"Stop squirming" Sarah ordered as she helped me into my booster.
"Why should I? I hate being so little" I snapped, close to my breaking point. I certainly didn't want to be seen, even though I knew I was less exposed than if I was wearing one of the one piece swimsuits I saw in my room. Everything about my new girlish form was starting to feel normal, as if it should be.
"Don't be in such a hurry to become a teen, Anna" Sarah said, much to my discomfort. The stone's magic seemed to like irony, and I knew it would be ironic if my traditional enemy would be the one to condemn me to little girlhood. "There are many things about being my age that you're hate so much that you're be wishing that you was a kid. And its nice to be driven around" Sarah said as she got into the back seat with me.
I felt like saying that she would be driven around like a little princess no matter what, but instead I said, "Like what?"
Sarah didn't answer. Instead, I saw that she was watching Zoe, who had a odd expression on her face. I knew it well, and started to worry, since I knew she was up to no good. Zoe got in, and Sarah immediately said, "Anna really wants to grow up."
"I know, but I don't" Zoe said. I was about to erupt, since I knew Zoe only cared about her own age, but Sarah cut me off.
"I get what you're feeling. Was it hard? Being a teen mom?" Sarah asked, genuinely curious. This side of Sarah that I had seldom seen was enough to temporarily suppress my rage.
"It was and you have no idea how judgmental people are. Especially Linda."
"Who's Linda?"
"My sister. Why are you asking?" Zoe asked.
"You know how it is, Ms Donaldson. My boyfriend wants to...." Sarah said, trailing off
Instinctively, I went, "Eww" The idea anyone being screwed by that dumb meat, Biff seemed off-putting, which lead me to remember if I was my normal age, boys would be after me, or worse, me after them. No thanks. I had to somehow reverse this magic, now, or failing that, maybe stay as a ten year old. Both Zoe and Sarah laughed.
"Trust me, Anna. You're like boys" Zoe teased.
"Will not! You was much more pleasant as a goth!" I protested. I could see Zoe's eyes in the mirror, and they went wide. Sara turn to me, stunned.
"Ms Donaldson was a goth? Yeah right... She is too nice to be one of those freaks" Sarah said dismissively.
Zoe's eyes glared. She chose her words carefully. "Thanks, but Annie is correct. I was a goth."
"What?!" Sarah shrieked. "Why?!"
"To annoy Linda" Zoe said.
"I see, but there are better ways to do that" Sarah said, smirking slightly.
"Trust me, I know" Zoe said, before changing the subject. "Do you like Annie's new dress?"
"New dress?" I said, sensing that she was trying to get me into trouble the way i tried to get her.
"Pink, frilly and very, very girlish" Zoe said as I felt something form around me. I looked down and screamed. A pink, overly puffy monstrosity of a dress had formed around my leotard. It reminded me of one of Zoe's old Victorian dresses, if it was pink, and made for a child. Sarah, despite sitting next to me, even looking at me, didn't react at all to either my new clothing, or to my scream. Almost as if I had been wearing the dress all along....
"Did you really have to make her wear that?" Sarah asked, almost giving me a pitying look.
"It does make her look like a princess, though" Zoe chuckled. I wasn't, since a pair of pink opera gloves had formed over my arms. Now I looked like some little girl playing princess, and I felt mortified. Worse, Zoe hadn't taken Sarah home. We were instead at the mall.