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Oldest episodes

Little dancer
Anna's first class
h124035Age BE MTF
ZLGT - Let’s take this upstairsMightyMrJ14
Jon's new Outfit
Jon's new Outfit (1)
Nightgroll8Mem Unaware
ZLGT - Linda gives inMightyMrJ13
ZLGT - Linda’s dilemmaMightyMrJ12
To his normal home
His own Home
Nightgroll7Mem Unaware
His normal clothes! Or are They?
His usual clothes?
Nightgroll6Mem Unaware
A dotting new Aunt
a further change
h124034Age BE MTF
Kissing a Pink Beach Bunny
Jon becomes a fully kissable girl and Karyn gets to work
Allers Klar15TF
Explanations for Who is Josephine Dell?
Olivia wants answers on what happened to Joseph Dell
Allers Klar36
Josephine Finds Herself in a Very Different Station in Life
Josephine has to go the beach for her fiancee awaits
Allers Klar35TF
Swimming in Confusion
Allers Klar7Mem
Sarah is losing patienceMarazh-no13Aware Magic Stuck
ChangesMarazh-no8Aware BE MTF
Assembly dismissalMarazh-no7MTF
Next DayMarazh-no8Aware BE Bimbo FTF MC MTF Mem TF Unaware
ZLGT: Soaking Away
Soaking Away
The Guest7
Interacting with a changed family
interacting with the changed family
h124033Age BE MTF
ZLGT: Shift Change
Shift Change
The Guest9
Wild Wild West under the Wild Wild Sheets
Jon is now Josephine, a saloon girl and prostitute who has no memory of ever being Jon or being from another timeline
Allers Klar6Mem TF Unaware
Deep in the Lion's Den
Gentlemens Club Cocktail Waitress
Allers Klar5Mem TF Unaware
A Siren Calculating Her Whole Package
A siren checking herself out
Allers Klar7Myth TF
Jessica at Swim Practice
Jessica Gibson high school swimmer
Allers Klar12Mem TF Unaware
ZLGT: All Business
All Business
The Guest8
ZLGT - after dinnerMightyMrJ11
Meeting Linda
same Linda and a new Mikey
h124032Age BE MTF
ZLGT - Identity reveal and a mealMightyMrJ10
ZLGT - Groom with a viewMightyMrJ9MC
ZLGT - Zoe finds an outfitMightyMrJ8MC
ZLGT - into the closetMightyMrJ7
ZLGT - Room with a viewMightyMrJ6
ZLGT- the trip hits a snagMightyMrJ5
echoes of the past, visions of the future
out of the salon
h124031Age BE MTF
Zoe and Linda’s girls tripMightyMrJ4
Jess goes homeMelanie Dupont19
Jess attacks Jen
Jess attacks
Melanie Dupont18
We learn by listening.
We cannot look inward at others' minds.
AnonyMouse26MC MTF Magic Unaware
Jess has it wrongMelanie Dupont17
Mall makeover
a visit to the salon
h124030Age BE MTF
The Groundhog StoneMorphoHex3
The Workmen: Bonding with Zoe
Bonding with Zoe
The Guest20
New Neighbors: What Dog?
What Dog?
The Guest12
Jess keeps pretendingMelanie Dupont16
Going out for lunchMelanie Dupont15
Karyn doesn’t knowMelanie Dupont14
Jess texts KarynMelanie Dupont13
Jess explores her new homeMelanie Dupont12
Going homeMelanie Dupont11MTF
Jumping into actionMelanie Dupont10MTF
Jennifer forgets about the stoneMelanie Dupont9
Jessica is friends with KarynMelanie Dupont8MTF
Jessica is not in control
It doesn't work
Melanie Dupont7
Plotting revengeMelanie Dupont6MTF
(Aside: Sonnet Side Up)
(Apropos of nothing, a sonnet!)
nothingsp10MTF TF
Jess goes to her new roomMelanie Dupont5MTF
New Roles 2Melanie Dupont4MTF
out of the frying pan..
out of school, but off to the mall
h124029Age BE MTF
At the mallMysterymistress774
The Fusion DeviceMysterymistress773
