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9. Heading Towards A New Home

8. A Quick Conversation

7. Becoming the Teacher

6. Uneven Numbers

5. Swap Class

4. A New Class On The Schedule

3. The Next Morning

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Swap Class: Heading Towards a New Home

on 2023-08-01 21:01:32

1382 hits, 169 views, 5 upvotes.

Body_Swap FTM MTF SciFi

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"You're trying to get pregnant!?" Jon blurted out in surprise.

Sonia let out yet another weary sigh, "I was, but it seems you will be the one beginning that journey for me." She offered him a slight smile, "As I said, it's inconvenient timing but we'll get through it."

Jon's mind was whirling and, perhaps a bit insensitively, he asked, "Why IVF, do you have fertility problems?"

Sonia chuckled, "No, none beyond the fact that it would be rather difficult for my wife and I to conceive without outside interference."

"You're a lesbian?" Jon asked, feeling like a parrot that constantly asked questions.

"Actually I believe I'm a straight cis boy," Sonia quipped, "you on the other hand are gay and happily married to your wife of two years."

"Oh," Jon said, taking in the barrage of new information. He couldn't say he was upset at all that he wouldn't have to be married to a man for the next six months, and if anything he was growing more excited about being Sonia. "What's her name?"

"Her name is Bella Kildare, and actually I tend to go by Mrs. Kildare when I'm not at school. I only keep my maiden name for teaching to stop students from wasting time asking about her, since she's a bit of a public figure."

"Wait, Bella Kildare the author?" Jon asked. Mrs. Kildare wasn't just a writer, she was the writer of Jon's favorite book series, the Red Sun Chronicles. He also may have had some impure thoughts about the picture of the woman that accompanied the about the author pages, and now he was married to her.

Sonia smiled fondly, "yes, and if you're familiar with her work, you can see how I don't want students interrupting class to ask for spoilers. She's actually at a convention at the moment, doing publicity for the upcoming volume. She's worked so hard on it and I'm really proud of her." The former Sonia took a deep breath and refocused, "However, we've got a whole week before she gets back, and two months before you have to worry about the IVF treatments so let's take this one step at a time. Normally she'd call every night, but with timezones she'll just be texting, so I can talk you through what to respond via text. Speaking of, we should exchange numbers before we split for the evening."

Jon agreed and went over a few other key things that weren't in Sonia's book, namely the need to feed the cat she'd adopted a year ago, before it came time that 'Jon' needed to get headed home before his family worried. Before he knew it Jon was waving off his old body from his new classroom. He gathered up his new purse, a rather nice coach one, and fished out the keys to Sonia's cherry red Lambo before clacking his way out of the school. Sonia had been right, while he started unsteadily, by the time he got to the car he was feeling far more comfortable up on heels, and even enjoying the feeling of wearing them.

He couldn't help a quick giggle bubbling out of his new lips as he got into the fancy car, far nicer than his mom's old Camry, which was all he had driven previously. He dialed up home on Sonia's phone and thrummed the powerful engine to life, heading for his new home so he could decompress and try to prepare for his first proper day as Sonia Esposito-Kildare.

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