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36. Olivia wants answers on what h

35. Josephine has to go the beach

34. Olivia Wishes That Genie Would

33. It's Joseph Dell, the Pastor's

32. They're Interrupted By a Man P

31. Genie Swears She's a Better Pe

30. Genie is Deemed Evil, So Olivi

29. Genie Tells Olivia About Her P

28. Olivia May Not Set Genie Free,

27. Genie Can't Remember Her Past

26. Olivia is a Devout Church Lady

25. Olivia Retakes Control of Her

24. Claire Wishes to Help Her Moth

23. Claire Makes Her Final Wish ..

22. Claire Becomes the Witch She W

21. Claire Wishes to Be a Witch

20. Genie Tells Claire the Truth

19. Genie Stalls Claire From Makin

18. Genie Keeps Claire in Olivia's

17. Genie Decides to Grant the Res

Explanations for Who is Josephine Dell?

on 2025-01-26 15:28:47
Episode last modified by Allers Klar on 2025-01-26 15:50:58

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Note: A female genie "Master" will be referred to as "Mistress" going forward.

"Please Mistress you don't have to yell I'm nearly right next to you" said genie softly.

"Don't tell me not to yell! Did you see what you turned Joseph into?" Returned Olivia, still yelling.

Still in a soft tone Genie continued " Mistress your wish exactly was "I wish you'd prove to Joseph that you're a real genie" and I did just that. Now Joseph Dell who has been turned into the lovely Josephine Dell truly knows that I am a real genie."

"Why did you turn him into a woman Genie?"

"I don't know Mistress as it was a spur of the moment decision and I was still thinking about my own transformation into a woman from earlier. Yes Josephine was unprepared for the change and upset to boot but give her some time to have some fun at the beach today and she may return a different person."

"You made her engaged to a man though."

"Yes and the Pastor approves quite well of his daughter's suitor. I think Josephine will find her father to be the same man along with the same demanding goals in play for his daughter that he had for his son including getting married and starting a family. As coming from a God-fearing family and despite who she once was Josephine's possible allure to Lesbianism will not be tolerated. Either Josephine gets married to Ryan and becomes a mother or she will find herself cut off from all financial support."

Shaking her head Olivia couldn't believe what she was hearing. "That's pretty cruel Genie, really what were you thinking? You could have granted that wish any other way but instead you ruined Joseph's life and put him or her for that matter in a situation that she'll feel trapped and out of place in."

Even though Olivia had used her third wish in unintentionally turning Joseph into Josephine and Genie wanted nothing else but for her to use her final two wishes so Genie would be free of her she had to weigh how the wishes effected other people and the need not to change and upset Josephine even more. "I'm sorry you feel that way Mistress but what's done is done and I own up to my mistakes. I don't think you should make any further wishes regarding Josephine and allow her some time to process her place within her new existence."

Why would I do that Genie? Olivia asked clearly puzzled.

"Well because if her old life is already ruined by this change then perhaps you should refrain from screwing up her new life. Give it time, Josephine may come to enjoy being a woman and an engaged one at that."

Olivia mused and considered Genie's words as she squinted her eyes towards Genie in deep contemplation.

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