Karyn’s truly worried face made Jess doubt herself. She could tell Karyn everything, but Karyn would never believe her. Thanks to Jen’s wish, Karyn could never know about the stone and had no memory of it.
No, Jess had to play along, no more rushed decisions, no more impulsiveness.
“I’m just tired and worried. We’re going to college soon, I’ll miss this, our hometown and our familiar places.” Jess said those words, but thought of her old life as Jon, her old friendship with Karyn, the 2 years she had missed, and felt a deep sense of loss for it all. She felt a tear running down her cheek.
“You’re such a romantic, that’s why I like you.” Said Karyn smiling and squeezing Jess’s hand.
“First of all, we can come back here any time we want. This will be our hometown, forever, whether we like it or not. It’s where I met you, Sarah, and all our friends.
“Second, you and I are going to the same college! Granted, we’ll go to different schools, but it’s the same campus. Not many people can say that, specially not to the fancy school we’re going to.
“Third, change is only natural, as well as your sadness when facing it. I also feel sad, I cried myself to sleep last night thinking about missing Gino’s garlic bread.”
Just then Gino brought the garlic bread, which made all 3 laugh out loud. Karyn had timed it perfectly.
“We’re living times of change, but we have to look to the future, and I assure you, the future looks bright”.
Jess looked at Karyn, remembering how much she liked her, no, loved her, back when she was Jon. Now, 2 years later, Karyn had grown older into an even more amazing person. Squeezing Karyn’s hand back, she felt truly lucky for the first time since receiving his grandpa’s stone.