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6. Jenni's Dream Girl

5. Jon fixes this?

4. Jon (As a Girl) and Biff

3. Biff

2. Jon Wants to Date Karyn

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's Dating Blunder: Jenni's Dream Girl

on 2024-08-21 21:06:09

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When Jon made his first accidental wish, it didn't just turn him into a girl. It turned him into the type of girl that Biff would want to date and even more than that, a girl he'd want to date even more than queen bee Sarah, who he had been dating moments ago before reality got bludgeoned with a magical whammy. Jon, now Jenni, didn't know any of the details of her new life due to the fact that as the wisher she remembered the original world, but from her body to her hobbies she was basically precision designed to drive Biff crazy.

To start with Jenni was an absolute smoke show with a nearly perfect pair of perky breasts. Biff had always been a boob man. She was trim without an ounce of extra fat, but had an ass you could grab and powerful thighs that could crack rocks. Long thick dirty blonde hair spilled all the way down her back and sat just above her rear, and a soft golden tan completed the sun kissed look. Pouty kissable lips and big green eyes had appeared on a sexy face, while her height had dropped down to 5'3 since Biff always liked to be at least six inches taller than his girl friends.

The body was only the start though, and she could see she was dressed in a way that indicated the kind of girl she might be supposed to be. A skimpy pink spaghetti strap crop top hugged her newly sprouted melons and showed off the six pack she was now sporting along with the diamond in her pierced belly button. Biff had always thought belly button piercings were hot but Sarah hadn't been into the idea of getting one. For pants she wore a pair of black yoga shorts that seemed to be literally molded to her new body. She was barefoot, showing off the ruby red toe nails that matched her newly painted fingers. Finally she was wearing both jewelry and makeup. A golden necklace with the word 'Buffy's' hanging on the chain nestled between her breasts, and she seemed to have at least three piercings in each ear, two in the lobes and one higher up, two small gold hoops in each lobe and a diamond stud in the top piercing.

Around the room were hints of the life of Biff's ideal woman. There was a small junkshop's worth of trophy's littered around, all for sports. Biff had always rolled his eyes when Sarah insisted cheer leading was a real sport, even if he liked ogling her in her uniform. Jenni was instead apparently an athlete he could respect, participating in several sports but focusing in volleyball if the two state champions trophies were anything to go by. There was memorabilia for the Seattle Seahawks, Biff's favorite team, a dirtbike helmet sitting in the corner, a walk in closet that hadn't been there before full of revealing outfits, and not a book in sight, Jon's old bookshelf vanishing when the room transformed in a flash.

In short the wish had made Jon into a perfect sexpot, into all the same things Biff was into but entirely feminine, more adventurous than Sarah, and according to the memories of everyone else in the world, utterly devoted to Biff, unlike his pushy sometimes bratty girlfriend in the original reality.

Of course, this new reality of Jenni as Biff's loving perfect girlfriend barely had a few seconds to subtle before the newly minted bombshell made another wish. This time it would be Biff turning into her ideal woman, and in a flash the confused boyfriend was replaced with exactly that.

Where Biff had stood was another gorgeous girl, this one with long fiery red hair flowing wild over her shoulders. Freckles dusted a set of cute dimples on pale skin, and clear blue eyes blinked in surprise through a pair of dark rimmed reading glasses. She wasn't as well endowed as Jenni, but she was decently stacked by normal standards with either a b or a c cup, Jenni couldn't immediately tell. She wore a black fitted vintage Star Wars tee, and a pair of tight jeans that emphasized her long sculpted legs. A pair of heeled wedged sandals boosted her already impressive height for a girl of 6'0, Jon had always liked tall girls, and a crop leather jacket hugged the girl's shoulders while a red flannel sat tied around her waist. Around her neck was a choker with a pendant of the triforce from the Legend of Zelda on a black ribbon, and the celtic knot ring on her finger looked suspiciously like the one Jon had chickened out of giving Karyn on her last birthday.

Jenni didn't have as many clues to work with since they weren't in the new Buffy's no doubt transformed room, but it wasn't hard to figure out the former jock had just turned into her dream hot nerd girl. She'd be totally into video games, smart but not a know it all, super sexy but with a girl next door somehow doesn't know she's hot veneer on top, and everything else Jon, now Jenni, would look for in a girlfriend. As far as the world now knew, that's exactly who Buffy was, Jon's best friend and ideal woman all rolled up into one, a massive geek but cool enough that nobody gave her shit for it, and super low-maintenance.

Of course, she didn't remember that. The person now inhabiting Buffy's skin and staring around in shock remembered being Biff Meadows. She'd been in the room when Jenni made the second wish, but not the first, so, with an alto voice she nearly shrieked "JENNI, WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!?!?"

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