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5. Jon and Karyn

4. Costume Shop

3. The Next Morning

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Costume Shop: After School Jon and Karyn go to the mall.

on 2024-10-17 13:06:24
Episode last modified by Paula Clark on 2024-10-17 13:07:21

606 hits, 103 views, 5 upvotes.


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As Jon and Karyn were walking through the mall, they noticed one of those pop up Halloween stores. Karyn mentioned she still needed a costume for Halloween. Jon was still trying to figure out what the interesting wish was going to do. He hasn’t seen anything out of the ordinary.

“Hey Jon, look it’s a costume shop! Looks go in and see what costumes they have. Maybe we can get one for the Halloween party that Sarah is putting on.” Karyn Said.

Jon replied, “I don’t know, do you think we’re too old for Halloween? Seems like a bunch of nonsense. We’re 17 years old.” The response was not what Karyn was looking for, telling Jon that he sounds like her mother.

As they go in Jon still feeling this is too immature to be entertaining the idea of costumes, stated to Karyn, “Why do you even care about Sarah’s party? It’s not like you are friends with her, so what gives?”

Karyn said, “because Jon, it’s still fun and when did you become so boring? Yes Sarah and I aren’t friends but if I can find a costume that can upstage her at her own party, that alone can be payback for all the times she’s been such a witch to me. Changing the playfield and removing her popularity would be the best payback for the witch.”

“I don’t know, seems a little petty. I know Sarah can be a witch but do we really have to pay her anymore attention. Let’s just do something else like go to the county fair or something” Jon replied.

Karyn pulled her head back with a raised eyebrow and retorted, “now I know you sound like my mother. Jon, no one goes to the county fair but boring adults who have no children to watch because we are all at the parties. Stop being boring and relax a little. Just have fun.”

“Ok, ok. I’ll try. At the very least if I’m going to have fun at least I’ll use the stone.” Jon waited until him and Karyn were alone in the store and he said, “I wish Karyn and I will find a good costume that will suit us perfectly”

Little did Jon know that the costume shop was not a normal Costume Shop. If one buys and wears the costume, they will slowly transform into the costume of their choice until the costume has fully taken over leaving the wearer with a new life, memories, and personality. The longer one wears it, the harder the desire to take it off becomes. If one piece of the costume is left on the wearer at Midnight on Halloween, they will fully transform permanently into their costume with no return to who they originally were.

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