttering around the house, she looked ready to step into court, a far cry from Linda who preferred sweats and a tee shirt when she wasn't going into the office. Even without her wonderful wardrobe, Ruby was naturally a knockout, with perky C-cups, a slim waist, ample hips and legs that went for miles; if Linda didn't like Ruby so much she'd have been a little jealous. Really though, Ruby was so serious for someone her age, always focused on the job and never wanting to cut loose, despite Linda's urging.

With the stone, Linda had a way to theoretically help both her colleague and her son. After all, a few days as a sexy confident woman should give Jon some much needed insight into the fairer sex, and maybe even a burst of confidence, and getting tossed back to highschool might get Rubes to lighten up a bit. Well, that and it will be fucking hilarious, Linda thought to herself with a giggle. Picturing Jon having to act in court as Ruby, or Ruby navigating her way through Lakeview academy was highly amusing to Linda. After all, with the stone she could keep them from doing any serious damage to the other's life, and in the meantime she'd get an up close and personal view of the comedy that would result.

"I wish until I let them switch back, Jon Gibson and Ruby Drake would swap bodies, starting from tomorrow morning," Linda declared, making the stone flash white.

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