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150. Jon catches up with the new as

149. Now for the rest of the class

148. A conversation with Zoe

147. The calm...

146. Jon continues with his day

145. Getting things back to normal

144. Meanwhile, back at Jon's...

143. Karyn’s first night

142. Zoe wakes up

141. Others continue to change

140. Zoe and Athena meet up for a "

139. After school

138. How are some of the others doi

137. It worked

136. Jon focuses on his plan

135. How Karyn's spending her day

134. Third hour epiphany

133. On with the day

132. Knockout

131. Getting to class

Chick for a Dick: Unusual Anal

on 2021-05-31 23:29:24

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As he walked down the hall in the direction that his new creation had gone, Jon reflected on what a fun day he was having. First period wasn’t even over yet and he had already made so many wonderful changes. As he approached the nearby restrooms, he could clearly hear his sister emitting an endless stream of loud grunts, strained moans, an angry curses from within. Jon hesitate for a moment, his curiosity getting the better of him, and he let himself into the girls’ room.

Jon had to admit he was a bit disappointed as he stepped into the forbidden room. He had expected it to be a totally different from the men's room. The fantasy so many high school boys dream about. Instead, the inside looked very much like the boys’ room except there were extra stalls where the urinals would have been, making a total of four. The largest of the the four had its door closed, and was the source of the torment sounds.

He strode confidently towards the closed door, letting his heavy footsteps be heard moving nearer. Zoe let out an embarrassed, tired whine. Jon had to repress the urge to laugh as he slowly gave three soft knocks on the closed door. The response was immediate.


The scream echoed against the tile walls until it faded away, leaving the room silent once again. The peace was short lived, however, as a strained grunt escaped from within the locked stall.

“Zoe, honestly, could you open the door?”

Jon stepped back as the door unlatched and swung outward to reveal the spectacle that his sister had become. Her face and chest were flushed red and her skin was covered in a glistening sheen of sweat. She was holding onto the support railing bolted into the wall while prone in a half squat position and was biting down on the metal buttplug that had until recently been in Kim’s mouth. Looking behind Zoe, her newly expanded ass jutting out, it’s expansive crack slightly spread just enough for him to make out Kim’s mouth. The transformed asshole-girl’s face looked almost as strained as Zoe’s, but Kim’s eyes also shone with a primal lust and her muffled groans told Jon that the bowling ball that his sister was trying to pass was currently suck within Kim’s new mouth and was unable to move any further.

Looking the rest of his sister’s “tag-a-longs” over, it was clear the pleasure their host’s new addition was feeling was being sent to the rest of them as Zoe’s boobs and pussy were all in an almost comatose stupor. While Zoe was definitely feeling immense pleasure from having her nymphomaniacal asshole filled to its maximum limits, it was clear any enjoyment she may have gotten from the experience was undercut by the pain and discomfort of trying to pass the magically created bowling ball bowel blockage.

While Jon was having fun messing with the very fabric of reality, he didn’t want anyone to suffer from it. After all, there was a big difference between serving riotous justice (like turning an asshole into an asshole), and causing someone to live a painful experience. But if you wanted to get technical, it was Zoe who made that particular wish, so it wasn’t really Jon’s fault. And it wasn’t like Kim had any memory of being anything other than a sentient asshole, so it’s not like it was messing with her that much.

But those technicalities aside, this was a wish that needed a little... correction.

Jon took one last look at his naked, straining sister before exiting out of the bathroom. As he did, he saw the girl he’d just transformed in Ms. Lee’s class walking back towards the classroom they’d just left. He quickly moved in from of her until his gaze was lined up with her eyes and asked “Honestly, where are you going?”

The girl stopped and looked at him. “I came back to my senses and was standing outside an empty classroom and didn’t know why I was there. I’m going back to Madame Lee’s sexual immersion class.” Jon sighed. These distractions are getting annoying.

“Where was this empty classroom?”

“Go to the intersection, turn right, third door on the left.”

“Can you please go there again and wait for me inside the room?”

The girl once again turned around and headed back down the hallway, the scene silent except for her footsteps echoing off of the lockers, and Zoe’s resumed groans from the bathroom. Once the girl was out of sight, Jon reached into his pocket and pulled out the stone. I know I said one wish per person today, but rules were meant to be broken.

