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10. Karyn takes an early lead

9. Making things more interesting

8. Keeping himself busy

7. Defining Expectations

6. Looking good

5. The next phase

4. Jon makes a woman out of himse

3. Home alone 2

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Mandatory Milf: Karyn Dominates the Competition

on 2024-09-30 14:48:16

840 hits, 116 views, 6 upvotes.


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“I wish… hmmm…” Jon wondered if she could see his anxiety, and was drawing this wish out to rub it in. She stood, putting her finger to her lips in thought while she contemplated her appearance in the mirror that was new to Jon’s room. He would have thought she’d have trouble moving around with her new bulk, but she moved effortlessly, gracefully. Her toned muscles and guidance from the clothes worked together to let her move around with an ease that he wouldn't have expected given her prodigious bust and rear. It even further emphasized how restricted and slow he felt in his own body, where every movement was a fight against or a submission to the clothes he'd wished upon himself.

“Okay, I think I’ve got it. I wish that people around us gave our bodies lots of attention, and weren’t afraid to show it.” Karyn loomed over him in his chair, not bothering to hide her condescension. “That’s how I’m going to win this. You don’t have any experience being a girl, and there’s no way you’ll be able to handle even the basic stuff in a body like that. I bet after just a couple of dickheads start- OW!” She frowned, looking back over her shoulder at her rear. “After a few young men give you some… appreciation, you’ll fold. These clothes are going to take a while to get used to.”

Jon was floored at how well this was going. This situation, right at the intersection of his competitiveness, arousal, and bad decision making, could go wrong in all sorts of wonderful ways. He couldn’t help but egg Karyn on.

“Is that it? I’ll just stay home. You wasted a whole wish on something I can easily avoid.”

Karyn frowned in annoyance. “Oh, no you won’t. I wish we both had to spend most of each day outside of the house, around other people.”

“Hey, that’s not fair! That’s two wishes!” Jon whined in protest. He swallowed as Karyn put her hands on her hips, bending over slightly to emphasize the height difference between them.

“Get real, Jon. It was obviously just a second part to my wish, one that I only had to add because you were trying to weasel out of our agreement.” She raised her eyebrows and bent even further forward, her enormous breasts adding to the feeling of smallness Jon was mired in, despite his own sizable pair. She was already feeling comfortable leveraging her intimidating body against her friend. “You’re not going to spend this whole bet just trying to angle shoot your way out of it, are you?”

“N-” His voice caught in his throat as the stone twitched in her hand. She knew exactly what she was doing, and it was hot.

“No, I’m not.” His voice was forced and weak, but he managed to get the words out.

“Good! I’m proud of you.” On the old Karyn, that would have come out as happy chirping, but in her new, perfectly aged body, it was closer to honeyed satisfaction that dripped from her large lips. “But, you’re not completely wrong. We should set up some ground rules, to help keep things fair and make sure we don’t accidentally throw a wrench in things. I wish that, until one of us chickens out and gives up, we could only make wishes that affect us both. I also wish that every wish we made had to relate to this game until it was over. Anything else?”

“Umm… Should we wish to have to take turns?” Jon offered.

“Oh, so you don’t trust me?” Her tone turned dark, and her eyebrows took on an accusing shape, the same as he’d seen so many times on any number of matronly figures in his life who wanted to suggest he was on the precipice of some misdeed worthy of scolding, or worse. Their bodies were ostensibly the same age, so how was she so easily able to make him feel like he was nothing but a horny teenager itching for a punishment? He'd apparently given her a weapon of a body, something she could wield to get what she wanted. In contrast, he felt trapped in his new form, his huge assets making him weak and vulnerable, and now thanks to Karyn's wish, drawing all sorts of attention he didn't think he could handle. He was off to a very bad start in this game.

Exactly like he wanted it.

“No! I trust you!” He blurted out too eagerly.

“Good.” She shifted right back to the cheery tones of someone having an innocently good time. “I think between the two of us, I’m less likely to take advantage of things than you are. But as a show of good faith, here. Take your turn.” She tossed the stone towards Jon is a perfect arc that anyone with even a shred of motor coordination could catch. So, of course, Jon in his new body was too slow to catch it, and it bounced off his knuckles onto the floor. He sighed before wiggling his body out of his desk chair and then bending at the waist to pick it up, while Karyn continued to casually examine her new form, completely unworried about whatever Jon might wish up.

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