Linda: “Where’s all my stuff? Who steals someone’s clothes and replaces them with this?” As linda complains she notices a box on her bed labeled ‘for Linda’.
“What’s this?” she opens the box and is suddenly supper giddy “OMG! there’s my Stuff!!”
Linda quickly changes out of her boring office attire to switch into this new ensemble. It’s a girly cat-themed E-girl outfit. A pink-black Hoodie, where the sleeves cover her hands and cat ears on top of the hood. a stylish miniskirt and pink thigh high socks with a cat theme. 2 pairs of shoes 1 pair of sneakers for outside and 1 pair of slippers themed after cat paws for indoors. Also included is are Headphones with cat ears on top and tail clip- on for the skirt.
Linda: “giggle Now this more like it”
Suddenly she hears Jon calling her.
Jon:”Mom! Are you done yet!?”
Linda: “1 Second Sweetie” she twirls one more time in her finaly in her comfort clothes again and then heads downstairs.
Linda’s new Outfit(1)
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