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20. Suddenly Sarah: Bethany Black

19. Riding High

18. Who Wears the Short Shorts

17. Like a Slap to the Face

16. Sarah's Morning

15. Morning Prep

14. Schemes Within Schemes

13. A Very Supportive Squad

12. Karyn Hangs with "Jon"

11. The Next Morning

10. Meet the Parents

9. Figuring out the Curriculum

8. Karyn Makes Some Corrections

7. A Slight Miscalculation

6. Karyn's Place

5. Getting Ready

4. A New Reflection

3. Karyn (Alt)

2. The stone is gone

1. You Are What You Wish

Suddenly Sarah: Bethany Black

on 2024-08-27 21:43:28

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BE Magic Mem Unaware

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Bethany Black was a bit worried about her daughter. She trusted Karyn to make good choices, but over the last handful of days the girl had either been spending time with Sarah McMillan, a bully she'd sworn up and down she hated, or glued to her phone. It wasn't that Beth didn't want to see Karyn bury the hatchet with her old nemesis, just that it seemed a very fast turn around from despising one another to giggling in Karyn's room. Add to that Jon Gibson acting all stand offish and nothing like the boy's usual affable self when he'd come by over the weekend, and it made her worry something not on the level was going on under her nose.

Maybe all that anger towards Sarah was cover for something Bethany mused to herself as she grabbed the laundry basket from the shelf above the dryer. She'd long suspected, known really, that her daughter was gay and was prepared to be fully supportive once Karyn felt confident enough to come out. It helped that Bethany herself was bisexual, even if she hadn't dated anyone of either gender in a couple of years, finding the dating pool of attractive, mature, employed adults willing to date someone with a kid in Lakeview to be painfully shallow. If Karyn and Sarah are going the enemies to lovers route she mused to herself, your agitation could be just because you're a little jealous.

The idea had a certain appeal to the red-haired (she found it endearing that her naturally blonde daughter dyed her hair to have a matching shade) woman, who was an author of romance novels by occupation. Under the pen name Silver Von Ostia she'd penned dozens of highly popular romance books, that only occasionally bordered on smut. She wasn't ashamed of it, but considering how kids could be and Karyn's age, she kept her professional and personal identities sufficiently separate.

Stopping by her bedroom to load the basket, she hummed to herself, before frowning slightly at a green sundress. It was one of her favorites, but it looked like it was starting to fray in a few spots. I really could use a wardrobe refresh, maybe Karyn will want to go shopping together this weekend. Bethany had long tried to interest her daughter in her own love of fashion, or to at least get her to wear something slightly nicer than her favorite ratty old jumper. She'd nearly gaped in surprise when the girl had come down the stairs that morning wearing a very nice fitted sweater, and hoped it was a sign of another change in her daughter to go along with her new found 'friendship' with Sarah.

She caught sight of herself in her mirror and slightly readjusted her locket necklace with one hand before smirking in slight satisfaction. She was only 34, having gotten pregnant with Karyn after an ill advised one night stand while still in high school, and was pretty proud to have kept her figure. She knew she was rather attractive, even if she wasn't a model, and took pride in her appearance, especially on a day like this when the low cut surplice necked blue blouse she'd chosen showed off her impressive rack.

(What she didn't know, was that she too had been affected by the reality rippling magic of the stone, and hadn't been so well endowed a few days ago. She'd had a more modest B cup before Karyn's wish to have a bust to match Sarah's had the backwards affect of giving Bethany a bust of approximate size for Karyn to have inherited. She was just lucky she didn't end up blonde as well, that part of the wish hitting Karyn's long vanished bio dad who the girl had never met.)

Slowly opening her daughter's door after softly knocking and getting no response, she discovered Karyn sprawled out asleep on her bed, evidently having fallen asleep quite early and without changing out of her clothes from school. The thing that drew her attention though, was the weird looking rock Karyn was holding. "If she rolls over on top of that she's going to wake up with bruise in her back," Bethany muttered as she picked up Karyn's laundry from where the girl had set it in her hamper. While she was worried about Karyn, she couldn't deny her daughter seemed happy the last two days, and had a smile on her face even while she slept. She could only hope Sarah was being genuine with Karyn, and that her kid wasn't getting led on as some sort of cruel prank. On the other hand, if it was real, maybe finding her first girlfriend would give Karyn the confidence boost she sometimes felt the girl needed.

Setting the laundry basket on the ground momentarily, she plucked the stone from Karyn's hand. She wasn't going far from it, just moving to set it on top of Karyn's dresser before returning to finish her last chore before relaxing for the night. However, either by some insane cosmic chance, or an unknown guiding hand, in that brief period the stone was in her grasp, she yawned, momentarily closing her eyes as she did so, and muttered "I wish whatever is happening for Karyn's love life could happen for mine," missing the flash of the stone and putting it down, none the wiser to what she'd set into motion, or how the stone would immediately set about granting that unintentional wish.

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