I immediately threw Zoe a worried look, and she returned it. This was bad. Very very bad. How the hell did Karyn's stupidity result in this? Sarah McMillan now my sister? And completely oblivious to it? I hoped it mean she didn't know about the stone, and I hoped it meant no more extreme changes to me. Least Zoe wasn't completely stunned. Whether it was reflex, or showing pity or regret towards me, I didn't know, but she quickly added, "I don't think likes that name..."
Sarah smiled, a rather good natured one that belied her normal self, as she ruffled my pigtails. "Then why did she dress like that? Sorry, but dress like a princess, get called 'Princess'." Before i could pretest, Sarah grabbed me and gave me a hug. Definitely bad. While it was obvious this Sarah was a lot nicer than even the babysitter version, let alone her pre wish self, I was on the verge of panic. Even being reduced to a child, and a girl at that was better than having Sarah as my older sister. I threw Zoe another look, but now she had frozen up. It wasn't hard to see why.
"You know mom put this on me!" I said crossly.
Sarah giggled. "Nice try, Anna, but even if mom hadn't we both know you would had. I know you'd wear anything pink. Did mom get it for you just then? Anyway, what flavor do you want? Strawberry?"
I found myself nodding even though i had wanted to roll my eyes. "Sarah. You knew I wore it in the car when we went to the mall..."
Sarah stared at me, confused. "What are you talking about? I haven't see you or mom since this morning.."
Ok. Whatever magic that turned her into my sister removed her memories of looking after me this afternoon. Judging from the bags that was beside her and a slightly cringing Tiffany, the two cheerleaders must had gone shopping immediately after school. I needed an escape, before Sarah figured out something wasn't right. Assuming she knew about the stone of course. i looked around and saw that Katie was still there, unaware of my presence. While I was troubled by her loss of age almost as much as my own, and instinctively knew this version of Katie would be girlier than ever, i saw her as a perfect escape. "I must.. hey. That's Katie" I half squealed, as I walked over to my 'friend'. My plan worked, since I was Sarah roll her eyes in a way that she was thinking 'little sisters'. Katie saw me and immediately gave me a hug, which I swiftly returned, even though i didn't initially intend to. Was this one of the girly mannerisms that Zoe had mentioned?
"Nice dress. You look like a princess" Katie gushed.
"Thanks. You too" I said, even though Katie was dressed in the younger version of the St Mary uniform. "Did you get something?"
"Mommy got me some new tights for dance. Hey, Annie want to stay over? Mommy, can Annie sleep over?" Katie said initially to me, then to her mom. Without thinking I said, "Sure."
"Catherine. Its a school night.."
"Please mommy. Annie wants to come..." I blinked. Why did I say I wanted to go over for a sleepover? Katie's mom, please keep saying no. "Please..."
"Joanna's mom would have to agree as well" Katie's mother added.
"Thanks mommy" Katie gushed hugging her, before breaking off and hugging me. I winced internally, even though externally and instinctively, I acted just as excitedly as Katie, or any other six year old girl. This was bad..