I wasn't tired, and no way I was going to sleep early like some little girl, even though I was slowly becoming one. I needed to know what Zoe knew about Sarah, so I cautiously got out of bed and crept to the top of the stairs. that was as close as I dared. Any closer, there was the chance that either Sarah or Zoe would hear me. Especially if I had to make a quick getaway.
"We have a problem, mom. Joanna knows about the stone" Sarah said in a low voice.
"WHAT!?" Zoe shrieked, the shock genuine. Of course it was about Sarah mentioning the stone, rather than me knowing about it. Zoe's volume was a good thing, since it masked my horrified gasp.
"Mom! You'll wake Princess" Sarah cautioned.
"How?" Zoe stammered. She was clearly unnerved.
"I don't know but I saw her staring at the stone this morning. You know, that almost mesmerized, longing look. A part of me wonders if she had made a wish."
"Like what?"
"I don't know. Maybe we should make a wish ourselves. I know you're afraid of it for some reason, but..."
"She is worried for you. Now it makes sense! She is afraid you'd do something stupid and have the wish run out of control. Joanna said to me for me not to hurt you. She must had meant for me to to allow you to wish. Do you think she made a wish about herself? Made herself younger?" mom asked, fishing for answers.
"Anna certainly has some 6 going on 16 moments...."
"Were you any different?" Zoe asked.
"Suppose not, but mom, its so embarrassing. My friends think Anna is cute, but do you know how embarrassing her clothes are, and for me to be around her?. That alone tells me she is too much a little girl to had been anything else. No, I'm more afraid she would not see the dangers of that thing. Probably turn herself into a mermaid of something. I don't want my little sister getting hurt"
Zoe giggled, obviously thinking of her bath discussion with me. "I'd hide it better, then."
"Where?" Sarah demanded.
"Somewhere safe" Zoe said cryptically, much to my disappointment. While preventing a slightly aware Sarah from getting her hands on the stone was a good thing, losing potential access myself and relying on the whims of Zoe was not. Plus Sarah was right; I was already too much of a little girl, and it was getting worse. Knowing that sticking around was a bad idea, lest Sarah caught me and got the 'bright' idea of erasing my memories of the stone, I crept back to my room and settled back to bed.