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146. DMU - Epilogue

145. DMU - Kim heads home

144. DMU - Kim’s Eventful afternoon

143. DMU - Lunchtime with the ladie

142. DMU - The new student bodies

141. DMU - Dawn of the final day

140. DMU - new nightly routines

139. DMU - the night concludes

138. DMU - Lorna’s little surprise

137. DMU - The walk home

136. DMU - the losers forfeit

135. DMU - the boys react

134. DMU - Lara’s little idea

133. DMU - the party winds down

132. DMU - the obvious choice

131. DMU - Ruby’s proposal

130. DMU - some more answers

129. DMU - the truth comes out

128. DMU - What’s in a name

127. DMU - catching up

DMU - Epilogue

avatar on 2024-10-05 11:16:47

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Authors Note: Here it is, the final chapter in the main DMU line. I feel I’ve taken this as far as it can go, and it’s only taken me 2 and a bit years. I hope you’ve all enjoyed it, and thanks for coming on the ride. I’ve got some other stories in the pipeline already, but I’ll try and revisit the Rollbacks at some point in the future. Otherwise, read on and I’ll see you on a new branch! Thanks again, MMJ

With that another day had come to an end. The lives of so many people in town had been changed, apparently for the better. Most of the swappees had settled down for a good nights sleep, made all the more easier by the fact their raging hormones had finally balanced themselves out. And so it was, for the first time in five nights, nothing changed, and the same for the next night, and the one after that. Life slowly returned to a new normal for everyone.

And so it is we now find ourselves on a sunny Saturday, 16 years later, and the Madison household is a hive of activity, as a large birthday party is about to begin. Lorna and Shaun were out in the garden firing up the grill, and filling up tables with drinks and snacks. Shaun tried to light the grill, but nothing was happening.

“Mart!” He shouted, “can you grab the spare gas bottle from the garage!”

“Already one it!” A young man exclaimed as he emerged from the house carrying a large red canister. Martyn Madison was now 26 years old, and had built a successful career as a pro-gamer and online streamer. Although he still lived at home, his parents didn’t mind one bit. He placed the gas bottle down and helped his father swap it out for the empty one.

“Thanks champ” Shaun grinned, giving him a playful punch on the arm.

“I’d have been told off for that!” Laughed another male voice from the side gate.

“Joey! Athena!” Lorna broke into a wide smile. Joey was still dressing the same, jeans and t-shirt, with a casual shirt over the top. Athena wasn’t as goth as she used to be but still favoured darker clothes and makeup.

“Sorry we’re late.” Joey said, giving his mother a hug, “we had another stop before here” he added, running his hand through his shaggy dark hair.

“Oh?” Lorna asked, sending there was some kind of news coming. Athena produced a small piece of paper from her handbag and passed it over. Lorna gaped in surprise at the ultrasound picture in her hand.

“Oh my god!” She gasped happily, pulling the two of them in tight, “congratulations!”

“What’s going on?” Shaun called from the grill.

“We’re going to be grandparents!” Lorna called back happily. Shaun was about to say something when the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get that, show your father the picture!” Lorna said, releasing her hold on them. She headed off inside, and answered the door to two young women looking very tanned.

“Kim, Annie! Come on in!” She said cheerily, “how was the honeymoon?”

“It was great thanks Mrs M” Annie replied.

“Oh Please…” Lorna began.

“Call her Lorna!” Kim chuckled as they entered the house, “I’ve had it drilled into me enough times!” She added with a wink to Lorna.

“Hold the door!” Someone shouted, and Lorna looked over to she Vicky jogging up the driveway, which appeared to be a bit of an effort in her corset and long black skirt. Unlike Athena, Vicky had remained firmly into goth culture, and was even co-owner of the Spiked Pit now, with Sabrina being the other.

“Hi Mom,” she said breathlessly as she arrived at the doorstep, “Kim, Annie” she added with a nod to each of them. Lorna had been glad when her daughter’s demeanour had brightened somewhat since her teen years.

“Glad you could make it sweetie,” she said with a smile, “if you want to go out to the garden, I think your brother has some news he wants to share with you” she added with a sly smile. She closed the door once everyone was in and turned to head back down the hallway, and nearly walked headlong into the blonde teenage boy stood at the foot of the stairs.