“I wish that, while some of Zoe’s craps might be uncomfortable and embarrassing, that she will not experience any unbearable pain and that her body is capable of passing anything she produces and will return to the shape she was before taking a dump.”


There was an intense cry from the other side of the girls’ room door followed by the loud bang of a very heavy object slamming on to the tile floor. Jon took a moment to listen and could hear heavy breathing along with multiple voice humming as if in the afterglow of an intense orgasm.

Another satisfied wish recipient. And now, it’s time for my satisfaction.


A quick right at the intersection and the third door on the left later and Jon found himself standing at the door to an almost empty classroom, the sole occupant looking around in confusion. As per his trance induced suggestion the girl had gone to the room and stayed there, but she seemed very confused as to why she was there. Jon stepped into the room and closed the door firmly, causing the girl to jumping. Her ass bounced hypnotically from her jolt and when she twirled to face him Jon almost expected its added mass to throw her off balance.

“Oh! Hey, Jon. I kinda zoned out, I guess. Is the class moving over here? I don’t know why I left Madame Lee’s room. I mean, maybe I-“

“I wish it was perfectly acceptable to ass fuck this girl in this classroom during the school day.”


The girl’s demeanor immediately changed. Whereas she had just been confused and unsure of herself, she now stood proudly in the center of the room as if she owned it. She reached back with her right hand and rubber her round ass through her yoga pants. “Fuck, Jon. Hurry up and fill y tight asshole. Like, right now. Don’t you dare keep me waiting any longer.”

Jon smiled smugly and stepped forward.


Karyn awoke with a flame in her breast. She had drifted in and out of sleep a few times already, which was typical. After all, Jon was such a horn-dog that he was bound to get aroused regularly throughout the day. A passing glance at some cutie might cause a twitch of lustful electricity to pass through her, but she would usually just shake those off and go back to sleep. It was also not uncommon for Jon to get a good chub going, causing her limp body to flex and straighten beyond her control, the impulse to be used beginning to fill her. Sometimes Jon would try to resist her getting hard and could get her to go soft again. Other times, he would have wound her up too much and she couldn’t help herself but to revel in the arousal and anticipation of pleasure that permeated her body. It wasn’t what a good penis should do, acting beyond what he wanted, but the sensations coursing through her cock-body were just too power to ignore.

And she was a cock. She may look like a miniature girl without arms sticking out from her best friend’s crotch, but to everyone she was just a piece of Jon’s anatomy. His most intimate piece of anatomy. And she couldn’t have been happier. Karyn was back where she belonged: in Jon’s pants. Even being gone for half a day from the sweet pleasure of being between his legs had been so... bland.

But now... now she felt more alive than she ever had as a human. Her body pulsed with pleasure, hardening in exquisite expectation, the testicles below her hilt were throbbing in anticipation of the load that she was undeniably going to feel coursing through her. Fuck, she couldn’t wait to taste Jon’s cum again. But what else would she get to taste? What sweet little piece of ass had Jon gotten for them this time? Some timid wallflower who was about to loose her mind once Jon lowered his pants and pulled out her girthy body? Some teacher who couldn’t help but give their favorite student’s cock an enthusiastic blowjob? Whatever it was, it was going to happen. This wasn’t just some random daydream that had set him off, not even some flirtation that had teased his lusts. Karyn didn’t get this hard, this eager, this fucking horny unless Jon was about to use her. She was going to be used as a dick. Shoved into some warm, tight, wet pussy and feeling herself practically drowning in the girl’s juicy slit. Or having a tongue almost as big as herself dragged across her body until she was slurred up into a waiting mouth and felt pressured pull her in every direction as it began to suck on her.

Karyn felt herself quiver at the thought of it and let out a sharp gasp as a thick glob of precum shot up her length and splashed against the inside of Jon’s underwear that her face was being pressed into. The smell of the pungent, salty liquid filled her cramped accommodations and she hummed to herself as she rubbed her face into the wet fabric, smelling its musk and licking its sweet saltiness. But that musk was also her own, as the cum was also her own. Her cum. The very thought sent another ripple through her as more clear liquid coated her face and ran down to her breasts. This is what she was. A penis. Her only functions were to piss and to fuck. She had no other desires, no other goal, no other purpose, no other future that that.

