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9. The First Guinea Pigs (2)

8. Everyone's Here

7. Catching Royals and Peasants

6. Departures

5. Paradise Winds Resort: Final P

4. Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

3. Family Retreat

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

The First Guinea Pigs (2)

on 2025-02-25 19:33:59
Episode last modified by kideriy444 on 2025-03-03 18:54:38

598 hits, 88 views, 3 upvotes.

Age Aware Body_Swap FTF FTM MTF SciFi

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Kalea Beufort, now wearing a lab coat but still in a bikini, skipped through her secret lab, running her fingers over her equipment and whistling in delight as the first set of subjects were wheeled in by her trusty staff. On one side of the room were the seven members of the Gibson party, Pete, Linda, Jon, Zoe, Mikey, Karyn and Stephanie, all sleeping and restrained on their gurneys, while one by one their partners were wheeled in and placed opposite. Jenna Fairfax, the bleach blonde 24 year old bachelorette on a celebratory trip before her wedding, was lined up next to the balding 49 year old insurance salesman Pete Gibson. One of her bridesmaids, her groom-to-be's glasses wearing cousin Constance, was brought in next to lay opposite Linda.

Then Unit 1-M, Morgana, arrived with the sleeping Princess Eleanor. It had been tricky to get around the security and servants the royal had brought with her, but nothing was going to get in the way of Kalea's fun. The former super-model and new mother was placed opposite scrawny Jon Gibson. The android also grabbed Amber, the prim, proper assistant to Elanor and Zoe's partner. Then came one of the waiters with the hulking form of Oskar Rostov, the Russian bodyguard, to lay opposite Karyn Black and finally Morgana's twin Sophie arrived with the slumbering half-dressed body of Hilde von Bremen, and placed her across from Stephanie Wright. Kalea took pity on Mikey for his young age and would leave him in his own body, but still got to see the swapping fun.

The mistress of the Island clapped her hands together, "make sure the restraints are secure and then administer the waking gas. We need to let our lucky contestants find out what they won!"

As the figures tied to the beds started to wake, Kalea checked one of the monitors. She was excited to play around with her Brain Switcher, but that was proven technology. She smirked and twirled a long strand of dark hair, very proven technology. As much as she loved her magnum opus, she was always thinking of new twisted delights, and several of them had been administered to the waking forms. Her sensors displayed the small chips that had been inserted in Jon Gibson and Princess Eleanor's vocal cords, the nanite packets in Hilde and Stephanie's pheromone glands, the modulators attached to Karyn and Oskar's nervous systems, the resonator in Jenna's amygdala, and the inhibitor in Constance's frontal cortex. Zoe and Amber had chips in their brains that cause pain when certain actions are performed.

"Wh-what's going on?" Pete Gibson asked blearily as he came back to consciousness.

Constance shifted uncomfortably, "where are we?"

"Where's Victoria?" Princess Eleanor blurted, the mother instantly concerned for where the baby daughter she'd been holding when she fell unconscious, was.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Kalea announced theatrically, giving a little bow, "all your questions shall be answered. As for where you are, you are in my domain. I am Kalea Beaufort and I am the mistress of the island. Everything that happens here happens by my will and you lucky people get to be the stars of my latest game!"

"<Let me go, you crazy bitch>" Oskar growled in Russian, straining against his restraints to no avail. He wasn't the only one, but all of them discovered they were quite securely held in place.

Jenna tried her best to look imperious from her awkward position, "do you know who my fiance is? When Charlie finds out you, like, abducted us, you're going to be totally screwed. His dad's a senator!"

Kalea smiled, "and if we were in the United States, that might mean something. Regardless, Charlie will never know anything is wrong, as you will soon discover. Morgana, be a dear and hit the switch!"

"Yes Mistress," the android replied as she hit a few select keys on the glowing machine. Beams of blue light shot out from the large Brain Switcher towards each of the protesting participants.

