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166. Random wishes on a Friday nigh

165. Fiona’s mammoth member

164. Sharing with friends

163. Zoe comes home

162. Around town...

161. Jen gets a visitor

160. Elsewhere…

159. Meanwhile, back at school...

158. Karyn meets Jen

157. Welcome home

156. Getting home

155. Elsewhere...

154. Jen's new clique

153. Getting some answers

152. A whole new life

151. Jon's day goes off the rails

150. Jon catches up with the new as

149. Now for the rest of the class

148. A conversation with Zoe

147. The calm...

Chick for a Dick: Freaky Friday Night

on 2024-09-30 09:11:31
Episode last modified by ekempo5000 on 2024-10-02 11:12:02

843 hits, 121 views, 5 upvotes.

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“So now what the fuck are we going to do?”

Brianna roller her eyes and took a final drag off of her cigarette before flicking it to the ground to join the collection of butts she had already discarded. “Quit bitching already. Seriously. This was your grand plan, after all.”

“Me?! Are you fucking kidding me? This is one hundred percent Riley’s fault.”

“Fuck off, Becca. You were the one who said you had a ‘fool proof plan.’ Yeah. Some plan.”

The trio of punks sulked in silence. Their Friday night was not going well. The series of events which had led to this moment had started a couple days ago on Wednesday night. Riley had smuggled a bottle of vodka out of her parents’ liquor cabinet and spent the evening with her friends. If the girls had known the consequences those actions would have led to, they undoubtedly would have chosen a different path. Current, the only repercussion they were aware of was Riley’s parents had finally had enough of their daughter’s antics and had installed a particularly sturdy lock on the liquor cabinet.

However, there were powers in play the girls could have never dreamed of. That night, there had not been three girls sharing the spoils of Riley’s petty larceny, but four. They had been join by Nat, who had downed more than an equal share of the liquor. Arriving home in a drunken stupor, she had been confronted by her frustrated mother who had offhandedly wished she her daughter was a proper lady. Unbeknownst to everyone involved, Nat’s entire life had been rewritten. Instead of hanging out with a group of delinquent rebels, Natalie had instead spent her Friday night doing her homework and had gone to bed early like a well behaved child should.

Even more shocking, Nat had not been the first member of their group to be altered. Jaqueline had also been a prominent figure in punk clique. Unlike the change which had affected Nat, though, Jaqueline had been erased from existence altogether. After being fused with two other girls, the essence that had once been Jaqueline now only existed as a part of Jaqi Pyon, the impossibly attractive high school chemistry teacher.

Unfortunately for the remaining Becca, Riley, and Brianna, they had no recollection of any of these events. Their only concern was acquiring more alcohol for some Friday night fun. After discovering the newly installed lock, Riley had reported back to her conspirators with the bad news. It was then that Becca had conceived of her “foolproof plan.” And so, after swiping her mother’s driver’s license out of her unattended purse, the three had headed off to the sleaziest liquor store they could find.

Unfortunately, the plan was not as foolproof as Becca had hoped. The elder clerk had been immediately suspicious when an unfamiliar face entered his store. The rundown countenance of the establishment meant only a particular clientele walked through his door. The slim girl in a white t-shirt with a faded band logo, plaid skirt, torn pantyhose, and black boots stood out like a sore thumb.

When she had arrived at the counter with a case of cheap beer and crumpled up dollar bills, the clerk greeted her warmly and casually asked for her ID as her punched a few keys on the register. Becca happily placed the license on the counter and gave the old timer a smug grin.

“Nice try,” he had said as soon as the ID was in his hand. Sure, Becca looked a bit like her mom, but there was no way the girl standing in front of him was a 44 year old woman. The clerk threw the ID into the open register drawer and slammed it shut before sliding the items on the counter back towards himself. The bastard had even taken the money, knowing that the girl could not report the theft without exposing her own crime.

Now, the trio were loitering against the side of the building out of view of the glass storefront. They were sober, poorer, and pissed. Becca was particularly infuriated, knowing she was going to have to explain to her mother where her ID had disappeared to.

“This is bullshit,” Becca muttered.

“The only thing that’s bullshit is your plan. Way to go, idiot,” Brianna muttered as she pulled out another cigarette.

“Fuck you. It could have worked,” Becca snapped back as she began to storm away.

“Not a chance in hell. There’s no way you’d pass for your mom,” Riley called after her.

“Seriously,” Brianna said before exhaling a cloud of smoke. “I wish you at least looked old enough not to get carded at this place.”


In the middle of the parking lot where Becca had previously been stomping away now stood a very different figure. The lithe punk girl had been replaced scrawny, disheveled woman who was clearly past her prime. Thick bands of gray streaked through her hair. As she trudged towards the building, Brianna nudged Riley.

