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6. Jon is now Josephine, a saloon

5. Oh No

4. Changing the Saloon V.2

3. The West

2. Time Travel!

1. You Are What You Wish

Wild Wild West under the Wild Wild Sheets

on 2025-01-24 22:08:47
Episode last modified by Noy2222 on 2025-01-25 10:53:50

486 hits, 89 views, 2 upvotes.

Mem TF Unaware

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Karyn cringed at her mistake as soon as Jon had changed before her but it was obviously too late. The girl that stood before her and the men was much shorter then her maybe standing only five feet tall and even though she still looked to be about the same age as Jon at eighteen the fact that he was now a pretty girl wearing makeup and an old-style red corset ruffled dress, fishnet stockings, high heels and long black leather gloves made Karyn think that Jon had entered adulthood in the most unexpected of ways.

"Alright who's ready for the next run" the girl who used to be Jon suddenly and cheerfully announced as she struck a sexy standing pose holding the hem of her dress up to reveal her sexy fishnet covered legs beneath.

Scooting off the booth that she had been sitting on Karyn didn't even notice Jon's changed behavior as she ran over to the girl and started to apologize.

"Oh man I'm sorry Jon I didn't mean to change you like that I was just so sick of the snide comments about women here that I without even..."

The woman dropped her dress hemline and pushed Karyn away with a look of disgust etched into her facial features. "Gross! No way little missy, I don't do women. She said this with finality as Karyn looked on stunned as she realized what it meant.

"I think I'm next Josephine darlin" said a tall, burly, bearded man as he appeared from the side room doorway behind her and swept the girl off her feet into his strong arms as she giggled in delight.

"Take me to bed upstairs then love" she purred in a sexy tone as the man carried her across the saloon floor towards a set of stairs and then began climbing it as the woman who used to be Jon french kissed him as she was held. Now it was Karyn's turn to wretch seeing that take place. Really Karyn was angry at herself for being so stupid and stunned that things had turned out the way they did.

"Jon's a Saloon girl, a prostitute now! Worse yet he doesn't even remember who he really is and the fact that he doesn't even belong in this timeline!" Karyn told herself contemplating what to do next.

"Well, used to not belong in this timeline until a few moments ago." Karyn corrected herself as she continued to think even as a steady thumping sound began upstairs that vibrated the walls and a female screaming euphorically that drowned out the piano music coming from the corner of the downstairs ballroom.

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