“Oh Ethan!” She gasped, “you made me jump! Go on up, she’s in her room. I’m guessing your parents let themselves in through the side?” She added. The teen boy nodded, before quickly turning to head up the stairs. Lorna shook her head and headed back into the garden where she saw Lara squealing with excitement over the photo in Joeys hand. Rocky had taken up his usual spot with Shaun at the grill, beer in hand already.

“Lorna! Babes!” Lara said happily running over and hugging her friend, “you’re going to be a grandma!” She laughed.

“I know, I don’t feel old enough!” Lorna chuckled back.

“We’ll have to start making GILF videos now!” Lara said mischievously.

“Oh don’t! I hate that term!” Lorna sighed, “let’s just stick with housewife stuff ok” she added with a grin.

Award winning housewife stuff!” Lara corrected, causing Lorna’s jaw to drop. She looked over at her husband and Rocky who were both beaming.

“It’s true” Rocky said, “had the email through today, we’re off to the AVNs next month!” He added raising his beer bottle in salute.

“Can we not talk about that today” Joey chimed in, “don’t want the squirt finding out. I know we’re all fine with it, but it’s not fair on her at this age” he added. Lara made a zipping motion across her mouth and Lorna nodded sombrely.

“What is keeping that girl?” She said out loud.

“Oh Ethan was desperate to see her, so they’re probably up to no good” Lara sighed, “I swear that boy takes after his father!” She added, shooting a glare at her husband, who gave a shrug and quickly turned away.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Ethan Knight knocked on the bedroom door of his best friend.

“Come in!” He heard her call. He opened the door and saw her pacing up and down nervously. She greatly resembled her mother, and her figure was quickly catching up too. Her naturally crimson hair bouncing with every step.

“Hey Rube” he said, closing the door behind him, “so what’s this urgent matter?”

“It’s unbelievable” she muttered, “you might want to take a seat” she added, pointing to her desk chair.

“Ok.” He said taking a seat, “I haven’t seen you this worked up since we found those videos of our moms online. I still can’t look your mom in the eye” he added with a shudder.

“Oh this is crazier than that!” Ruby said, “I don’t know how to explain it, but I’ll show you. Pass me that pencil.” She added pointing to the brown colouring pencil sitting on her desk. Ethan looked confused for a second then shrugged. He grabbed the pencil and passed it to her. She took it hand held it tightly. Her crystal blue eyes focused in concentration, and Ethan watched in amazement as the colour shifted from brown to blue.

“How did you do that?” He gasped as she handed it back for him to look at.

“I don’t know.” Ruby replied, “it’s weird, because I was having a drink earlier, but all I had was water. I thought “I wish I had a coke instead, and poof, the water turned into coke!” She exclaimed excitedly.

“Bullshit!” Ethan laughed, “you’re having me on! How did you really do it?” He asked. Ruby folded her arms in annoyance.

“Don’t believe me, fine.” She said, a smirk creeping across her face. She took on another brief expression of concentration crossed her face. Ethan suddenly felt a little bit of discomfort around his butt and shifted in the chair, it felt like his underwear had slipped into wedgie.

“Everything ok?” Ruby grinned, “panties not too tight I hope” she added.

“Panties? What are you…” Ethan trailed off as he suddenly became aware of a silky feeling under his jeans. He looked at his friend who gave him a ‘go ahead’ look. He pulled out the waistband of his jeans and sure enough, where his boxer shorts had been moments ago, were now a pair of silky black panties.

“Ruby! What the fuck?” He exclaimed.

“Oh relax, I can reverse it” she laughed as she focused again. Ethan watched as his underwear slowly shifted back to normal. He breathed a sigh of relief.

“Relax,” she chuckled, “I’ve run a few tests already, I wouldn’t do anything permanent to you” she sighed, wiping a tear from her eye.

“This is unreal!” Ethan muttered, “so you’re really telling me that you, Ruby Madison, have magic powers?” He said in disbelief.

“I know!” Ruby grinned, “Crazy right! I thought about asking Vick or Auntie Athena if they knew anything about it, I mean they’re into all that occult stuff. But I might just keep it between us for now” she added.

“You sure that’s a good idea?” Ethan asked nervously.

“I’ll ask them eventually, I just want to experiment a bit more first” Ruby shrugged. Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment, before deciding to just go along with whatever Ruby had planned. He knew better than to try and change her mind when she had it set on something.

“So, what else can you do?” He asked.

“I don’t know yet” Ruby smirked, “but it’s going to be fun finding out!”

The End….

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