“Hey, I have an idea.”

As the woman stepped onto the sidewalk surrounding the building, Brianna stepped forward. “Hey, lady. Listen, do you think you could-“

“Fuck off, kid,” the woman snapped as she moved past them without giving so much as a glance in their direction.

“Well fuck you, too!” Brianna shouted after her. Rebecca entered the store and moved towards the familiar cooler. She was tired after a long week of work and just wanted to get as plastered as possible before she had to do it all again on Monday. She grabbed her usual case of beer and was happy to see that Fred had already placed a handle of vodka on the counter from the bottom shelf.

“Anything else, Rebecca,” he asked even though he already knew the answer.

“Nah,” she grunted as she placed the exact change for the purchase on the counter. Fred took the money and opened the register. No need to card her. She was one of his regulars, after all. Rebecca silently picked up the bottle in her left hand, cradled the beer in her arms, and moved for the door.

Outside, the two punks were still waiting around. The one who was smoking blew a large cloud in her direction. She had meant it to be unpleasant, but all it did was made Rebecca want a smoke of her own. She’d light up once she got back to her apartment. She considered going back and telling Fred about the pair, but quickly decided they weren’t worth her time.


The wooden door swung open with such force the cloud of smoke billowed and churned in the confined space. The padlock clattered angrily as the door slammed into the exterior wall. The three occupants turned to stare at the silhouetted form standing in the door way. The only physical feature that could be made out was the voluminous plume of hair that crowned the figure’s head. One of the boys let out an audible exhale.

“Damn, Felicia, you scared the shit out of me.”

The boy had clearly been oblivious to the tense, ridged posture the interloper was posed in as she stared at the trio. But the cloud of smoke now pouring out of the open door was clear evidence that his perception was highly diminished. Felicia stepped into the shack, the dim electric lantern on the far side of the small room unveiled her expression as she moved closer. The boy didn’t notice, as his attention had already returned to the bong on the table.

“Chris, what the fuck?!” she demanded. Her head shook in rage, causing her curly afro to sway atop her head in response. The boy looked back, his brain slowly processing that he was not out of danger as he had originally surmised.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

“Don’t ‘baby’ me, Chris! You said that you weren’t smoking anymore!”

“I’m not-“ The boy looked down at the bong and lighter in his hands. Even his addled brain could process he had been caught red handed. He decided to switch tactics and present an unbeatable argument. “It’s not a school night.”

“‘Not a school night?’ Seriously?! What am I, your mother? I’m your girlfriend, you dense fuck! We talked about this!”

One of the boys began snickering, both from Chris actively deflating in his seat and the potent chemicals flooding his system. Felicia’s attention snapped to the giggling stoner.

“Shut it, Kyle! You’re lucky I don’t tell your parents about how you’re hot boxing the backyard tool shed!”

“Well, you certainly sound like my mother,” Chris muttered. Feeling the enraged girl’s glare on him once again, he cursed his lack of a mental filter. It was time to go on the offensive.

“Baby, it’s just a little pot. It’s no big deal.”

“No big deal?! Chris, I’m getting sick and tired of you bailing on me to get high. And then you actually do show up, you smell like a skunk and can’t even keep up with a basic conversation. I wish you weren’t such a fucking pothead!”

“Yeah?!” he snapped back. “I wish you were a pothead!”


The mood in the shed immediately switch. All tension was gone and the three boys basked in the cloud they had made.

“This shit you’ve got is the best, man.”

Chris blow out a voluminous cloud and smiled dopily. “Right? Perfectly dank. Thanks for letting me store it here. That reminds me, we need to get some more of it ready. Grab it for me, will ya?”

Kyle stood up and began moving a series of carefully stacked boxes to reveal their hidden treasure. Additional light from the grow lights flooded the room. Inside a carefully concealed hidey hole was a healthy pot plant. The distinctive lush green leaves were growing tall and full. As the plant was pulled put of its hiding spot, none of the boys paid any attention to the face on the terracotta pot it resided in. Felicia smiled silently as the trio fawned over her impressive crop. She felt them carefully clip some of the taller stalks, and was pleased it would allow her more space to grow.

She was a proud pothead.


“Alright, it all comes down to this. Make or break. Live or die. Do it.”

The gathered crowd leaned forward. The small, mousy girl nodded, adjusted her large glasses, took a deep breath, and opened her hand. A series of hard clicks filled the otherwise silent room until coming to a deafening silence.

“Nat 20!”