It was wonderful. She was home.

Just when Karyn was beginning to fear her euphoria was going to cause her to accidentally blow their load right into Jon’s pants, she felt Jon’s beginning to pull at his belt and zipper and her clothe confines were suddenly pulled away.

Karyn felt her full length stretch out in unrestricted glory. She was a magnificent cock and she flexed with all her might as she fell forward to emphasize her impressive length to whatever lucky girl was about to experience her pleasure. Karyn blinked her eyes as they adjusted to the blinding light she was now exposed to. She looked up and took in the sight of the giant standing before her. Well, “giant” from Karyn’s perspective. Based on how far her head was from the floor beneath Karyn’s turgid body, she would have guessed this girl could only have been around five feet tall, meaning when Karyn was human she would have stood half a foot higher than this girl. But now she was only a foot long piece of meat sticking out from Jon’s legs. The thought only increased Karyn’s arousal.

The girl seemed to be lost in her own lust as well. She looked down at Karyn with an expression of pleasant shock as her mouth hung opened with a perverse smile and a desire burning in her eyes. “Holy fucking shit, Jon! How did you keep this monster packed away in there?! I mean fucking look at it!” Her hand snapped out and grasped Karyn just under her neck where it began to squeeze and fondle Karyn’s tits. The act pulled a grunt from Jon and a lustful moan from Karyn before it was cut off by more precum filling her throat and mouth. “I mean, it’s almost as thick as my wrist! I’ve never taken anything this big before!”

Silence hung in the air between them. Nobody said anything. Slowly, the girl slid her hand down the entire length of Karyn’s body before reaching past her, cupping Jon’s balls, and then running a single fingernail along Karyn from her pussy, between her tits, and to her neck, causing the cock-girl to shudder and drool more of her pungent juices onto the floor.

“I can’t wait to find out how it feels,” she said coyly.

She turned around and it was then Karyn’s turn for her jaw to drop. The ass on this girl was amazing! It was so pert and round, and even the simple act of taking steps to turn around caused it to bounce wildly in front of her. Karyn actually strained to try an get closer so she could rub her head against the girls pants, but Karyn was firmly rooted to Jon and wasn’t go anywhere without him putting her there.

The girl seemed to notice Karyn’s reaction as a wide smile spread across her face. She hooked her fingers into the waistline and pushed down. And the clothing was peeled off, the plump flesh of her ass seemed to roll out of their confines.

That ass was a work of art, and Karyn had a feeling judging by the way it was looking back at her that it was thinking the same thing about her.

The ass had the most stunning pair of bright blue eyes Karyn had seen. They were wide as they looked at her, traveling up and down her length. Then, the skin around the eyes wrinkled as if they were smiling at her before the ass gave her a playful wink. It was then the realization hit Karyn. Wait... I’m not just going to fuck her from behind... I’m going to be fucking her in the behind!

As if hearing her, the bubble-butted-bitch reached behind herself and spread apart her massive cheeks to fully present her asshole. It was the sexiest asshole Karyn had ever seen. Its plump lips looked soft and inviting, and the way it was crammed into the thin girl’s butt crack was just so cute. Then, its lips parted and a long velvety tongue extended out. Karyn watched in eager fascination as the tongue reached all the way down to the wet pussy that was beneath it, parted the moist lips, and brought up a liberal coating of the girl’s arousal which the asshole then spread around by licking everywhere that magnificent tongue could reach.

“Fill me up! Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Make me gag of that monster cock! I want to feel it in all the way back in our guts!” the asshole urged. It opened as wide as it could and stuck out its tongue as far as it would go, giving Karyn a full view of what awaited her.

_I haven’t even been a penis again for two hours and now I’m about to get shoved inside a gaping, horny asshole...

I’m the luckiest cock in the world!_

With that thought, Karyn felt Jon wrap his hand around her, line her up with the welcoming maw before her, and was plunged inside its dark, tights depths.


