Going downstairs Jon realised he hadn't eaten anything yet today and he was feeling hungry. Making his way to the kitchen, he opened the fridge but it was almost empty. He decided he'd probably need to go out and get some groceries. He decided to keep it simple for now and just get something for lunch and dinner.
Finding a set of keys and a handbag by the front door, Jon grabbed them while skipping ghis feet into a pair of very girly looking pink and white trainers.
Opening the front door, Jon paused. He felt like he was missing something. Turning back to look in the hallway mirror, he looked over his dress. It was a very light dress and his panties could just barely be seen through the material. The dress was fairly low cut and looking at his chest Jon had a realisation. He wasn't wearing a bra. If everyone saw him as Biff did then he'd be expected to wear a bra. At least in public. Running back upstairs Jon started to lift his dress up and over his head. By the time he turned the corner into his bedroom he was only in the pink, frilly panties and girly trainers. He opened his dresser drawer and pulled out a pink bra that was a match for his panties. Putting his arms through the straps he pulled it on and clasped it shut with an ease he didn't even notice. Pulling the dress back on he felt much more at ease. He should have been even more embarrassed by the fact that the bra straps were slearly visible beside the thin straps of the dress but he felt much more comfortable and presentable.
He went back downstairs, took a deep breath and headed outside. He was glad to see that he recognised the street and knew their was a small grocery store within walking distance.