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18. IOC Free Wardrobe: New Faces

17. IOC FW: A Vacation Opportunity

16. IOC FW: The next morning

15. IOC FW: Getting Ready

14. IOC FW: The Outing

13. IOC FW: Surprises at the house

12. IOC FW: Morning Alone Time

11. IOC FW: At Home

10. IOC FW: Going Home

9. IOC FW: Reunited and it feels

8. IOC FW: Mark's new measurement

7. IOC FW: The Appointment

6. IOC FW: At the House

5. IOC FW: Meeting up with Stepha

4. IOC FW: Stephanie gets ready f

3. IOC: Free Wardrobe

2. The Institute of Change

1. The Drafting Board

IOC FW: New Faces

on 2023-03-29 17:15:27

487 hits, 52 views, 2 upvotes.

Age Aware FTM MTF

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Mark’s eyes opened and he immediately realized that he was in a different room. It was not clinical at all - full of whitewashed furniture and some very cute wallpaper. On a table was a white claw - lime - and a stack of clothes.

He took a step back and admired his new body - dark and tanned all over, with full, round breasts. He marveled at the pink nails on his hands and put his hands around his trim waist. He took a couple of gulps of the white claw as he ran his fingers through his dark hair.

He went to the mirror and smiled - this was going to be a lot of fun.

He put on the outfit that was laid out for him- a pair of tiny short shorts with a woven leather belt, impossibly tight tank top over a pink lace bra, and some white sneakers. He turned a bit to see his profile in the mirror before putting the white sunglasses on his head and walking out of the room.

As he stepped into the hall he saw a blonde young man, in the prime of his life- maybe college aged. He was wearing a white dress shirt and jeans, with a pair of leather shoes. He was marveling in the mirror at his face and enjoying the stubble that he had.

“Ohmygod Stephen!” Mark exclaimed! Running over. He jumped up and wrapped his legs and arms around the attractive male. He pulled Stephen into a kiss and let it last for some time.

He could feel the heat rising in his body as he became more aroused than he already was, and could feel his nipples begin to harden as they pressed into the firm pecs. Mark could could feel Stephanie’s penis begin to stiffen.

She broke the kiss, climbing down and stepping back.

“Wow Julia, that was… I mean you are… “ Stephanie said eyeing Mark up and down.

“Yes! I’m Juliette- your girlfriend. Didn’t you read the vacation book?” Mark said, twirling around for Stephen.

“Not really…” Stephanie said, distracted.

Mark stepped up close and they both noticed that Mark’s head barely reached Stephanie’s chin. Mark smiled and grabbed Stephanie’s hand, pulling her along and out of the hallway. They walked out of the office, with Mark bouncing excitedly. They were greeted by an attendant, who began to lead them out to their room.

“Well mr tall guy, we are a hot young college couple on spring break! We won an all expenses paid trip so we don’t have to worry about anything other than having fun and…” Mark turned made eye contact with Stephanie with a smirk . He said in a low voice “Fucking, of course.”

Stephanie immediately became completely hard. She became lost for words, opening her mouth to say something but nothing came out.

Mark jumped up and gave Stephanie a kiss on the cheek. “ Well, who would have thought that my boyfriend of a year would be speechless!”

Stephanie found some words, trying to not just be dumbfounded asked “So, like, whats our majors?”

“Who the fuck cares!” Mark said as they got to the room. The attendant welcomed them to the room and walked away, shaking their head.

Mark tackled Stephanie onto the bed, eagerly kissing her and unzipping her pants.

“Fuck yeah” Mark said as Stephanie’s dick sprang free from her pants. He licked his lips.

“Oh shit, are you…” Stephanie said as Mark took her whole dick in his mouth. She collapsed back on the bed.

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