Jon let out an loud grunt as he thrust into the newly created asshole girl’s mouth. He had expected a sensation comparable to an enthusiastic blowjob. But this was so much more powerful than that. The asshole’s mouth clamped shut on him as soon as he had fit just a few inches of his length into her. The pressure on his dick was unbelievably tight. It was anal sex on steroids. The same incredible tightness from a normal asshole, only this one was sucking, and moaning, and using its mouth to try and pull more of his dick into herself.

The host, meanwhile, was screaming and convulsing as her horny asshole took in more and more dick. If she hadn’t been so firmly mounted to Jon’s cock, she probably would have collapsed to the floor in a quivering, cumming mess. She bucked and gyrated, long ago having let go of her ass cheeks and had started fingering her pussy and rubbing her clit.

Jon was trying to thrust as hard as he could into the conjoined girls, but the asshole had such a tight grip on his cock that he could barely pull back any of his length to plunge it forward again. Instead, the girl-turn-asshole was slowly and methodically sucking more of his length in until he was fully inside her and then began to milk his cock with her new mouth. Jon gave a jolt as he felt something run along his dick and realized it was the host’s fingers that were furiously fingered her pussy.

“Fuck me, Jon! Fuck my tight, slut ass! Pound it, you son of a bitch! Make me cum! Make my slut ass your bitch!”

Jon reeled. Everything came into such sharp focus. This foul mouthed slut had, less than an hour before, been a quiet student taking notes in a civics class. Her own asshole that was currently sucking his dick like it had never been sucked before had been just one of her classmates. Maybe they were friends. Maybe they hated each other. Who would ever know? Because this was all they were now. A slut and her ass.

And Jon loved it.

Hearing his latest project begging to pound the ass he had turned her classmate into tipped Jon over the edge. His balls tensed as he felt himself about to cum deep inside the girls’ new bowels. Sensing his imminent orgasm, the asshole girl somehow clamped down even tighter on his dick, and as her lover’s massive cock beginning to twitch and cum inside her horny ass caused the host to experience her own orgasm, turning her into a twitching, gasping, squeaking mess that slowly sank to the floor and, due to her ass’ tight grip on Jon’s dick, pulled him down with her.

Jon rested on his knees, catching his breath while his partner was resting on her knees and face with her ass sticking up in the air. She was completely unresponsive, breathing rapidly and giving the occasional twitch. The asshole seemed equally satisfied, her eyes half opened with a lethargic haze in them. She was still trying to suck occasionally on Jon’s softening dick, which would cause him to twitch and try to pull out, making the asshole-girl to try to hold him inside her, which would in turn cause her host to spasm in turn. Eventually, the ass-girl seemed to either pass out or reach a level of satisfaction because her mouth finally relaxed and Jon pulled his dick out with a wet slurp.

Jon rose up on his unsteady legs and looked down at his dick. It was just as spend as the transformed girls were. Its eyes were rolling around trying to focus, but the fucking it had just experienced was too much to just brush off. No matter. He was sure he’d be able to get it up for his next sexual conquest. And there was bound to be more sexual conquests today.

Reaching down to grab his discarded pants, Jon suddenly got a strong whiff of his dick and curled his nose. He looked back at the still prone duo of altered girls and realized that this ass-girl, unlike Zoe, had been left with a normal digestive system. He considered leaving them as they were just for the fun of it (after all, it was no skin off his nose), but if he changed them so that they didn’t shit anymore then he wouldn’t have to deal with a stinky dick.

Jon’s own comfort was ultimately more important than his amusement at leaving them to deal with such a messed up situation, so he walked to the other end of the room to make his wish. As he readied himself, it dawned in him again that he still didn’t know their names. Well, there was an easy way to deal with that. Sure, he could just put them in a trance and ask them, but what’s the fun in that?

He pulled the stone in close, and whispered to it “I wish the girl I just fucked was named Anal Bitch and the girl I changed into her asshole would be named to as Slut Ass.”


Jon grinned at his juvenile wish. Whoever the two of them had been, Anal Bitch and Slut Ass were much more fitting now. And now that that piece of business had been taken care of, he could move on the the next piece of business.

