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5. Cut to one of the others

4. What does she wake up to?

3. The cast

2. Disco Galaxy

1. The Drafting Board

Disco Galaxy: Player 2... And 2.1, and 2.2...

on 2024-08-11 15:11:11

307 hits, 41 views, 2 upvotes.

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Kat got distracted by the quantum powered minibar, first. It was filled with space booze, and the space booze had silly names, and the bottles were really pretty, and one of the drinks looked like it was filled with glitter, or sparkles, or something glowy but she couldn’t decide what—

Marsblast. Black Hole Bourbon. Titania’s Tipple.

“Hehe. Tipple.”

Kat remembered she was supposed to focus or something, second. This meant noticing she was in the wrong place—some sorta luxury sci-fi bedroom, with flashy chrome walls and the fluffiest king-sized bed she’s ever felt, literally hovering off the floor—and in the wrong body.

Deep breath, slowing down, finding a mirror, that all came third. Then she got distracted again, because gosh-what-a-wrong-body-to-find-yourself-in. It jiggled and everything!

There were shades of Kat in the reflection, when you tilted your head and squinted hard enough. Same big ol’ emerald eyes and Japanese features, though a whole lot more stately and beautiful compared to her original small and cute. Her face was tight, regal, and arousing, with sharp cheekbones and sharper teeth framed between cupid bow lips, an effortless come-hither gaze that whispered welcome to paradise, proceed with caution, and immaculate hair that curled well past her ass, several degrees more red and natural than her usual dyed mop.

Tall and classy. Like those Bond girls the internet was so obsessed about.
Fittingly, her body was every bit as lovely and refined as a Hollywood actress. Perfect curves, perfect legs, and perfect, giant, distracting boobs that were a tad too round and floaty to make sense. Flawless skin, showstopper hips, the kind of dainty hands and feet that people got weird over. Separately, she was super naked, and it took Kat several good moments to remember how to close her mouth.

Also. A pair of pointy, fluffy ears resting atop her head, and not one, but… Two tails, growing at the base of her spine. Both the same vibrant red as her hair, though the color tapered to shimmering silver at the tips.

Like those catgirls the internet was so obsessed about.

Kat experimentally twitched her new ears, marveling at how responsive they were. As for the tails… Well, she’d figure those out later. They waved to-and-fro on their own, but she couldn’t quite make them stop without outright grabbing them.

“Okay! So! Good news,” Kat decided. Her voice was low and sweet like candy, and it was only a little bit insane to hear her own words and cadence stuck to it. “I’m hot! And I think I like being hot! Bad news…”

Neon letters blipped before her.


“Bad news, Lori’s gonna be angry at us for pressing the button,” said the other Kat.

“What.” Kat—the first one—turned to see another naked, tall, classy Kat with cat ears and perfect curves and legs and boobs. And was their butt really that big? She could balance a drink on that!

The new Kat shrugged, smiled, and cocked a perfect hip to the side. “Hi Kat, I’m Kat! I think I started existing when you thought of the good news.”

“...But before I realized the bad news,” Kat said. “You thought of that bad news. Is that how this works?”
“I think?” Said the other Kat. Then she stopped mid-sentence, because she stopped existing mid-sentence. Or, kinda-sorta—the first and original Kat suddenly had both sets of memories.

Weird. And cool. And bad. Lori was gonna hate this.

More neon letters.

[cosmic courtesan]

“Ooh, cosmic courtesan!” She said, once again distracted.

[cosmic courtesan] SELECTED. LOADING…

Reality shuddered. Kat shuddered. And for a moment, she felt as if she didn’t quite exist anymore either, as her body meshed with all the nice, pixely colors—then she snapped back in place, all pretty and dressed up.

She looked at the mirror.
Kitty Callisto stared back, clad in luxurious, heavyweight silk that might as well have been poured over her, the way it clung to her body and pooled at her feet. A kimono, kinda. If kimonos were allowed to be ravishingly form-fitting, with necklines that plunged dangerously low and leg slits that climbed daringly high.

Holy Cow. The way it hoisted her giga-boobs was downright hypnotic.

The fabric cut a sharp negotiation between glamorous and impossible. A rich sunset tone to compliment her hair and tails, swirled with fractal cherry blossoms and soaring cranes—except, the patterns didn’t move when Kat did. They stayed in place, as if the fabric was less intricate embroidery and more window to a frozen alternate world.

The accoutrement was flattering in every way it needed to be.

Kat’s stunning, wavy hair was now weaved into a stunning, wavy half-bun, bound with a needle-sharp kanzashi and decorated with space-flowers you probably couldn't name. Her makeup? Flawless. Nails? Also flawless, and even sharper than the kanzashi. She had zouri sandals on, sleek in design and arching much higher than what was usual, encouraging an extremely… Distinct sway to her movements.

Oh, and did I mention the weapons? There were so many hidden all over Kat.

A wide grin.

“I,” Kat said. “Should probably…”

“...Look for the others now.”

“...Be more worried.”

“...Play with my boobs.”

Kat blinked. Before her, two more Kats—one whose kimono had a koi fish design, the other a misty mountain—staring back.

“I mean, this is super crazy, right?” Said Koi Fish Kat. “And we pushed the button. The others are gonna be pissed.”

“They’ll forgive us! Probably!” said Kat. “If they’re here.”

“Which they might not be,” said Mountain Kat. “Ooh, if they are, do you think they’ll be changed too?”

“Not a good thing!” Said Koi Fish Kat.

“But look at how we turned out! We’re hot!” Said Mountain Kat.

“And adorable!” Kat followed, pointing to her cat ears.

“We’re distracted,” said Koi Fish Kat. “And—wait, gosh, how did I realize that? I never realize that.”

“Maybe you’re the version of me who does?” Said Kat.

“That’s, huh…” Koi Fish Kat pressed her lips into a fine line. “Is that how this works? We’re different versions of ourselves?”

“I think?” Said Kat.

“I’m the horny one!” Said Mountain Kat.

“Oh no sweeties, it’s a whole lot weirder.” All three turned to a new, fourth Kat. This one had a bamboo kimono. “I think. Maybe. If I am the version of us who figured it out.”

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