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Oldest episodes

Not Quite Triplets: Cerberus' First Day
Three is too crowded
OthrAuthr3Aware Hive Myth TF Twin Unaware
Harpy Tales: A strange key
Why am I a Harpy?
Chompy4MTF Myth
Succubus-Genie Lily: The Climactic Moment
What a Cliffhanger, right?
Matisguy4Age Aware FTF Magic Myth Pos TF Unaware
Succubus-Genie Lily: Airplane!
What could go wrong?
Matisguy3Aware BE FTF MC Magic Mem Myth Pos Size TF Unaware
Lily, the Succubish GenassiMatisguy2Aware FTF MC Magic Mem Myth TF Unaware
Harpy leaving the hospital
Colin's brand new life
Chompy3MTF Myth
Just a Harpy
A harpy girl is made
Chompy2MTF Myth
An interdimensional friend
Jeremy and Eliza the snake girl
How did I become a part of this?
Changes are still happening?
Chompy3MTF Myth TF
Take a picture of his parents
his parents
ninhjimmy0074Aware Magic Myth TF Unaware
Take a picture of his dog
his dog
ninhjimmy0074Animal Magic Myth TF Unaware
Jake buys camera
14 yr old boy
ninhjimmy0073Aware Magic Myth TF Unaware
Photographer selfie
ninhjimmy0074Aware Magic Myth TF Unaware
The Twin bros to Twin hoes
Twin brothers to twin sisters
ninhjimmy0075Aware FTF MTF Magic Myth SciFi TF Twin Unaware
Bride's twin brother
ninhjimmy0074Aware Magic Myth TF Twin Unaware
A picture of the bride
ninhjimmy0074Magic Myth TF
Worst place to use such a thing
A wedding photographer needing a new camera
ninhjimmy0073Aware Magic Myth TF Unaware
Sally immediately fixes her height issueninhjimmy0076Age BE FTF Magic Myth Size TF
Targeting Brains
Sally targets another area of her body with a wish.
ninhjimmy0075Age BE FTF Magic Myth Size TF
Sally tries improving her looks one wish at a time.ninhjimmy0074Magic Myth TF
Memories of a Geisha
Sexual knowledge and memories flood her brain.
ninhjimmy0078Age BE FTF Magic Myth Size TF Unaware
No School Means No Class? Not for Geisha Sally
"I wish I'd had actual geisha training instead of regular school."
ninhjimmy0077Age BE FTF Magic Myth TF Unaware
Do I Think I'm Sexy?
"I wish I looked like what I thought of as sexy."
ninhjimmy0076Age BE FTF Magic Myth Size TF Unaware
Sally Getting Older
Sally's reflection ages, moving her into adulthood.
ninhjimmy0074Age Aware BE Magic Myth TF
Exclusive perks
"...I was the only one who could use the magic."
ninhjimmy0077Age BE FTF Magic Myth TF
Sally and Jewel are now Geeky Cutie
"Geeky cute."
ninhjimmy0078Age BE FTF Magic Myth Size TF
Jewel is no longer Sally's Mother
" wouldn't be able to call me 'Mom.'"
ninhjimmy0077Age Aware BE FTF Magic Myth TF
Jewel The Slutty Schoolgirl
...she was now wearing a skimpy schoolgirl outfit.
ninhjimmy0079Age BE FTF Magic Myth TF
Younger Girl Keeps Rollin' Across My Mind
"...I looked a lot younger than this."
ninhjimmy0078Age BE FTF Magic Myth TF
The More Exotic Pair
"...we looked more exotic."
ninhjimmy0077Age BE FTF Magic Myth TF
The Natural Look
"...we looked like this naturally, with no plastic surgery or cosmetics or anything like that."
ninhjimmy0077Age BE FTF Magic Myth TF
Double coinage
They buy both.
ninhjimmy0074Magic Myth TF
Lovebirds Shopping
Jed and Paula
ninhjimmy0073Magic Myth TF
Magical Coins
Tales of Gold Coin and Silver Coin
ninhjimmy0072Magic Myth TF
Unexpected Transformations: William is transformed.
Lady Selisha the Dragon pays a visit...
Chompy10MTF Myth Unaware
Reality warpers: Why me?
An accountant to save the world?
Chompy3Myth SciFi
Reality Warpers: The world is different?
One sane man in an insane world...
Chompy2Anthro Myth Robot
Myths on Earth: New exchange student
A student from the other world joins a school
Iabet the Goddess of Fertility and Rebirth
...a Egyptian goddess.
ninhjimmy0077Age BE FTF Magic Myth Size Super TF
Strange Summoning: The CallPerri2Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Myth Size TF
Dimensional Gun: Fractured world
Adrians not a bad guy
Chompy7MTF Myth SciFi TF
Unexpected Transformations: You're a wizard Steven
Magical abiliy gained... somehow.
Chompy7Magic Myth
The Menagerie: Enter the Spider
Along Came a Spider
Perri4Animal Anthro Aware MC MTF Myth
Metamorphic Waters: The Menagerie
The Menagerie
Perri3Anthro Aware MTF Myth
Unexpected Transformations: A strange ability
If magic is real...
Chompy6Animal Anthro MTF Magic Myth TF
Body Shop: Powers?
Angel's power over Barry
Chompy17MC Myth


Oldest episodes

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