CS: Tiffany's Guests Fall in Line
Tiffany's Guests Fall in Line
Ms. Cork27MC Magic
Knocked out and a uncomfortable awakening
waking up after being knocked out
h124028Age BE MTF
A blade that is never sharpened eventually cannot cut.
If you mean to use a blade in the future, tend to it now.
AnonyMouse25MC MTF Magic Unaware
The Role swapper 2.0Mysterymistress773
Off to SchoolMysterymistress779
Royal Mistake: Sisterly Teasing
If that's Athena, then where's Zoe?
Matisguy14MC MTF Magic Mem Stuck
Michelle and Trevor: Something in Common
An accidental wish
The Workmen: Cover Story
Cover Story
The Guest19
Royal Mistake: Athena's having a grand old time
Where did Athena run off to?
Enjeubleu 13Aware MC Myth
Royal Mistake: Family meeting, round 2
Pretty soon, as it turns out
Enjeubleu 12Magic Stuck
The Workmen: Zoe Black
Zoe Black
The Guest18
The Workmen: Uh-oh
The Guest17
The Workmen: New Sister...Now New Mom
New Sister...Now New Mom
The Guest16
New Neighbors: Stacy Gibson
Stacy Gibson
The Guest8
cheerleader tryouts
starting cheerleading tryouts
h124027Age BE MTF
Linda's New OutfitThe Guest8
Farm: Madison Grows a Conscience
Madison Grows a Conscience
The Guest24
Royal Mistake: Jon wakes up the next morning
Jon wakes up the next day
Enjeubleu 11MTF Myth Stuck Unaware
Familiar-ized: Sarah's Zoe and Mikey Personality Portions Come Out
Sarah Has a Combination of Jon, Zoe, and Mikey's Personalities
Anonymous517TF Unaware
Familiar-ized: Sarah Wakes Up Again?
There's More Than One Sarah
Anonymous517Age TF Twin Unaware
school begins
school starts
h124026Age BE MTF
New Neighbors: Gonna Need a New Mommy
Gonna Need a New Mommy
The Guest11
New Neighbors: Play Along
Play Along
The Guest20
New Neighbors: Trapped
The Guest8
Mrs. Athena Claus: Athena is Forced to Act Like Mrs. Claus
Athena is Forced to Act Like Mrs. Claus
Anonymous5116Age Body_Swap Magic
Mrs. Jon Claus: Jon Finds a Room to Hide In
Jon Finds a Room to Hide In
Anonymous5116Magic Mem
Mrs. Jon Claus: Karyn Doesn't Want to Lose Martha
Karyn Uses the Stone on Martha
Anonymous5117MTF Magic
Gothic Santa: 16-Year Old Non-Goth Jack Has 12-Year Old Goth Jon's Memories
16-Year Old Non-Goth Jack Has 12-Year Old Goth Jon's Memories
Anonymous5119Age Magic Mem
Santa Karyn: When He's Mrs. Claus, She Forgets Being Jon
Santa Karyn Manipulates Jon's Memories, When He's Mrs. Claus
Anonymous5118MTF Magic Mem
Jon is Gay For Santa
The Wish Makes Jon Gay For Santa
Evil Santa vs. Good Santa: Jon Was the One Who Ended Communications
Jon Was the One Who Ended Communications
Athena Realizes That Santa is RealAnonymous5117Magic
Karyn Asks Zoe If She Inherited the Wishing StoneAnonymous5123Mem
Who Has the Wishing Stone?
Someone Else Finds the Stone
Jon Takes Athena's Crystal BallAnonymous5111Magic
Karyn, Make a Wish!
Santa Tells Karyn to Make a Wish to Get Them Away From the Valkyries
new school, new friends, new problems
Arriving att school
h124025Age BE MTF
Zoe and Amber go to Class
Zoe and Amber's Class
Mac00614Mem Unaware
Jon is immune
Then, there is Jon
"Dressing the part part 2
Zoe gets ready
h124024Age BE MTF
Kyla Leeson wants to improve her look
Meanwhile, Kyla...
Mac00612Mem Unaware

1 2 3 4 ... 498

Oldest episodes

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