A series of cheers and applause filled the room. Isabella smiled widely, her glasses slipping lower on her nose as they always did. Unaccustomed to such attention, she shrank slightly in her chair. The boy next to her, Brennan, held his hand up. She blushed and gave him a limp high five. Across the table, Matt the Dungeon Master stood up.

“With a swing of her massive two-handed war axe, the orc barbarian dispatches the evil lich king! What does Ishima say?”

Isabella rose up in her seat, the freedom of role playing giving her uncharacteristic confidence. “Lich raise dead. Nobody left to raise lich.”

The table roared with laughter as Isabella deflated again and readjusted her glasses. The endgame was business as usual. Loot to divide, experience points to be distributed, and goodbyes shared. Isabella stepped out of house into the cool spring night and turned towards home.

“Hey, Isabella! Wait up!”

She turned to see Brennan jogging up to meet her. She blushed and looked away as he approached. “Hey. Um, can I, you know, walk you home?” Isabella gave a quick nod, and if she had been looking she would have noticed Brenna was blushing, too.

The two walked in silence for a block before Brennan cleared his throat. “That, uh, that was really cool. That lich almost wiped the whole party. Then you walked in and kicked his ass!”

Isabella gave a small shrug. “The dice liked me tonight. I wouldn’t have had the chance without the plan you made.”

“Don’t short change yourself. You spec-ed Ishima perfectly. You’re an awesome, badass orc.”

Isabella felt her blush deepen, hoping it was dark enough that Brennan wouldn’t notice. The two continued to walk in silence, both too nervous to make the first move. Brennan was internally chasing himself. He really liked Isabella, but he couldn’t bring himself to get the guts to ask her out. He was too much like his character, no bravery at all. He had hoped that Isabella might secretly be like her character. The orc barbarian Ishima was brave and direct. At times being incredibly blunt. But here, walking alone with Isabella, he couldn’t tell if she was the opposite of her character, or just not interested in him.

“I wish she was more like her character,” he muttered under his breath.


Where tiny Isabella had just been standing was now a massive muscular figure. Standing easy 7 feet tall, the orc was a mountain of muscle under her olive green skin. Her dark black hair was pulled back into a long braided ponytail that was adorned with metal rings and bones that clinked and she strode forward with strides long enough that Brennan was now power walking just to try and keep up. His position behind her gave him an unobstructed view of the orc’s ass as the only clothing she wore consisted of animal skins that barely covered her crotch and nipples. Without warning, she stopped and turned around, causing Brennan to almost run straight into her.

“Ishima still not understand human game, but Ishima is happy to play,” the orc said in a voice that sounded like a cross between a harp and gravel. Brennan looked up into the yellow eyes staring down at him.

“Oh, um, yeah?” Brennan croaked out.

The orc nodded. “Yes. Brennan is quiet. But during game, Ishima get to see Brennan is clever. And funny. Ishima like that.”

Brennan rubbed a hand through his messy hair. “Yeah, um, well I-“

“Ishima want to mate with Brennan.”

Brennan froze, his mind trying to process what he had heard. “M-mate?” The orc nodded. Brennan felt his blood run cold as adrenaline dumped into his system. Ishima’s mouth pulled back into a wide smile, her protruding lower tusks standing out prominently among her sharp teeth. Brennan thought that maybe she was messing with him, or maybe she was getting a kick out of his discomfort. But the he noticed she wasn’t looking at his face.

“Ishima think Brennan want to mate, too.”

Brennan looked down to where the orc was staring and saw his rock hard erection pressing against the crotch of his cargo shorts. He put his hands over his blatant arousal and looked back up at Ishima. She was still smiling her toothy grin.

“Brennan will answer Ishima.”

“I… I mean… y-yes. Yeah, I mean. I-I want to… mate.”

Ishima’s chuckle rumbled in Brennan’s chest. “Good. Brennan will show Ishima if he is clever at mating like he is with dungeons.”

The orc turned at returned to walking back towards her home. Only now there was a noticeable spring in her step. Brennan had to jog to keep up with her, his erection still noticeable in his shorts.



“Don’t stop,” Anal Bitch moaned into the pillow. Her legs quivered and her abs clenched as another orgasm began to build in her bowels. A pair of voices behind her hummed passionately but said nothing. The sound of wet slurping and heavy breathing filled the room.

Anal Bitch’s eyes opened lazily and she looked over her shoulder towards her plush posterior. She was lying face down, ass up on a large bed. Her enormous ass cheeks were spread wide, and she could only make out the top of the head that was smothered deeply between them. The pair of dancing tongues in her back door rolled and wrestled, each desperate to taste more of the other.


