PE was miserable. Jon stood feet together, arms crossed, and enduring some cocktail of emotions he could best summaraize as jittery.
He was cold. To his chagrin, his black gym shorts barely made it half way down his thighs, and the baggy white T shirt, that completed his gym uniform left him terribly uninsulated. The canvas air ducts above pumped out a veritable hurricane of chilly air that cut to the bone. He felt like he was standing in a massive refridgerator. Aside from the discomfort of being so exposed, and so cold, he was standing on the very edge of the basketball court that made up one of the volly ball playing fields. The idea of mandatory sports struck him as barbaric, (no matter how much he enjoyed PE yesterday) but now all the excited shouts, squeaking shoes, and flying projectile put his senses on high alert. Anxiety was high, and he was already on edge after changing in the girls locker.
Approaching the corridor to the lockers had felt like marching into the pits of social damnation. He was about to commit an ultimate highschool taboo as casually as... well, changing his shirt. He stopped, worried, nervous, and frozen, when Karyn appeared at his side, laced her arm around his and led him in. He gave no resistance, but was surprised and appreciative of her support until she kept leading him well into the locker room and to the far corner opposite the showers.
"Eyes to the corner Missy" She said sharply.
"Wha!? What are you implying?" He protested shrilly. "I'm not here to-to perve on anybody, I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for Zoe."
"Exactly, that's why I know~ you'll be a gentleman and keep your eyes in the corner." She gave him a wide grin and stuck her chin out, knowing she'd just prempted his plea for trust.
"I still have to get my stuff." he huffed.
"Hurry." Karyn insisted, then trotted off to her own locker.
As Jon changed in his corner, he couldn't help but confront how slender he was. Not anorexic or anything, just naturally twiggy. As he held up his gym shirt, he gawked, wondering how such a small article would even fit on his body... But once it was in place, it hung distressingly loose. It had looked like a kids shirt to his perspective. The mid thigh soccer shorts that he loved so much on girls yesterday, would have left him white as a sheet, were he not already so masked in foundation. Surprisingly, it was his shoes that left him most off balance. The plain black sneakers denied him the inch and a half platform he'd already grown used to, but more than that, tying the laces forced him to experience his small slender fingers. He felt like he was maneuvering a pair of knitting needles as the tied the laces tight.
"HEADS UP" Karyn shouted from halfcourt. The volly ball had flown wild, and was whirling through the air right for him, shattering his brief moment of reflection. He curled up while standing, and turned his side towards the projectile. One usless hand made a weak effort to block the ball while the other hugged him all the tighter.
WHAP* The sound echoed through the gym as the ball strick him on the cheek. he cried out, and some of the other girls offered their sympathy. A few laughed. He was startled more than hurt, and picked up, then struck it with cupped hands, just like the other's in class, only for the ball the barely reach the girls in front of him.
The game continued but Karyns gaze lingered on him. A smirk on her face, and hands on her hip. She then turned, and battled on, right at the front of the net. She didn't seem greatly bothered by the changes to her body.
He changed back to Mina's normal school clothes in his designated corner, feeling a rush of relief as he wrapped the hoodie around his shoulders like a swaddling shawl. the cloak of darkness, his armor against the world, he marched on with the rest of the day, only to come face to face with Zoe making her way into her PE period.
As uncomfortable as he was, he could only imagine what Zoe would feel in her new body. His eyes squinted, his lips curled into a Grinch like smile, and he put a cocky hand on one hip. This was an excellent chance to leverage another bet.