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13. Snatching a Skill

12. Ruminations

11. Meet the Goodfellows

10. Making Themselves at Home

9. Mischief in the Making

8. Robyn the Fairy Princess

7. Don't Try Keeping Secrets From

6. The Fairy King

5. Jon stops by the Lake Point Ma

4. Meet 40 year old Jon

3. Jon wishes the stone to his fu

2. Jon tries to get some sleep

1. You Are What You Wish

Fairy Adoption: Snatching A Skill

on 2024-09-01 00:34:01

718 hits, 122 views, 5 upvotes.

Age Aware BE FTF MC MTF Magic Myth TF Unaware

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Robyn found her mum in the Duncans', or formerly the Duncans', ginormous living room, layed out on the couch watching a reality show of some sort while Rachel refilled her glass of wine. The sight of the gorgeous fairy queen in human guise brought up mixed feelings for her. Logically she knew she should be afraid of the magical being, and upset that she had taken so much of Mrs. Duncan's identity from her, but instinctively she got a warm fuzzy feeling at the sight of her new mum and thought that it was only appropriate for a human to serve a fairy.

"Oh, Moondrop!" Titania called, lighting up at the sight of her, "come sit with mummy. We're watching something called Teevee and its actually not half bad."

Robyn rolled her eyes, very much like the teen girl she now was, "I know what television is, mother. I had some questions I wanted to ask you." Still, she did sit down on the couch with Titania and didn't protest when the older woman sat up and put her arm around Robyn, pulling her daughter in to lean against her. Sweet Pixie Dust, her boobs are pillowy! Are mine that...

Titania pursed her lips momentarily, "I thought we'd come to an understanding about the Duncans, sweet flower."

Robyn fiddled with the hem of the shirt that used to be Skylars, "no, as long as we give them back eventually, I guess I'm fine borrowing from them. I mean, I'm totally cute in this outfit right?" She'd had a quick peek in Skylar's closet, and despite living 40 years of life as a relatively fashion blind man, she had gotten a little excited about trying on some of the things she saw. Her new natural vanity was having a heavy effect on her and influencing her to quickly accept her new form because it was undeniably more beautiful.

Titania smiled with glee at her kid finally starting to get it. "You do! That wardrobe will be much better off with you," she ran a hand down the scarlet yoga pants painted over her phenomenal thighs, "just like my new one will be with me."

"Right, so I look the part of a human teen now," Robyn explained, "and you magicked all the stuff in the room to belong to me, but I guess I'm worried or confused about some of it. Like, you made all those tennis trophies have my name on them, but I'm not a good tennis player. What happens when someone sees those and challenges me to a game?"

"A very astute question, little sprite," Titania said, booping Robyn's noise. The short answer was Robyn's new body was superior to a humans in a lot of ways and would probably let her win anyway, but the mother decided to make this into a learning opportunity for her youngest daughter. Oberon was taking his sweet time dealing with Jay's money people, and she decided to get their little one acquainted with the little tricks that helped when playing amongst the humans. "Why don't you call your maid over and I'll show you what to do."

The younger fairy looked over to where Skylar was waiting deferentially at the side of the room and said, "um, Skylar, could you come over here?"

"At once mistress," Skylar replied, no sign of the slightly proud personality she'd had before the fairies bombed into her world.

Titania put her hands on her daughter's shoulders and pointed the girl towards the one who's role she'd usurped. "Now, I know it's very silly to be jealous of a human, but occasionally they'll have little shiny baubles that would be so much better off with us. Why, I encountered an opera singer back in the 15th century who was entirely wasting her wonderful voice singing for a few hundred humans at a time," Titania explained in the beautiful soprano she'd taken for her own voice all those centuries ago. "Now, I want you to stare into this girl's eyes and think about her tennis skill."

"Think about her tennis skill..." Robyn muttered picturing Skylar sending the ball sailing across the net, slamming a serve, and just narrowly catching a return. She'd hardly ever played in her life as Jon, but working as a low level administrator in the Athletics department of Ivy University meant she had spectated most major sports at least a few times. She didn't know the specifics, but she kind of knew what good tennis playing looked like.

"Right," Titania said, "now picture all that skill, knowledge and ability condensing into a little ball, like a golden orb that holds and symbolizes every piece of Skylar's athletic talent."

Robyn surprisingly felt she could almost literally see the ball as she imagined it, floating in air next to Skylar, who stood there passively. Then she realized she could see the orb, lazily orbiting the other girl's head. "I, uh, I see the orb. What do I do now?"

"You take it," Titania commanded, "you pull it into yourself and make it yours."

Instinctively Robyn just pulled and the orb stretched further and further from Skylar, tension building, until suddenly something seemed to snap into place and the orb was orbiting Robyn instead. And suddenly she knew everything about tennis, could feel her muscles tense and then relax as new reflexes entered them and had a sudden desire to get down to the court to try it out.

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