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7. Learning about the New Her

6. Waking Up

5. The Assignment

4. Arriving at the Reassignment C

3. The social experiment

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Trophy Life: The Start of Sierra

on 2023-04-27 21:18:53

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Age Aware BE MTF SciFi

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"Mrs. Richards?" Jon parroted, still mildly delirious from the situation.

Dr. Alvarez gave a gentle smile and sat beside him, patting his shoulder gently. "Yes, Mrs. Sierra Richards. As you've probably gathered we've made some significant alterations, improvements really, to help you fit your new role. If you'll allow me a moment of pride, you've turned out absolutely lovely Sierra, it was a pleasure working on you." The doctor could see Jon's mind was spiraling and turned to Tracey. "Why don't we have Ms. Sulkin give you a small overview of your biography and I can talk you through the accompanying changes and then we'll go over your treatment plan during the rest of your time here at the center."

Tracey brightened and pulled some files up on her Ipad, "Absolutely! Well, as you know, you are now Mrs. Sierra Richards, a recent newlywed and one of Lakeview's most prominent citizens. Your originally from Los Angeles, but you came to Lakeview to attend Ivy University; you majored in Communications, but if we're honest you were after an MRS degree." Tracey shared a playful wink with Jon, who gave a weak smile in return. This whole situation, completely rewriting his life and changing his body, was terrifying but he figured the best course of action was to keep his head down and get Tracey on his site. Just get through whatever this program is at the center, and once they let you out, you make a break for the stone, he planned silently.

"And of course you succeeded wildly at that, wait till you see the rock of an engagement ring your wife gave you," Tracey continued explaining.

"Wife?" Jon asked surprised and a little relieved. He was planning to get out of this situation as quickly as possible, but he'd been dreading being shackled to some old man, like he'd assumed when they said he'd be a trophy wife.

"Wife, you're bisexual," Tracey commented breezily, "Mrs. Olivia Richards, the CEO of Excelcorp. She was actually a guest lecturer in your economics class junior year, and the two of you instantly clicked. Some people were a bit skeptical of the sixteen year age gap, but the two of you just clicked together like puzzle pieces. Honestly, you're totes couple goals; I was soooo jelly of your honeymoon pics from Italy." Jon had to admit he was impressed by Tracey's commitment to acting like Sierra Richards had existed before Femcorp created her. "Anyway, the two of you live together with your stepdaughter Lacey in an absolutely stunning mansion with an estate overlooking your own private lakefront property; you're gonna die when you see the view from your master bedroom."

"Wait, Lacey, you mean Mikey?" Jon asked. Tracey looked uncomfortable to have him mention the world before the experiment, but Dr. Alvarez jumped in. "Yes, but we strongly suggest you refer to her by her new name. Lacey's a darling child from what I understand."

"I'm a step-mom?" Jon asked, somewhat rhetorically, but Tracey jumped into answer anyway. "Oh, I know you're probably worried about tension marrying into her family, but you're golden, boss lady. Lacey adores you, calls you mommy and everything." Tracey seemed to have an incredible talent for misinterpreting what he was worried about. He was skeptical if Mikey would be acting anything like the Lacey they described, but was glad his family wouldn't be scattered to far from him for the most part, which brought him to another question.

"Uh, who is Olivia, or I guess who was she?" It was sounding like his new 'wife' was the main unknown in this new household, and he was a little worried about dealing with them until he could get to his old house and fish out the stone. Tracey looked put out to have their old lives referenced, and this time Dr. Alvarez seemed to share her discomfort but the doctor answered regardless. "Olivia was formerly Athena Devries, but I must stress she is now Olivia Richards." Jon nodded along, trying to appear agreeable but inwardly a little shocked. He was having trouble imagining his sister's goth best friend, who frequently railed against industrialists and people with square jobs, being some sort of corporate shark.

"So yes, as Ms. Sulkin said, you're now a stepmother, and of course if you choose to expand your family you're perfectly able to embrace traditional motherhood," Dr. alvarez continued.

"Wait, you mean I could get pregnant?" Jon asked, astounded.

Dr.Alvarez smiled and nodded, "Yes, in addition to the obvious external changes, your internals have also undergone conversion. Once you get the chance, I'm sure you'll want to investigate your new vagina; I assure you it's wonderfully sensitive and responsive," Jon blushed furiously but the hispanic woman just plowed onward. "But, accompanying that, we've grafted and implanted fully functioning ovaries and a womb we harvested, ah pardon, 'had donated' by women with appearances similar to yours, so all your eggs will carry on the family resemblance. Your breasts are similarly largely made of donor material with fully functioning milk ducts, so you'll be perfectly able to breast feed. Of course all of that is beside the point for the moment; you're a newly-wed and already have one daughter, so you and your wife may want to wait a bit before having a second child, but I'm sure you'll discuss that between the two of you."

Jon just nodded along dumbly, deciding that hopefully none of that would be relevant before he could get the stone and make all of this go away. "In the mean time, you will of course begin to menstruate, which they'll cover dealing with in your health and cleanliness module. The other major procedures were centered on improving your beauty, a minor bone replacement will have you standing a bit taller, your hair follicles have had a complete overhaul, removing all course body hair and adding those lovely blonde locks, and of course we've shifted your hips out to give you an hour glass shape. Then there were the alterations to your face, the plumping of the lips, the nose job, getting your old brown corneas replaced with those baby blues; it was a large number of procedures, but I must say they've really come together and you make the beginnings of a beautiful woman, Sierra," Dr. Alvarez finished.

"Beginnings?" Jon asked, worried he was going to be put under again for further procedures. This time it was Tracey who piped up, "Well, you've got the look boss lady, but we need to get you back thinking 'Sierra'. I've got your schedule here, ready to go. We're looking at least a month of reeducation, with your time split between various modules as well as a course of physical therapy to acquaint you with your body and a few fleshing out sessions to better match you to your new life. That means taking those new taste-buds for a spin so we can properly stock your private cellar and inform your chef, establishing your wardrobe, customizing some of your decor and the like. Ooh!, this is gonna be a blast boss lady!"

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