Zoe glared at me. "Language?! Are you fucking serious? Don't you ever do that!"
"Hey! You commented about my language" I protested. I really had wanted to fire back, but my latest regression had taken my ability to actually say profanity, and I didn't want Zoe to know that. Plus the more childish versions just reenforced my sense of girlish misfortunes. Of course I could still think it, which was even more frustrating.
"That's different" Zoe protested.
"Really? Do you think I wanted any of this?"
Zoe stared at me for twenty seconds before saying. "Okay. Cease fire. We can blame each other later, but right now i want to know why."
"Fine. Let me out of this stupid booster and we can think. We could go for icecream" I said.
"Are you sure?" Zoe said, motioning to my dress. I looked down and my overly girlish dress didn't seem so bad anymore. In fact it started feeling right. Not a good sign.
"I guess so. Least it will let us both see the damage" I said. Zoe quickly got out and released me. Once out, I stretched then stared at Zoe.
"How bad?" she demanded.
I winced, considering my sister turned mom's volatile mood. The main difference apart from her older looking face, was that she seemed to be a little plumper, her breasts a little larger. Her clothes were slightly different too. Even though Zoe still had that professional look of a white blouse and blue skirt, the skirt was slightly longer and heels not as high. It reminded me of Aunt Linda, though Zoe was by far the more attractive of the two and clearly the one that would attract more male attention. Which i guessed the last thing Zoe wanted. I certainly didn't want to say any of it.
"Anna. Just tell me. You won't get into trouble"
I hesitated, then said, "You're plumper and your hair is normal. You look nice"
"You're hiding something"
"Okay. You're reminding me of Aunt Linda" i squeaked.
"Joanna Amber Donaldson! I do not look like that bitch!"
"Mommy. You said...."
"Great. Just great. Are you messing with me?"
"Mom, that why I didn't want to say.... Least you look pretty. If I'm stuck like this, least I can look forward do this."
Zoe blushed slightly. "Thanks. I'll look at you later, Anna. You seem to have some girlish mannerisms to match that younger body of yours, and I want to test you in private."
"Like what?"
"Wonder if your tastes have changed. Hope you've become normal and given up eating weird shit."
"Hey! Chocolate and mixed berry isn't weird" I protested as Zoe grabbed my hand and let me into the mall. two sights greeted us, both horrifying. the first was Katie. She was with her mom, and like myself, she had undergone regression, and seemingly unaware that she wasn't supposed to be six. I gulped, even though a part of me had expected something like that would happen. Katie hadn't seen me though. The second sight was worse. Sarah McMillan was sitting down with Tiffany Saunders, and both cheerleaders were enjoying icecream. The horrifying part was that Sarah seemed to had changed. While still blonde, the bitch seemed plainer looking, not as skinny and even bustier if that was possible. I Gulped
Sarah saw both mom and myself, immediately got up and said, "Hi mom. Thought you weren't going to bring Princess..."