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Oldest episodes

Tap Out - Linda and KarynMightyMrJ10Age FTM Part_Swap
GRR: Unfamiliar Territory
Back to Gwen
GRR: Eau de Dance
Time for dance
DMU-122: A Dog and His Human
A Dog and His Human
The Guest147
Karmic Family Swap: Susan
The Guest19
Freaked Out Friday: The Family
The Family
The Guest11
DMU-122: Robert Breaks Down
Robert Breaks Down
The Guest146MTF
Freaked Out Friday: A Long Two Weeks
A Long Two Weeks
The Guest10
Sarah's BDE: Sarah Gets to Work
Sarah Gets to Work
Ms. Cork14FTM MC MTF
Sarah's BDE: Straightening Them Out
Straightening Them Out
Ms. Cork13FTM MC MTF
Her Shoes: Role Reversal
Mikey doesn't want to play alone
Sarah's BDE: Marching Into That Locker Room
Marching Into That Locker Room
Ms. Cork12FTM MC MTF
Sarah's BDE: Morning Periods
Morning Periods
Ms. Cork11FTM MC
Jon’s dayMightyMrJ9MTF
Jon goes shoppingMightyMrJ8MTF
The Workmen: Tina Has a Change of Plans
Tina Has a Change Of Plans
The Guest109
Freaked Out Friday: Mom
The Guest9
DMU-122: Breakfast at the McMillans
Breakfast at the McMillans
The Guest145
The Random Proximity StoneChristine L.4
Sarah's BDE: Draining Jon
Draining Jon
Ms. Cork10FTM MC
Freaked Out Friday: Not Gonna Happen
Not Gonna Happen
The Guest8
DMU-122: That's A Monday Problem
That's a Monday Problem
The Guest144
Costume Shop: After School Jon and Karyn go to the mall.
Jon and Karyn
Paula Clark5TF
Chick for a Dick: First Morning as a Chick
Wakey wakey, Jen
ekempo5000168Aware FTP Herm Inanimate ML MTF
DMU-122: They Grow Up So Fast
They Grow Up So Fast
The Guest143
Freaked Out FridayThe Guest7
Her Shoes: Tall Tale
Earlier the same day...
Kiss continuedOJ00911Part_Swap
How is This Normal?The Guest6
Rough Seas in the HallwayThe Guest5
Linda Has Had EnoughThe Guest4
DMU-122: Cursive is the Least Weird Thing
Cursive is the Least Weird Thing
The Guest142
Jonnie's Alpha B Week: Amber's perspective
Amber overheard Jonnie's wish
Christine L.8FTM
Teleportation Stone: A shortcut?
Jon attempts to speed things up, only to find himself teleported
Christine L.4
DMU-122: Jon Starts the Day
Jon Starts the Day
The Guest141
DMU-122: That Never Happened
That Never Happened
The Guest140
Game OverMs. Cork12MC MTF Mem
Yoga LessonMs. Cork11MC MTF
Jon Makes Karyn's WishMs. Cork10MC MTF
Locker RoomsMs. Cork9MC MTF Mem Twin
Lunch and KarynMs. Cork8MC MTF Mem
Fitting Problems: Missing Clothes
Missing Clothes
Marazh-no8Aware MTF
First Period with Jon's New AnatomyMs. Cork7FTM MC
Victoria: Ted Investigates
Ted Investigates
Marazh-no9Aware BE Bimbo MC Mem TF Unaware
Back to Reality (mostly)Ms. Cork6MC MTF Mem
Sarah Leads Jon AwayMs. Cork5MC MTF Twin
DMU-122: More People Start the Day
More People Start the Day
The Guest139
Sarah Bides Her Time Until the MorningMs. Cork4MC Mem
Chick for a Dick: Chick is Cock
Karyn wakes up first
ekempo5000167Aware FTP Inanimate MTF Mem
The McMillan Triplets: The Second Devries
The Second Devries
Gooose21Age Aware FTF Magic Mem Unaware
Suddenly Sarah: Necessary Conversations
Necessary Conversations
Gooose26Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Mem Stuck
Tap Out : Linda’s MorningMightyMrJ7Aware FTM MTF
Tap Out - Jon gets dressedMightyMrJ6Aware MTF
Tapping OutMightyMrJ5Aware FTM MTF