Anal Bitch’s eyes clenched shut as a tongue pushed deeper into her ass’ mouth. A throaty exhale escaped Anal Bitch as she reflected on the evening. As soon as they had entered Jaqi’s apartment, she had been unable to keep her hands off Anal Bitch’s rear end. They had only stepped into the landing far enough to close the door before Jaqi was on her knees and pulling down Anal Bitch’s yoga pants. She ripped off the strained panties concealing the face residing in her butt crack and began making out with it furiously like they were long separated lovers. They have moved down the hallway, Anal Bitch on wobbly legs and Jaqi on her knees, as the teacher made out with the aroused asshole.


If the face that was in Anal Bitch’s ass could remember her original life, she would have been mortified. Her life, her very identity, had been erased by a couple casual wishes. She now existed as a perpetually horny body part. She was not even a “she” anymore, but an “it.” But Slut Ass had no memory of that previous reality. Instead, it was in pure ecstasy. It had been thrilled when Anal Bitch had told it she got the job as the school’s Anal Stress Servicer.

Of course the very notion of a school employing someone for the explicit purpose of being fucked up the ass was preposterous. But Jon’s wish to mess around with the newly conjoined duo without anyone caring had resulted in unintended side effects. And now Anal Bitch and her Slut Ass were popular enough that there was always a line of eager boys, and appropriately equipped girls, on standby to use the for the purpose they were hired for.

And Slut Ass loved it!

Its entire existence centered around being pleasured. Slut Ass needed it. Being constantly pleasured by a throng of willing partners was nirvana. It was excruciating to be awake all night while Anal Bitch slept, nothing but a butt plug or dildo to suck on to ease the rising desire that only a flesh and blood lover could satiate.


But while a dick was always a wonderful gift, Jaqi was something else. Something special. Their first encounter had enchanted Slut Ass. While many were lining up to stick a dick in Slut Ass’ eager mouth, Jaqi was the first that wanted to kiss it.


In the current reality, Jaqi’s wish produced fetish was to eat ass. And Anal Bitch had the best ass around. The first time Jaqi had leaned in, her eyes closed and her lips puckered, Slut Ass had been confused. But when their lips touched, and Slut Ass felt a fire erupt in its guts. And when Jaqi slipped her tongue into Slut Ass’ mouth, it fell in love.


They had gone at it for hours that first time. And tonight had been a repeat performance. Jaqi could not get enough of eating ass. And Slut Ass couldn’t get enough of being eaten. Anal Bitch’s groans and cries of pleasure mirrored the ecstasy Slut Ass was feeling. This was all Slut Ass lived for.


Jaqi’s hands roamed over the massive globes of flesh that encompassed her prize. The tongue dancing with hers tasted absolutely divine. She was so glad that Anal Bitch didn’t have to shit. Her ass, her glorious Slut Ass, existed only for pleasure. Both her own pleasure, and the pleasure of her lovers.


And Jaqi was in pleasure. The whole evening had been a symphony of erotic delight. She had cum more times than she could count, knowing that she had in turn brought Anal Bitch to countless orgasms. And they were now building towards another one. She could feel it in the way Slut Ass’ lips were quivering. Just a bit more and-


Jaqi reached down and pushed the head deeper into her greedy wet slit. She is turn felt hands on the back of her head as her face was pressed even harder into the musky cunt she was eagerly eating out. She didn’t mind the forceful gesture, and she knew exactly where to go to please her lover. After all, it was herself.

At the stroke of midnight, Jaqi’s wish imparted fetish had reset. A new desire for a new day. Her previous obsession with eating ass had not just dissipated, it had never existed. The countless rendezvous with Anal Bitch and her Slut Ass had been erased from existence. A new sexual focus rewriting the history of her life for the next 24 hours.

Today’s fetish had been inspired by Sydney. The power of the stone had turned Sydney into a hive mind that controlled a pair of identical bodies that she was obsessed with using to pleasure herself. To fulfill the fetish properly, Jaqi had become a pair of Jaqis. Both knew what there other knew, felt what the other felt, and wanted what the other wanted.

And Jaqi wanted herself. The two were one. And she knew exactly how to please herself.

As her pussy clenched and squirted onto the other hers face, she could feel and taste herself on her own face even as she was still lying on the bed. Without a word, the one that had been lying between her legs got up, crawled over herself, and straddled her own face with her still unsatisfied slit. She still felt the wetness of her last orgasm on her face as her other face began to feverishly eat her out.


Across town, Anal Bitch was curled in bed. In her sleep, she tensed momentarily before letting out a gentle, but passionate, sigh. Under the covers, pressed into the mattress, Slut Ass passed the long night sucking on the butt plug in its mouth. The orgasm was enough to slightly take the edge off, but it really couldn’t wait to get back to work on Monday and have an eager line of fat, juicy cocks waiting to fill it up properly.

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