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9. Ted Investigates

8. Morning, pops

7. The Good Doctor

6. Two for One

5. Jon's Room

4. Victoria Visits Jon

3. Victoria's Psychologist - The

2. Victoria

1. You Are What You Wish

Victoria: Ted Investigates

on 2024-10-09 15:54:03
Episode last modified by Marazh-no on 2024-10-09 16:12:53

397 hits, 74 views, 3 upvotes.

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Dr. Ted Lamont found his way to Jon Gibson's neighborhood. He was dressed for work as the sun rose. He feared that he was too late, that Vikki, no Victoria, would already be gone. He shook his head as he tried to reconcile his splintered memories. He parked his car a few blocks away. His old joints groaned as he started to walk, but he was on a mission. He wanted to bust in and stop this possibly nefarious boy from spreading any more damage, but his more cynical side came in. If he himself was ensnared, he'd never be able to save her.

He turned the corner and spotted Jon's house in the distance. It looked like really any other house in the neighborhood. The only thing that looked awry was perhaps the newest model Mustang parked on the street in front of the house. There were already two relatively nondescript vehicles in the driveway. Was the car Jon's? A memory filtered into his mind: Victoria giggling about how fun it had been when Jon had taken her and girlfriend Bobbie in his Mustang.

Bobbie? No, it was Robert, right? Every moment that passed, he had a better sense that this was similar to what had happened in his past. Unfortunately, his memories of that incident were even fuzzier than those of Vickki.

As he approached the house carefully, his dress shoes clicking with his steps until suddenly they weren't. He stopped and glanced down. He was glad he chose to wear his pink running shoes instead of those clunky dress shoes.

Wait what!? Was something happening to him? He lurched forward into a jog as time seemed to slow.

A smile plastered itself on his face as sweat poured down his body. Stop! He tried to stop, but he kept jogging. His hands moved out of control up to his scalp. With a couple of strokes from long, slender fingers, long, brilliant ginger hair poured from his scalp that he quickly tied back into a ponytail with a scrunchie that he didn't have a moment before.

He tried to rebel, turn back, and do anything but jog towards Jon's house, but his plump bow-shaped lips continued to smile pleasantly on his youthful freckled face. Cold air hit his sweaty, bare chest and bare legs. He glanced down as his thong rode up in his bubble butt to see extremely short running shorts and a flat chest underneath a sports bra.

Was this how it was for Victoria and Robert? Time seemed to speed to normal as he approached the Gibson house. He brushed sweat-soaked hair out of his green eyes. No matter what he tried, he continued to jog toward the house. He started to huff and puff the of exhaustion flooding his system.

He stopped and stepped off the sidewalk onto the Gibson's lawn and bent over and thrust his ass out, and put his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. A conspicuous emptiness was between his legs. He had to get out of this situation. As he breathed rapidly, a swelling sensation developed on his chest. Flesh pushed into the red sports bra, pulsing in rhythm with his breath.

He watched in wonder and fear as his chest swelled. He stood up straight and raised his hands above his head, and pushed his ass out and chest forward, stretching. His chest continued to swell from B cup to C cup and beyond. Ted watched the fully encasing sweat-soaked sports bra grow. His hands moved up and squeezed them. His knees grew weak as a flash of pleasure pulsed through his body. His pretty mouth opened in a silent moan. His cheeks flushed. He wasn't sure if that was him or something he had been compelled to do but he squeezed his DD cups again.

His weak legs failed him, and he fell to his knees as he continued to molest his breasts. He had always wanted to do this. He glanced up to a window and saw a boy with his penis out. It was Jon, and he had finally noticed him. He slipped one of the bra straps off his shoulder and freed one of his needy tits. His right hand continued to tease his free and hard nipple as another slipped between his legs.

His manicured fingers slipped into his lips, and he moaned loudly. It felt so damn good. Finally, Jon would see who he truly was. Ted loved this. But it wasn't enough even as the pleasure rose. There was this aching emptiness between his legs that his fingers could not fill. He pulled his slippery fingers out of his horny cunt and reached around before him until his hands closed around a round phallic object.

He should bring his dildo more often. He had it designed to be shaped just like Jon's dick. Maybe with this display Jon would finally notice Ted. He slipped his tight short running shorts over his hips but didn't bother to push them down any further than necessary, just enough to expose his achingly empty slit.

Ted pulled his long damp hair out of his ponytail and flopped onto his bare bubble butt. His ginger hair fanned out onto the grass underneath him as he removed his right hand from his right tit to grasp the dildo with both hands. The dildo hovered over its target, and Ted could see Jon watching on as Ted's body vibrated with arousal. Fuck it!

Ted plunged the dildo into his cunt, his right hand slipping off to grab the grass as he screamed out in pleasure. Finally, he was full. He plunged the dildo in and out, gasping, moaning, and whimpering with every thrust. He had never felt this good in his whole life. As the peak approached, his right hand returned to twisting his needy nipple. He bit his lips, and his hips started to thrust off the dew-wet grass to meet each thrust.

"OH, Jon!" Ted screamed as he orgasmed. He lay there for barely a moment before he was tidying up. He set the dildo aside, and then he glanced back, and a water bottle was in its place. He fixed his bra, tied back his hair, and pulled up his shorts. He stood up shakily, feeling pleasantly relieved. But Ted had a suspicion that he was missing something. He smiled up at Jon as he prepared to continue his morning run.

As he fixed his bra, he blinked as a drop of sweat fell into his eyes. Suddenly, the bra was different. Red, matching his hair, it showed a hint of cleavage. He smiled. Thank god he put this bra on this morning; he knew it would catch Jon's attention.

He resumed his jog, his DD cups bouncing excessively. He turned a corner and frowned as he saw his car in the driveway of an unfamiliar house. He didn't park here. Memory rushed back to Ted, and it took everything not to freak out as he remembered what had happened.

He tried to stop and turn back. Maybe he could do something, but Ted jogged up to the front door, pulled a key off a bracelet on his wrist, and entered the house. A familiar voice rang out as he entered.

"Hey, sweetie," Ted's wife said as he rounded a corner. Ted wanted to go upstairs and get in the shower and cry at how violated and still strangely aroused he felt, but his beautiful wife clasped his cheeks in her hands and pulled him into a soft and sensual kiss. He forgot the morning's trauma for a moment as he melted into her kiss. He felt his cunt flash in pleasure. She pulled away.

"Did he finally notice you?" She asked.

"What!?" Ted said, coming back to reality, confused and a little scared.

"I know you love me the most, but I let you open up the marriage if it was only Jon. Did he finally notice you?" his wife asked as if she was discussing the most exciting gossip.

"Uhh, yes?" Ted said, unsure what was happening. His wife smiled wide, her eyes bright with pride.

"I knew my young, hot wife could do it. You go get cleaned up, and then you'll tell me about it over breakfast. Maybe I'll reward you tonight. I know it won't be the same as Jon, but I have a new strap-on we can try. We both know how much you like to be filled up," Ted's wife said with a wink. She kissed his plump lips quickly and pushed him towards the stairs. "Go get cleaned up."

Ted walked in a daze up the stairs, his DD cups bouncing with each step. He didn't stop until his computer lit up with an email from his receptionist. A new appointment was created for 4 PM today: Victoria and guest.

Oh god! What was he going to do? In the meantime, he had to get cleaned up, get ready for work, and figure out what had changed and what to do about it.

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