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Oldest episodes

Not Quite Triplets: Cerberus' First Day
Three is too crowded
OthrAuthr3Aware Hive Myth TF Twin Unaware
Stephanie is Home
Nate finds Stephanie waiting for him on Monday
ThisIsNoOne6Aware BE Culture FTF Magic Mem Size
Detention at HogwartsMrPenguin2Aware Culture MTF
A confusing daycomodo502Age Aware MTF TF
Succubus-Genie Lily: The Climactic Moment
What a Cliffhanger, right?
Matisguy4Age Aware FTF Magic Myth Pos TF Unaware
Succubus-Genie Lily: Airplane!
What could go wrong?
Matisguy3Aware BE FTF MC Magic Mem Myth Pos Size TF Unaware
Lily, the Succubish GenassiMatisguy2Aware FTF MC Magic Mem Myth TF Unaware
Maybe we could have fun together
Someone who could go with you (V2)
LimitedPower14Age Aware BE MTF Magic Size
Melissa accidentally zaps herselfMarko2243Aware
Speaking to Chloe
Follow Chloe inside
Ice8Aware MTF Magic
Fantasising About Mark
Admiring Mark
Ice7Aware MTF Magic
Feeling unwanted thoughts
Ice6Aware MTF Magic
Feeling self-critical
Taking a look at myself
Ice5Aware MTF Magic
Amelia’s Friend Chloe
Ice4Aware MTF Magic
Becoming Amelia Bennett
Amelia Bennett
Ice3Aware MTF Magic
Transform Your Girlfriend - Transform Or Dare: 1st Girlfriend Regeneration
Regeneration Like Doctor Who
ninhjimmy0075Age Aware BE Culture FTF Magic Size TF
A Familiar Familiaryuriteas3Animal Anthro Aware MTF Magic Musc
Eric experiments with his new boyfriendninhjimmy0076Aware FTM SciFi TF Unaware
From girlfriend Lisa to cross-dressing boyfriend Levi
Lisa turns into a very convincing cross-dressing boy.
ninhjimmy0075Age Aware FTM SciFi Size TF Unaware
Lisa goes first go first"
ninhjimmy0074Age Aware FTF FTM MTF MTM SciFi TF Unaware
Eric and Lisa
A 17yr old guy and his loving girlfriend
ninhjimmy0073Age Aware BE FTF FTM MTF MTM Musc SciFi TF Unaware
Take a picture of his parents
his parents
ninhjimmy0074Aware Magic Myth TF Unaware
Jake buys camera
14 yr old boy
ninhjimmy0073Aware Magic Myth TF Unaware
Photographer selfie
ninhjimmy0074Aware Magic Myth TF Unaware
The Twin bros to Twin hoes
Twin brothers to twin sisters
ninhjimmy0075Aware FTF MTF Magic Myth SciFi TF Twin Unaware
Bride's twin brother
ninhjimmy0074Aware Magic Myth TF Twin Unaware
Worst place to use such a thing
A wedding photographer needing a new camera
ninhjimmy0073Aware Magic Myth TF Unaware
Sally Getting Older
Sally's reflection ages, moving her into adulthood.
ninhjimmy0074Age Aware BE Magic Myth TF
Jewel is no longer Sally's Mother
" wouldn't be able to call me 'Mom.'"
ninhjimmy0077Age Aware BE FTF Magic Myth TF
Your MILF Girlfriend Pulls bunny card
Bunny Card
ninhjimmy0075Age Anthro Aware BE FTF Magic Size TF
TF Remote: From GF to Japanese GF
...changing her racial appearance.
ninhjimmy0077Aware FTF SciFi TF
Rick and Eliza/Emily remembers everything
He's randomly presses the awareness button off as Rick and Eli both remember everything.
ninhjimmy00714Aware FTF Magic TF
From Daughter to Twin MILF Sister
Olivia took a picture at her daughter.
ninhjimmy0079Age Aware BE FTF Magic TF Twin
Mall morphers
Emily turns Rick back, then they go to the mall to test their new powers.
ninhjimmy0077Aware FTM MTF Magic TF
