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7. Jon experiments

6. What you expected

5. Himself

4. Zoe

3. Sexy Remote: Picking a Subject

2. Sexy remote

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon experiments

on 2024-07-31 06:23:36
Episode last modified by Marazh-no on 2024-09-08 18:27:57

1629 hits, 191 views, 8 upvotes.

Age Aware BE Bimbo FTF MTF Size TF Unaware

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He tried to study, but it was Sunday, and the remote haunted him. Several times, he returned to the bathroom and good reflection in the mirror, his finger hovering over the PLUS button. The day had been wasted and the only thing of impact: his creation of the remote and the accidental change of himself.

He used the toilet, wincing when he had to wipe his front. None of this felt particularly sexy. He considered his targets. His parents were right out. That was weird. Mikey was also straight out. He was his little brother, and he had enough gender changes for the day.

But he did have options. There was Karyn and the many people at school, but he wanted to take a more cautious approach. Besides that could wait until tomorrow.

That left only three options: Zoe, the college girl who lived next door with her parents, and himself. He wasn't quite ready for himself, and it felt weird to go over to the neighbor's house at 7 p.m.

So, he joined his parents downstairs to wait for Zoe. They watched some TV, and it didn't take long for Zoe to return. The alarm system chimed once as the front door opened, and the rustle of groceries could be heard. Apparently, their parents had needed some things.

"The groceries are on the counter," Zoe said as she walked past and up the stairs. This new helpfulness was new. Just a few hours before, Zoe couldn't drive and would never bring groceries home.

"Why don't you say hello," Jon's mom hollered after Zoe.

"You saw me this morning," Zoe yelled back. Okay, that was more of the Zoe Jon remembered.

"I'm heading up too," Jon said, slipping up the stairs after Zoe. Jon heard the distinctive squeak of Zoe dropping into the chair at her desk. Jon carefully opened the door just enough to see in.

Was she doing homework? She wasn't usually that academically minded, and it didn't feel particularly sexy, but Jon had often been frustrated by how little she paid attention to her academics. So, an improvement?

Jon pulled out the remote and pressed PLUS, but he missed. There was a flash around the dresser but no noticeable change. Maybe the clothes inside? Zoe was unchanged.

He aimed again and pressed PLUS. The beam hit her, and Zoe shifted. Her hair was silkier, her face refined. Her black t-shirt swam, becoming a blouse with a hint of cleavage. Her black jeans also shifted, and--

Jon pressed the button twice more. Zoe let out a stuttered gasp as her longer-lashed eyelids flickered closed momentarily. The neckline of the blouse plunged down, becoming lacier as her tits swelled to small D cups. Her socks reformed into thigh-highs, and the jeans finished the reformation into a tight black skirt with a silver studded belt. The skirt came to mid-thigh and her thighs seemed much thicker.

He concentrated as he wondered, could he change smaller things? He focused on the skirt and pressed PLUS one more time.

Zoe's hand immediately covered her face as she let out a soft moan. Zoe rose in her seat as her ass filled out. The skirt lost a few inches, and the socks shifted, becoming netted leggings held up by a garter. Holy fuck, she was hot. Jon could feel an unfamiliar warmth blooming between his thighs.

He squeezed his legs together and fell against the door. The remote clattered forward, and Jon hurriedly grabbed it and stuffed it in his pocket, but he was noticed.

"Jen?" Zoe asked in a strangely breathy airey voice for a goth. "What are you doing?"

"Umm... I just wanted to see how you were." Jon stuttered out as he pulled himself to his feet, trying to ignore the strange sensation between his legs and not stare too obviously at his sister's tits or lips or the sliver of skin between her blouse and skirt.

"Why can't you just leave me alone," Zoe said, standing. Wait, what? "Just because you're a girl too doesn't mean we're best friends. You're my younger sister."

Zoe took a few steps to Jon's left, and Jon moved to the right. "Why do you bother me?" Zoe asked again in that same voice that had warmth flooding his nethers.

"B-because I want us to be friends," Jon replied.

"That's not happening," Zoe said, turning to a floor-length mirror that hadn't been there before. She twisted slightly, appreciating herself in the mirror for a moment before she started to unbutton her top. Jon retreated equal parts, terrified and aroused, a strange excitement rushing through his blood. His back slammed into the dresser.

"We hate each other," Zoe said languidly, pulling off her blouse. Jon swallowed roughly as he took in Zoe's black lacy bra and those glorious D cups. "So you should leave before we get into a shouting match--"

God, why was she still being such bitch? Jon pressed the PLUS button again as Zoe turned to Jon. The blouse slipped from her hands as she let out a breathy moan. Her tits swelled to DD cups; her lips moved from full to properly plump. Her waist pinched in slightly her stomach becoming slightly more toned. Her straight black hair developed slight waves and actually shrunk an inch or two. She gained an inch of height, all in the legs. Black lipstick covered her new lips, and when her eyes fluttered open, they were bigger and more striking.

"What was I saying," Zoe's sultry voice said, but oh god, Jon could barely think.

"Huh," He said dumbly.

"What was I saying?" Zoe purred as she started to slide her skirt down past her hips. She turned and started to shimmy and bend over as she pushed the skirt down over her hips and over her firm but jiggly ass. She stayed bent at the waist as she retrieved them and the blouse. Jon's eyes stared at the bubble butt thrust towards him. Jon gulped as a rush of wetness soaked his panties.

"Something about leaving."

"Right," Zoe said, gathering up the blouse and skirt and tossing them in a dirty clothes basket. "I need your help with something before you leave."

Zoe stalked over to Jon, her tits bouncing and hips swaying. She was getting closer and closer until her DD cups were pressing into his A's. Jon desperately tried to clear his mind as he was slammed into the closed dresser drawers. Zoe's eyes sparkled as she leaned around Jon.

Her lips barely brushed his ear, and she whispered, "I need some help from my sister picking out clothes tomorrow." Zoe pressed against him harder. His left arm was practically pressed in between Zoe's two tits. "My Professor fails half his class every quarter, but I see how he sees me. I wear something a little showy, and my grade gets bumped 10%."

A little showy? How could that nothing blouse be considered just a little-- Jon gasped.

"When we're done," Zoe said, practically kissing his ear, "You get a reward." Zoe's hand slipped to cup Jon's flat groin through his jeans. Jon shuttered, thoughts flooding his mind. His sister pressed a plain girl into a bed, one hand between the girl's legs and his lips on the girl's neck.

Jon shoved Zoe away. He pulled out the remote and spammed the MINUS button in Zoe's direction as he burst through the bathroom door and slammed it behind him. His breathing didn't slow for several minutes as he became aware of a queer wetness in his pants.

"What?" Jon asked as he unbuttoned his jeans to see the soaked plain panties below. He gently ran his finger over the wet clothing and---

"Holy fuck," Jon gasped out, his knees weak as a wave of pleasure flashed through him. The remote slipped from his hand as it landed on its face. A flash, and Jon's knees failed him as a wave of warmth flooded him. His tits tingled and swelled up to B cups. The bones in his face popped. His pudge around his stomach disappeared as the t-shirt rode up to show a hint of stomach, and his jeans became high wasted. He fell on his ass, distantly thankful it was no longer boney.

"Oh, God." Jon moaned as the pleasure faded but an unfulfilled hornyness remained. He lay there until he finally recovered. Yes, it was a little overwhelming, he thought as he turned to the remote, but it was great. Next time, he hopefully have the "balls" to commit.

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