“I wish Anal Bitch didn’t shit normally, but instead everything she ate was converted into a type of organic latex that would form into a variety of sex toy shapes that she then, without much discomfort, coughs up like a cat does with hairballs.”


An additional thought entered his imagination, and he couldn’t help himself but make one more addition. “I wish the sex toys Anal Bitch coughed up were incredibly appealing to people and they would be compelled to take them and use them.”


Jon nodded to himself, pleased with his work. He bent over and started putting on his pants, pleased that his dick no longer reeked. He was just stuffing it back into his underwear when the girl let out a soft moan and started to get up.

“You were amazing, Anal Bitch.”

The girl looked over at him and let out a pleasant hum. “You weren’t bad yourself, Jon. I’m surprised Slut Ass was able to take all of that monster of yours. I’d heard rumors that you were hung like a porn star, but I didn’t believe it. I can guarantee Slut Ass will want another round with you.”

“Just Slut Ass would want another round?”

The half naked girl gave him a wink. “Ok, fine, I’d like you to come back around, too. Let me know when and I’ll let you skip the line.”

“The... line?”

Anal Bitch laughed like he had told a joke. “Yeah, Jon. You know, the line outside? Of everyone waiting to fuck me in the ass? Speaking of which, you better get going. Something tells me that it’s probably stretching down the hall by now. Luckily almost everyone else is a two pump chump, so I should be able to get through most of them. But the next time you want to have a go at my juicy Fuck Ass, just let me know.”

Jon could only nod as he finished getting dressed and stepped out into the hallway. Sure enough, it was just as Anal Bitch had described. There had to be at least two students standing in a line going down the hall. Jon thought back to his wish and realized he had not wished it was alright for specifically him to be allowed to fuck Anal Bitch in that classroom, so now that appeared to be what she did all day: wait in that classroom and wait for anyone to come along and rail Slut Ass.

“Fucking took you long enough,” came a voice next to him. Jon looked at the person standing first in line and realized it was Bobby, the skeezy loser who had been pestering Rachelle constantly for a chance to get laid. He’s acting pretty confident now that he knows he’s guaranteed to get some action. Well, fuck him.

“I wish your life purpose was to help Anal Bitch get through her line of waiting partners faster and that your body matched your new role.”


For a brief second, Jon thought that Bobby had been completely wished away. It wasn’t until he looked down that he saw the results of his wish. Bobby’s body was now a tightly packed cluster of tits, looking something like a round bunch of grapes. There were no legs, but instead there were four pairs of arms randomly sticking out from various folds of cleavage. And at the top was a now feminine version of Bobby’s head which was smiling up at him.

“Sounds like you two had fun! I’m sure we’ll be seeing you again,” she commented happily.

The line of waiting students began to converge forward and Jon took note that there were actually a handful of girls waiting to fuck Anal Bitch. He recognized a couple of them from Madame Lee’s class and could only assume that within the past hour they must have swapped their pussies with some other classmates’ dicks and now thought it was perfectly normal to use them to fuck the school’s anal slut. There were a couple others, however, that Jon hadn’t seen before, but a quick glance at each of their crotches told him that at some point each of them had been effected by a wish that gave them different equipment downstairs.

The group moved towards Bobby and began to discard their clothing below the waist, presenting a collection of cocks to the newly created transformee. She happily reached out and grabbed the first eight cocks in range, two of which were actually on the same girl, while a guy stepped between Jon and Bobby. "Come on, Booby, get sucking," the guy urged. Bobby, rather Booby, happily began to suck on the presented dick. All of the others stepped in where there was space and began to tit fuck her collection of cleavages.

Jon looked at the altered girls using Booby as a warm up for their impending intercourse with Anal Bitch and was taken aback by the alterations he witnessed. In addition to the girl with two dicks, another had a cock almost as big as his, while another had a cock that was upside down, and yet another had a cock that ended in a pussy, while another ended with a set of feminine lips.

He was half tempted to use his truth-trance on each of them to learn the particular wishes that had caused all of their changes, but he was still feeling drained after the fucking Anal Bitch and her new butt had given him, and it was getting annoying asking girls individually about their changes. He’d have to figure some way to speed up the process...

But that could wait a bit. It was time to get to his next class and leave these anal lovers to his latest creations.

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