Jon had been freaking out and trying to figure out what he should do from the moment he woke up. He was cursing himself inwardly for the idiotic open ended wish, that had apparently sent him into the den of a mad scientist, but he didn't really know how to get out of it. They were all restrained and more than that, he'd left the stone a whole continent away. Unfortunately, as far as plans went, so far he was coming up blank. He'd just made panicked eye contact with Karyn, hoping against hope she had some sort of escape plan, when his body was enveloped in blue light and he felt like his insides were being pulled out through his mouth, nose and eyes.

He had an indistinct feeling of floating for one moment before he felt himself, no, herself, slamming into a something else. Sensation returning, she took a shuddering breath and felt her new, much larger, milk filled breasts rise and fall. "What did you do to us?" she asked in a crisp British accent and higher pitched voice, extremely confused by both.

She wasn't the only one wondering. Karyn suddenly felt like she, no he, was HUGE, like he was going to spill over the edge of the bed he was strapped to. Pete on the other hand felt positively diminutive, with a new tiny waist and svelte legs, really shrunk down everywhere but her chest and bum. Linda suddenly found everything blurry, due to Constance's glasses having been knocked askew as she struggled.

Kalea didn't give them much time to get settled, plowing straight ahead. "As you all will have just realized, you've swapped bodies. Whether you ever swap back is entirely up to me, so I encourage you to play ball, as it were."

"I need to get back to Victoria! You can't do this to me!" Eleanor protested from Jon's body, "Amber help-"

"Amber will be happy to help to help her employer soon," Kalea rebuked snidely. She folded her arms below her impressive breasts, "and Victoria will have her mother back within the hour. Unless, of course, you make trouble, Jon."

The implied threat shut the former princess up and had a similar effect on most of the assembled test subjects. Jon looked up at her former body and offered a weak smile, "I'll, uh, take care of her, I promise."

"Of course you will," Kalea butted in. She put her hands on her hips, "there's no reason to all get so upset. You're still getting to enjoy my island paradise, just in different bodies then you expected. If you're all good and behave, I might switch you back when the month is out." That was a lie of course, the swaps were one way affairs, but they didn't need to know that. She continued, "here's the ground rules kiddos. Don't tell anyone who you used to be, and other than that, you can do what you like! Simple, right? I've left a few bits and bobs from your bodies' former occupants to help you along like the German language for the new Ms. Von Bremen, because I'm so nice."

"So your saying all we have to do is pretend to be whoever we've been swapped into, and you'll switch us back?" Pete asked from the body of Jenna, trying to ignore the new sensations her body was hitting her with.

Kalea nodded and lied, "sure. That's all there is to it." She also neglected to mention all the little 'bonuses' she'd given them. The new Princess Eleanor, formerly Jon, was equipped with an implant she nicknamed 'The Voice of Royalty' that would make all humans predisposed to obeying any commands she gave, except for Kalea of course. The new Jon was given the opposite, a device that made people naturally want to defy him if he told them to do anything. The new Hilde had a pheromone intensifier, that would increase the attraction of anyone in her vicinity, while the new Stephanie had one that would put out chemicals intended to create feelings of disgust.

The new Karyn, now inhabited by the mind of a Russian bodyguard, had her sensitivity upped across the board from her new breasts to her toes, while the new Oskar had his senses deadened, reducing even his ability to feel pain. The new Jenna had a resonator that would share her emotional state with everyone in her vicinity; if she was happy, people around her would feel happy, if she was sad, they'd feel sad, and so on. Linda, in the body of Constance, meanwhile had gotten a device that rewarded her with endorphins specifically when she did what the new Jenna told or asked her to do. The new Amber get an electric shock when she didn't act deferential to Elanor and the new Zoe would have the same effect when she tried to act polite.

I wonder how long it will take them to notice? Kalea thought to herself while her test subjects all steadily resigned themselves to their fate. She turned to her staff, "please get our guests back to their rooms. I'm sure they're eager to enjoy the rest of their stay at Paradise Winds.

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