All Jon could do was look up at the vicious faces above him as he lay panic-stricken on the grass. The football players were all pressed together shoulder-to-shoulder so tightly that Jon could barely see any daylight. Sarah took a step forward, and the ring of muscle sealed itself behind her: now there was a small arena walled by football players that contained only himself and Sarah.
"What's going on in there?" Jon could hear Karyn's panicked screams coming from outside the human wall as she fruitlessly tried to break through it.
"Have you ever felt real pain, Jon Gibson?" Sarah seethed in a voice that was not her own, out of a mouth that was just slightly too large for her face.
"I have your box, Jon!" Jon could hear the tears in her voice. "What should I do with it?"
"I don't think you have." Sarah's fingernails turned black as they grew into three-inch talons.
"I just wish these friggin' dunderheads would let me in there with you!"
For a moment, everything froze. Just a moment, just a fraction of a second. And then sunlight, just a single beam of sunlight appeared in the wall of football players, growing slowly until it was just wide enough for a person to easily pass through. And into that beam of sunlight, Jon could see a single athletic shoe, bleach-white, step forward. Then it was met by its twin. And as Jon's gaze slowly ascended from those shoes up a pair of toned feminine legs, he saw an equally pristine-white cheer uniform that contrasted with long, sharp, black talons that extended from fingers at its sides. And the sinister face sitting atop it all, with a smiling mouth that was just slightly too large, belonged to Karyn Black.
The smile grew imperceptibly larger. "Oh Sarah," the gap in the circle began to close behind Karyn as she slowly raised her claws, "I think we should show Jon what true pain really is."
The two blondes exchanged a look and kneeled down on the grass on either side of Jon, bringing their nails closer and closer to his exposed belly, as the light became smaller and smaller behind them.
It was right in the moment when the light extinguished, right as Karyn and Sarah's faces took on an even darker expression, right as their sharp nails began to graze at Jon's skin, when a shrill voice cut through it all.