Hide the camera from danger
Emily turns Rick back, they hide the device and try to forget it.
ninhjimmy0077Aware FTM MTF Magic TF
Multi-functional in the Camera
Examine the camera and figure out how to deal with this.
ninhjimmy0076Aware MTF Magic TF
Rick to Rikki
...a girl.
ninhjimmy0075Aware MTF Magic TF
Weirdest couple in Phillie
The... Philly Phanatic Mascot?
ninhjimmy0075Anthro Aware FTM Magic Size TF
Their Love Remains mostly unchanged
Still her boyfriend
ninhjimmy0077Age Aware BE FTF MTM Magic Musc Size TF
Return to Youth
a short youthful boy in his early teens
ninhjimmy0076Age Aware BE FTF MTM Magic Musc Size TF
Statuesque Stunner
A Tall Muscular Amazonian MILF
ninhjimmy0075Age Aware BE FTF Magic Musc Size TF
Camera of Changesninhjimmy0072Aware Magic TF Unaware
Final touches
Like me, like you! You feel me?
OthrAuthr11Aware NBM Part_Swap Part_Theft Stuck Twin
Sticky Noting Reality
Sticky Noting Reality (SNR)
Cktas2Aware Magic Unaware
Sally the Slutty School Girl
Later in school, everyone thinks she's a slut.
ninhjimmy00710Age Aware BE Bimbo FTF MC Magic TF Unaware
Worst day in school
A horrible day (everyone can see the changes)
ninhjimmy0075Aware BE Bimbo FTF Magic Size TF
IOC: Nanos Case 156 Resolution
Case 156 resolution
B514Aware MC MTF Musc Part_Swap SciFi Twin
IOC: Nanos Complaints Case 156: Mall Help
Nano Case 156: Mall Help
B513Aware MTF Multi Musc Part_Swap SciFi Twin
IOC: Nanos Case 121 Follow Up
Case 121 Follow Up
B512Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF SciFi
IOC: Nanos case 121 Resolution
Case 121 Resolution
B511Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF SciFi
IOC: Nano Complaints Case 121: Oversharing
Nano Case 121 - Oversharing
B510Aware MC
IOC: Nano Complaints Case 87 - Bridal Party Shenanigans
Nano Case 87 - Bridal Party Shenanigans
B56Age Aware FTF SciFi TF Twin
IOC: Nano Complaints Case 62 Resolution
Case 62 Resolution
B55Aware FTM MTF Musc Part_Swap SciFi TF
IOC: Nano Complaints Case 62 - Basic Couple
Nano Case 62 - Basic Couple
B54Aware Multi Musc Stuck TF
Warp Mirror (College): Grace Awakes, Feline Fine
Grace Awakes, Feline Fine
Perri6Anthro Aware FTM
The WonderLocket: A Letter for someone to open it.
Embody Fiction, Weilder of the WonderLocket.
N/A2Aware Magic Super TF
IOC Life Stealers: Roll Call
IOC FW: Roll CAll
B58Age Aware FTF MTF MTM SciFi
IOC Life Stealers: The Family Reunited
IOC FW: The Family Reunited
B57Age Aware Body_Swap MTF
IOC Life Stealers: Not Where He Expected to Be
IOC LS: Not Where He Expected to Be
B56Aware Body_Swap MTF TF Twin
IOC Life Stealers: Family Vacation at Smokey Valley
IOC LS: Family Vacation at Smokey Valley
B53Age Aware FTM MTF Musc TF
The Menagerie: Enter the Spider
Along Came a Spider
Perri4Animal Anthro Aware MC MTF Myth
Metamorphic Waters: The Menagerie
The Menagerie
Perri3Anthro Aware MTF Myth
Metamorphic water: A cute new animal girl
Anthony's life goes a bit nuts
Chompy6Age Anthro Aware MTF Size TF
IOC FW: New Faces
IOC Free Wardrobe: New Faces
B518Age Aware FTM MTF
The Magic Rock Brewerysimmer682Aware BE Bimbo Body_Swap FTM Herm MTF Magic


Oldest episodes

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