Come 4PM, John was startled as Amelia stepped back into her room. After a day of lugging books around campus, Amelia paid little mind to John as she dropped her backpack on her bed,
She let out a loud sigh as she began unbuttoning her shirt.
John meanwhile could only stare, mouth agape as Amelia began shedding her other articles of clothing. She had apparently forgotten he was there, and was undressing as she would any other day.
Soon, Amelia shed her bra, exposing her breasts and revealing them to John for the first time. They were far larger than John had realized. They swang temptingly as Amelia made her way over to John, but John had no means of touching them. Amelia's tanned skin scarcely betrayed the presence of areolas, but they were definitely there, surrounding a pair of gumdrop-nipples John was surprised could even be concealed with any amount of padding.
"You'll have to get used to this." said Amelia as she reached for the waistband on her panties. John realized she had in fact been aware of his presence the entire time.
Amelia lowered her panties to the floor, as she revealed her most private parts for John to see. Exposing the outside of her vulva for him to see. John could make out the edges of her labia minora as they peeked out from between her outer lips.
Amelia then turned around and bent over, giving John a full view of her bottom, before sitting down on his lap and spinning him around to begin using her computer.