"Don't you play innocent with me, young lady! I know what you did!" Zoe raged. She was clearing emotional, and she seemed to not care that she was doing it in front of Sarah. I had to stop her. Fortunately, the bitchy cheerleader did the job for me.
"What is going on?" Sarah asked.
I thought quickly. Something realistic and could explain Zoe's rant. "Mom must had found my application" I said.
"What for?" Sarah asked, curious.
"Rather mom's application. For dating" I said quickly, glancing at Sarah, then Zoe. If anything, she looked angrier. Zoe turned to me and continued her rant.
"That's right, but fortunately you only printed the application and didn't send it" Zoe growled. "Before we thank you home, I need a word with my daughter." She roughly dragged me to her room which I knew was soundproofed, and closed the door. "What is wrong with you? You could had said any lie to Sarah, but you had to say dating! You do realize this magic is constantly molding us. I do not want to be dating old men. Why couldn't you had picked something unladylike for yourself..."
"Twenties is not old" I countered.
"Yes it is!" Zoe snapped. She glared at me and said, "What did you do to age me?"
"Nothing. All I did was my homework and have Sarah try and push me into cheerleading." I suspected it was magic tying up the loose end, since Zoe couldn't have a kid my new age at her old age. In her emotional state, I wasn't going to explain that.
"Really?" Zoe said coldly.
"Really. We do have a problem in Karyn. She saw us and seems to remember everything, even though it seems she has undergone bimbofication. We better take that stone in case she breaks in and something stupid with it" I said.
"Hmm" Zoe said. "Any other loose ends?"
"Other than why you got Sarah of all people to babysit me. What were you thinking?" I snapped.
"If you're forcing me into the mom role, and saying things about me without thinking, then I'll act like one. You're grounded."
"What?!" I said on reflex. "You can't ground me! My friends want to take.. never mind." Why did I nearly reveal my 'friends' insisted on going to the mall on the weekend. I didn't want to go. Did I?
Zoe gave me a bemused smile that could only mean trouble. "Of course. Your friends want to take you to the mall, ballet and who know what else. I think that is a much better punishment. Go to the car. We better take Sarah home. Plus it will give a distraction while I get the stone."
"Like this?" I whined, since I only had a ballet leotard on. Something I didn't want anyone else seeing.
"Yes" Zoe said in a faux sweet voice. "Get in the car." she ordered over my groans.