DMU-122: Day 4 Begins
Day 4 Begins
The Guest138
Family Swap: Zoe Needs A Ride
Zoe needs a ride
Nobody1494Aware Mem
Jon’s Mom has had enoughMightyMrJ4
DMU - EpilogueMightyMrJ146Age FTF FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU-122: Examination
The Guest137
DMU-122: Movie Night
Movie Night
The Guest136
The Workmen: Athena Unleashes the Demon McMillan
Athena Unleashes the Demon McMillan
The Guest33
The New Dynamic: Zoe Runs into Karyn
Zoe Runs into Karyn
The Guest8
The New Dynamic: Someone Else Made the Wish
Someone Else Made the Wish
The Guest8
DMU-122: Talking it Out
Talking It Out
The Guest135
DMU - Kim heads homeMightyMrJ145Age MTF Part_Swap
Barb's Family Swap: Apologize
The Guest7
The Workmen: Michelle's First Class
Michelle's First Class
The Guest108
DMU-122: Pickup
The Guest134
The New Dynamic: Karyn
The Guest7
The New Dynamic: Wishes Can't Be Reversed
Wishes Can't Be Reversed
The Guest7
DMU - Kim’s Eventful afternoonMightyMrJ144Age FTM MTF Part_Swap
Mandatory Milf: Karyn Dominates the Competition
Karyn takes an early lead
Fungi & Flowers10BE FTF MTF TF
Chick for a Dick: Freaky Friday Night
Random wishes on a Friday night...
ekempo5000166Age Conjoin FTP Hive Inanimate Musc Myth Size TF Twin Unaware
Zoe's Mom: Mano a Mom-o
Zoe Defense Force To Arms!
MaryMary20Age BE MTF
Karmic Family Swap: New Mom
New Mom
The Guest18
The New Dynamic: Mother and Daughter
Mother and Daughter
The Guest6Age Unaware
DMU-122: Wonderful Afternoon
Wonderful Afternoon
The Guest133
Family Swap: Jon's Night Ends
Jon's Night Ends
The Guest25
The Workmen: Meet the Gutfreunds
Meet the Gutfreunds
The Guest107Age Unaware
The Workmen: Michelle's First Day
Michelle's First Day
The Guest106
The Workmen: The Gutfreund Family
The Gutfreund Family
The Workmen: Maturity
The Guest104
Her Shoes: Alluring ASSets
Big Butt Jon
The Workmen: Melissa Madison
Melissa Madison
The Guest103
Sarah and the Workmen: The Other Madisons
The Other Madisons
The Guest11
Barb's Family Swap: More Questions than Answers
More Questions than Answers
The Guest14Age Aware Unaware
The Workmen: Unlikely Connection
Unlikely Connection
The Guest102
The New Dynamic: Two Brothers
Two Brothers
The Guest5
The Workmen: Impact
The Guest101
After School Activities: Objections and nitpicks from the team picks
The candidates have nits to pick with this
Christine L.18
The Workmen: Female Friends
Female Friends
The Guest100
Her Shoes: Cleaning Conundrum
Linda is home and the house is a mess
Her Shoes: Messy Mayhem
Jon keeps searching for the stone
Family replacement
remembers the new reality
The Workmen: Moms’ Home
Moms’ Home
Suddenly Sarah: Bethany's Very Confusing Day
Bethany's Very Confusing Day
Gooose25Age Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck
The New DynamicThe Guest4Age Unaware
Jonnie's Alpha B Week: Meet Seth and Nick
Jonnie wishes her two enemies into boys
Christine L.7FTM Unaware
Jonnie's Alpha B Week: Sarah and Nicole's plot, and Jonnie eavesdrops
Sarah and Nicole have a private discussion, and Jonnie eavesdrops
Christine L.6
Jonnie's Alpha B Week: Day One Cafeteria Confrontation
Jonnie and Sarah's cafeteria confrontation
Christine L.5

1 ... 2 3 4 5 6 ... 499

Oldest episodes

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