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30. The two prepare for David as b

29. The Important Things in Life

28. Further Down and Further Out

27. With Friends like These...

26. Using a Loophole

25. Impossible to Ignore

24. And He Sinks Deeper into His O

23. forsure

22. "I've Been a Bad Girl..."

21. That's one way to get efficien

20. *Loud Horny Noises*

19. A safety valve

18. It Comes to Mind

17. A retrospective

16. A Big-Ass Problem

15. Timing is Key

14. A Litle Nippy in Here

13. Vocal Support

12. Self Care

11. David's Asent

Mandaory Milf II: Expecting Some Family Time

on 2024-07-26 16:22:35

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Jon, of course, realized as he was saying it that it was a terrible idea. Karyn would only hurt him with the stone, she couldn’t do anything to help him. Of course, that was right-he’d wished to say the first thing on his mind so that people would think he was stupid. Well, it worked.

“God, you’re such a dumbass, but if you insist." Karyn cleared her throat. "I wish I was wearing dry clothes and that David was just here to lay out his very strict ground rules before leaving you completely unsatisfied.” Jon looked back at the newly dressed Karyn in dismay.

“You are so good to me, making David the enforcer of this house. A slut like me should be pleasing a man, not putting on clothes like I asked foooommmMMMMMOOOooooo” He tried to silence the farm animal sound as quickly as he could, to focus on anything besides the absolute need growing between his legs. He’d wished that he could only get off when David was ‘helping’ him, and any hesitation he might have had about losing his vag-inity to his giant of a husband had been completely eclipsed by the hope that he would finally get some kind of relief. But now, he wouldn’t even have that satisfaction.

“Okay, so that apparently didn’t count as helping your fat ass out. ” Karyn calmly reasoned while Jon’s face contorted in his lusty moo. “I guess the stone figures keeping you pent up like the horny milf you are is more hurtful than giving us a little more time away from David to figure this whole thing out.”

“But what about the stone?” Jon panted, trying to quickly get out his point before David made it inside. “Earlier I wished that he would use it to… uhh…” Shyness kicked in at the thought that he was talking with a girl barely over half his age about his sex life. Wait, no, they were the same age! “...punish me. He’s going to want it for himself.”

“Wow, you wished all this,” she gestured at his body, “on yourself and you still weren’t satisfied? ” She thought for a brief moment. “Okay, let’s try this. I wish you had a copy of the stone that could only grant wishes to punish you, and that you’d hand it over to David for safekeeping when he came through the door.

Jon felt a weight in his hand, and he lifted it up to reveal a stone that looked identical to the original. And as soon as he laid his eyes on it, his watch beeped.

It was now 6:10, and he looked down at his own body in horror. What had he done to himself!? His massive, protruding nipples, his sopping wet pussy, his bulbous ass sticking out behind him… he hated everything about it! What could have ever possessed him to turn himself into… this!?

“I’m so happy that now I’m going to become the horribly horny sex toy breeding machine I deserve to be even faster now!” He shrieked in humiliation. “I can’t wait for David to make my life worse in the infinite ways I MMMMMOOOOOO-” He grabbed at his swollen, rock hard nipples, feeling nothing but pain as he was forced to mimic the animal he resembled more and more with each passing wish. What perfect timing! He’d lost the desire to make his life worse just as he’d been handed a stone that could only be used to punish himself! His plan had, in a way, worked. One small, tiny bit of luck in his ocean of self-inflicted misfortune.

But then, another urge began to grow, like an itch he needed to scratch. He wanted to make things worse for himself. No, he had to make things worse for himself! The most natural thing in the world was to make things worse for himself!

Through the needy fog that had settled into his brain, part of him realized what had happened. This new stone was identical to the original in every way, and that must have included Karyn’s wish that anyone holding it would feel compelled to tease, sexualize, play with, or shame him.

For an instant, he hoped his mooing, as humiliating as it was, would keep him from speaking. But as he managed for the first time to stop his own involuntary bovine noises, he remembered what he’d wished for just a half hour ago: ‘... that I couldn't be interrupted from making a wish by any sexual vocalizations I might make.’

Maybe his compounding need for release had worn away any resistance he might have been able to put up. Maybe it was the wish that he’d always say the first thing on his mind. Maybe even the near limitless power of the stone wasn’t enough to wipe out every trace of Jon’s need for milfy misery.

Whatever the reason, Jon felt himself giving in, and speaking despite himself.

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