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Oldest episodes

Forging a Will
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
AnonyMouse9MC MTF
Mom Interprets: Wishes for Revenge and an end to his embarrassment
Jon wishes for Revenge on Gary and an end to his embarrassment
Freshman Summer - Japanthisguy1010150
Mom Interprets: Jon nearly makes it through the day without a wish
Jon manages not to make a wish during school
New body, New School
Swap Exchange
Shadon Dragon6
Freshman Summer - Part 2thisguy1010149MTF
Mom Interprets: Jon enjoys himself until he doesn't
Jon enjoys himself a little too much
Impulsive Wishing
Ass Struggling
The Moe9
A Wish to be in Two Places at Once
Karyn wakes up first
Zoe Interprets - Jon's Pregnancy day 4 AMthisguy1010125
A stitch in time saves a life.
Needlepoint isn't just for decoration.
AnonyMouse8MC MTF
Scholastic Swapping
Off to School
Shadon Dragon5
Wishing wasn't as ideal as Jon thought
Potential setback?
The Moe8
Clothes make the novice.
A robe, some sandals, and a belt: A classic outfit.
AnonyMouse7MC MTF Magic
In Sarah's Shoes: The Next Morning at School
The Next Morning at School
Ms. Cork22
The Cleaner: Linda is Late
Linda is Late
The Guest19
Take Your Place: Biff Meadows (Alt)
Trouble in Paradise (Alt )
The Guest6
Zoe Interprets - Jon's Pregnancy end of day threethisguy1010124
In Sarah's Shoes: The Gibson Family Comes Home
The Gibson Family Comes Home
Ms. Cork21
Roll Call
Line up, girls.
AnonyMouse6MC MTF Magic
Freshman Summer - Part 1thisguy1010148
In Sarah's Shoes: At the dinnerKylo21
Swap Tech Inc.Shadon Dragon4
Freshman Year - finishing the yearthisguy1010147
Zoe Interprets - Jon's Pregnancy afternoon day threethisguy1010123
DTH: BDLG: - Hop 27 - Arrival in a New WorldLido18
Zoe Interprets - Jon's Pregnancy next daythisguy1010122
Somewhere very differentAnonyMouse5MTF TF
Fixing Jon's Life
Good Deed 2
Lucus Rose5
Take Your Place: Biff Meadows
Trouble in paradise
Zoe Interprets - Jon's Pregnancy second daythisguy1010121
Bottom-Feeder: The Yonus
Bottom-Feeder: Jeane has a Yonus
Bottom-Feeder: What kind of hardware is Jeane sporting?MCThrowaway9
It's a CatThe Guest6
Take Your Place: Nurse's Office
Nurse's Office
The Guest6
Bottom-Feeder: Back at the dormitory.MCThrowaway8
Take Your Place: English
Melissa starts acting oddly
Take Your Place: Warning Karyn
Warning Karyn
In Sarah's Shoes: Jon Comes Home
Jon Comes Home
Ms. Cork20
Bottom-Feeder: At the cafeteria.MCThrowaway7
Bottom-Feeder: On the way to the cafeteria.MCThrowaway6
Bottom-Feeder: The Ice-BreakerMCThrowaway5
The Bottom Feeder: Jeane's first day.MCThrowaway4
The Bottom Feeder
The Bottom Feeder: John makes a wish.
Zoe Interprets - Jon's Pregnancy first daythisguy1010120
The third sex.
The Third Sex
Zoe Interprets - The Best Pregnancythisguy1010119
Karyn Loses Control
Karyn is too horny
Zoe interprets - the best toythisguy1010119
Zoe interprets - the best figurethisguy1010119
Zoe interprets - Zoe tries it outthisguy1010115
Mandatory Milf: David's Asent
David's Asent
Mandatory Milf: Funtional Recall
Funtional Recall
The Change: Getting Comfortable
Getting Comfortable
The Guest17
In Sarah's Shoes: Sarah and Karyn Aftermath
Sarah and Karyn Aftermath
Ms. Cork19
Freshman Year - Spring breakthisguy1010146
Zoe interprets - Rachel's Penisthisguy1010114
New Neighbors: Mikey Starts to Change
Mikey Starts to Change
The Guest16
Got the moves like....
Kyle/Karyn makes Jon act even more feminine.
In Sarah's Shoes: The Shoes Help
The Shoes Help
Ms. Cork18
In Sarah's Shoes: Finding Sarah's Room
Finding Sarah's Room
Ms. Cork17
In Sarah's Shoes: Susan McMillan Comes Home
Susan McMillan Comes Home
Ms. Cork16
Magic Wand: Wendy the Mom
Wendy the Mom
The Guest31
Sarah Who: Sarah's Wish Came True
Sarah's Wish Came True
The Guest17
Sarah Who: Sarah Tries to Wish
Sarah Tries To Wish
The Guest16
The Relationship ChangesThe Guest5
Zoe interprets - Morning interrogationthisguy1010113
Zoe interprets - overnightthisguy1010112
Zoe interprets - Dildothisguy1010111
Zoe interprets - Jon doesn't like the ideathisguy1010118
Zoe interprets - School daythisguy1010117
In Sarah's Shoes: Karyn Makes an Entrance
Karyn Makes an Entrance
Ms. Cork15
In Sarah's Shoes: In Jon's Bedroom
In Jon's Bedroom
Ms. Cork14
In Sarah's Shoes: Ditching the Shoes
Ditching the Shoes
Ms. Cork13
In Sarah's Shoes: Jon Walks "Home"
Jon Walks "Home"
Ms. Cork12
Next a Teacher
Jon goes to his next class
A Super Wish: Performance Issues
Jon tries to enjoy it but encounters trouble
Noble Six10
Zoe interprets - Monday afternoonthisguy1010116
In Sarah's Shoes: Cheerleading Practice
Cheerleading Practice
Ms. Cork11
A midnight rendezvous
Late night snacks
Kaius Darkhelm14
Let him stayParadox14
Steve FarberParadox13
Answer the doorParadox12
Tiff steps out and Jen exploresParadox11
New Neighbors: Not Quite an Escape, but a New Captivity
A New Captivity
The Guest10
New Neighbors: Mikey the Tutor
Mikey is the Tutor
The Guest15
Pizza Time
Eat the pizza
Rough Sex With Conjoined Queens
New history turns the Sarahs into sadomasochists
Celebrating a safe return home
The afterparty
Kaius Darkhelm12
Zoe Interprets: Jon's First Class and First Wish (Alternate Version 2)
Jon's First Class and First Wish (Alternate Version 2 - Reality Changes)
Truth Bracelet: Sarah Takes the Bracelet From Zoe
After Zoe Confronts Sarah, Sarah Takes the Bracelet From Zoe
Zoe interprets - Doctor visitthisguy1010115
Monday morning surprise
Zoe interprets - Monday Surprise
Sunday afternooon
Zoe interprets - Sunday afternoon
Truth Bracelet: Just Because They're Goths, It Doesn't Mean That They're Friends
Zoe Turns Sarah and Her Friends Into Goths, But They're Still Jerks Afterwards
Zoe interprets - Church
New Neighbors: Stacy Turns Attention to Mikey
Stacy Turns Attention to Mikey
The Guest14
Elena Jefferies- a nice ditzintgaz7
One for the road
A quickie before leaving

1 ... 40 41 42 43 44 ... 496

Oldest episodes

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