"I wish that Biff will be dating someone else soon, now that Steve has rejected... her." Jon wasn't sure how many people thought of Biff as male or female in this new reality, but he used "her" for Karyn's sake.
Karyn said, "Thank you, Jon. But it's a good thing we're best friends, or I couldn't tell you how stupid a wish that was."
"What?" replied Jon. "I told you I'd make things nicer for Biff. You wished that I'd make things nicer for Biff. So I did it."
"Sure, you did. But can you think of any way that wish could go wrong? By, for instance, not being specific enough?"
"I wasn't going to name someone for Biff to date, if that's what you mean. What if I named someone who didn't want it?"
"What if you didn't name someone and the wish picked someone who didn't want it, like, I don't know, me or you?"
"If it's you, then I ask the stone to make it be something else. If it's me, then fine."
Karyn looked at Jon oddly.
"Seriously. It would at least be... fun to be with Biff as a real person on a real date. Have her magically go from tormentor to person who's really concerned about me, who likes me."
"What, like she used to be a mean bully and you're attracted to the idea of conquering him... Now you've got me doing it. Conquering her. She's a 'her', she just said so a moment ago."
"That's a bad way to put it, Karyn. I haven't conquered her. I've... pushed past the bad part. You don't remember before the first wish, but I wished that Biff would be basically the same person. I think that's still true, since I can't reverse wishes. If Biff's going to date me, then Biff would be willing to date me while staying basically the same. It's not some extreme kind of mind control. I mean, if I remove the bullying I guess you can call that mind control, but it should be acceptable mind control."
"Well, you really messed up the wish. I guess all I can do is say to have fun with your new girlfriend. Because the way you're talking, the wish must have made Biff your girlfriend. Even though you were calling her a guy for years until just now, and you're not attracted to guys."
"Well, maybe I do think of her as mostly a guy, but if so, she's the one guy I'd go out with. Okay?"
Jon honestly didn't know whether Biff bullied him in this reality. Jon might have just never told Karyn, because Karyn was too sympathetic to Biff. Or maybe Biff just targeted other people--he was basically the same, after all. You really don't want to go out with someone who might hurt you; many battered spouses learned that the hard way. On the other hand, he did have a magic stone. "I wish I knew if Biff hurt me in this reality, and I wish Biff won't hurt me in the future."
Apparently it wasn't as bad as it was in the original reality, though Jon didn't know about other victims. About the worst Biff did was slam a door on Jon while he wasn't looking.
Jon walked up to Biff and said, "Hi, Biff." The now-girl still looked like a guy with breasts and the female makeup and clothes seemed out of place.
Biff growled at him, "Here to make fun of my clothes? Or here to ask me out on a date?"
Jon wondered if Biff was already thinking of going out with Jon. That sarcastic remark probably wasn't completely sarcastic Jon decided toi reply, "Sure, Biff. I want to go on a date with you." He had no idea where to. "At least, I don't know, see the parade this weekend together, do something where we can talk to each other."
Biff seemed a bit surprised, but not enormously shocked. "Uh... well, sure! I'd be glad to."