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8. guardian angel

7. Jon has a hair trigger

6. Punished with blowjob?

5. Sarah punished Jon for slut sh

4. Sarah tests some more.

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

guardian angel

on 2023-07-14 20:35:05
Episode last modified by lifesmainantagonist on 2023-07-15 01:58:55

1282 hits, 161 views, 2 upvotes.


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"Just kill me already," Jon said. "But is there anything I can say or do, that can get you to spare Karyn, or are you just going to torture your toys until they both break?"

"I... I, I don't..." Sarah stuttered.

"Could you erase her memory of the last few minutes so she's not traumatized for the rest of her life, and just make it so that I mysteriously go missing when you're done with me? I guess it depends on how much you hate us, and how much of a psycho you are. Do you just want to torture me, or do you hate Karyn too, or do you just enjoy making anyone else suffer?"

Karyn thought of saying something, but wasn't sure how to play into this game, and wasn't sure whatever she said wouldn't make it worse. But one thing was sure, it was hard for her to not seethe in hatred of Sarah, like nothing she'd ever felt before.

"I... s, I, have, sss... I'm, I can fix..." Sarah continued, abortively switching between different ideas. "I, I didn't want to... I'm not trying to..."

"You successfully stole my magic rock, congratulations, you win. Mission accomplished, you could have just left, but instead you decided to torture me, and then Karyn, is it just because I was unhappy about you stealing my rock and trash talked you? Is that the reason why just stealing the most amazing thing in the universe wasn't enough for you? I should have been bowing down and thanking you for stealing it from me? Was I not quick enough to offer to help you study? How dare I, right? I can really see why you hate me so much, all the horrible things I've done that you need to get vengeance for, I guess no good deed goes unpunished. Just finish me off, kill me and erase Karyn's memories of the last few minutes and send her home, do you really need to drag it out? Please don't hurt her any more. Do whatever you want to me, but"

"SHUT UP!" Sarah yelled. Jon did as ordered. He had to, after all. "I'm, sssss.... I'm sor, I'm, no I'm, I'm SORRY, ok!? I wish that..." Sarah remembered the rules she had read. She dreaded it wouldn't work, but it definitely wouldn't work if she didn't even try it, so it was worth a shot. "I wish your penis would grow back, with an extra 2 inches beyond what it was before." Arguably that wouldn't exactly be changing the original wish, for it to be gone and then to grow back.

Nothing happened. Shit, thought Sarah.

"You, Karyn, what did you think of what I just made you do? I order you to tell me the truth," Sarah asked.

"If I get a chance, I will stab you through the neck with a steak knife and carve you up like a pumpkin," Karyn said, trembling in rage. "If I get the rock back somehow, I will set your blood on fire like gasoline, and then I will erase you from ever having existed at all, except that I'll add a new word to the dictionary, sarahmcmillan, as a synonym for rectal cancer."

Sarah's mouth opened wordlessly as she took in the brutality of it. She had never experienced hatred like that herself. And she realized, that in earning it, she had done to someone else, for very little reason at all, something worse than anything that had ever been done to her, by far.

"And then I'll..." Karyn continued.

"YOU SHUT UP TOO!" Sarah commanded. "Ok. Karyn. I already know, Jon likes you. Are you boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"No," Karyn answered simply.

"Why not. Is it just one-sided love? What is he to you?"

Karyn didn't say anything.

"I order you to answer."

"I'm a lesbian. I'm not sexually attracted to him. But I love him. One day I was going to marry him anyway, but I was stalling, trying to be happy with the status quo, without having to move further into something that wasn't quite what I wanted."

"Wait a minute," Sarah said. She had an idea.

The next day:

"Jon, is that really you?" Karyn asked.

"Yeah," Jon said, looking away.

"How did this happen?!"

"I don't know."

Jon had spent 30 minutes that morning on the phone with Karyn, convincing her that she was Jon. Even afterwards, Karyn was still strongly suspicious she was some crazy girl that had kidnapped Jon and forced him to answer various personal questions about him.

"And no one else remembers you as you were but me," Karyn said to the extremely pretty girl who somehow looked a lot like Jon, more than either of his sisters certainly.

"So far. But that's just my own family. The worst part is, they expect me to just carry on like it's normal, I couldn't even talk to anyone about it, except you. The craziest thing is, even my state issued ID and my birth certificate changed. It's like male me never existed."

Karyn looked on in astonishment throughout the school day as everyone treated 'Jane' as if 'she' had always been that way. Her heart fluttered a bit in gym class, when they got to be in the same locker room together. Karyn couldn't help but enjoy Jon being this way, a lot more than she wanted to admit to her.

At the end of the day, Jon, now Jane, was already underway walking home. She hadn't waited for Karyn so they could walk in that direction together.

"What are you doing, why did you leave without me?" Karyn asked.

"Why, why would you even want that," Jon/Jane said, struggling to hold back tears.

"It's what we always do," Karyn answered.

"It's what Jon and Karyn do, but who is Jon, he's nothing, the world itself has forgotten him."

"I haven't forgotten you!"

"Why is that?" Jane asked.

"I don't know. Maybe, maybe it's because I love you!"

"No you don't. Nobody loves me. I don't even exist."

"I do too!"

"Yeah prove it," Jane said, calling Karyn's bluff, she didn't even love me as Jon, she thought, obviously she doesn't love me now. Calling Karyn's bluff was Jane's intent, until all of a sudden she found herself in a rough embrace with Karyn, being kissed.

Jane found herself being very aroused in her new body, as her big perky breasts squished against Karyn's, as she got wet down below, as her heart beat 180 beats per minute. Maybe, this actually wasn't bad after all, she thought.

Sarah watched all this from over a block away. She smiled, glad that this was working out kind of nicely after all.

She held up the stone and quietly said, "I wish you would repeat, the wishes I made last night, just to remind me."

A voice came from nowhere all around, a duplicate of Sarah's. "I wish I my fingernails were painted blue instead of red. I wish that when Jon returns, he will strip off all of his clothes. I wish you had to do exactly what I say for the next hour and that no matter what, you can not take the stone from me. I wish that whatever girl Jon fancies most would appear in this room and that she would have to do everything I say just like Jon does. I wish that Karyn would start giving Jon a blowjob and once he cums, his penis will change to be one inch long for each full minute that it took him to cum. I wish Jon and Karyn would lose consciousness for the next 2 minutes. I wish Jon and Karyn would forget the memories they have of the stone and their experiences with it so far. Since Jon didn't make it to a full minute and doesn't have a penis at all, I wish Jon would be a beautiful girl with nice perky breasts and a body which would be exactly to Karyn's taste and that they would become a lesbian couple and be very happy together, but that Karyn and Jon and I would all remember Jon's life as a boy and the way things were originally, and Jon and Karyn would think Jon had just mysteriously woken one morning as a girl. I wish that obstetrics science would advance and that Jon and Karyn would be able to conceive children together in 5 years, and they would each give birth to at least four children each, who would all love their two mommies."

Sarah had added that last one as something of a larf, but also because it just seemed like it was the sappy undiluted happy ending they deserved. It wasn't perfect, exactly, but it fit what she had to work with, and it surely would actually make both Jon and Karyn happier than they would have been before. It was what they needed, whether they would have wished for it themselves or not. Sarah hoped. Sarah also didn't want to screw with their heads more than necessary, not to a point that it would erase who they truly were, but wanted them to also be most equipped to transition to their new lives like this.

"I wish, that if anyone ever asks for information about previous wishes you have granted, or previous masters you have had, or the reason they can't wish for things that would contradict what I already wished for like that Jon would be a girl, that you would leave out all the wishes I have made or will make in the future or this one I'm making right now, and leave off any note that I was ever in possession of you." Sarah said to the stone. "I wish, that I would have the power to grant wishes myself without the stone, but only when I'm crossing all my fingers and both thumbs. And finally, I wish, that you would teleport to Jon's, er, what was it, Jane's, room, along with the original note from his grandfather with how to use you, and he, or, she, would just think it had only just arrived and then could go on to have adventures with you as he would have had if not for me."

Sarah held out her empty hands, as the stone disappeared. But she made sure she would have the power herself as well, if needed. She would watch over Jon and Karyn from a distance, to make sure everything went well. And as needed, Sarah would be their guardian angel. Maybe she would turn over a new leaf in general. The previous night was kind of a wakeup call.

"Sarah!" a familiar voice called after her.

"Freddy!" Sarah said, turning around, somewhat surprised that he had found her.

"I couldn't find you at lunch. Did you miss lunch? Here's what I made for you, the pastry filling is made with blackberries that I picked myself! And the tomatoes in the salad are from my own garden."

Sarah sighed as she looked at the beautiful lunch that Freddy had obviously put a lot into preparing for her.

"Freddy, would you like to go see a movie?"

"A movie? Oh, I can't do that, I need to get started on shampooing your carpet, and then there's dinner, and then I need to..."

"It can wait," Sarah said, hugging his arm close to her. In fact, she had the power to make those little chores get taken care of with magic now. She could certainly stand to treat poor Freddy a little better. "Why don't you enjoy this beautiful lunch you made, together with me? I'll bet it will be even better that way."

Freddy was very happy. Sarah was being so nice to him.

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