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Oldest episodes

Jane and Kyle are hit firstkey443Aware FTM MTF
Jon considers Karen's request to test out their swapped genitals.
Jon is unsure.
bigbustgazer7Aware BE FTM MTF
Three's Company, Six is a Crowdpassiveobserver3BE FTM Hive MTF Twin
The Genital Cycle: Mens cycle
Karyn Adds a cycle for men
bigbustgazer6Aware BE FTM MTF TF
to see boobs from the other side
to see boobs things the other side
An Affair with a Rock Star
Susan McMillan's life
Carrie6673MTF TF
Alpha Bitch: Jonnie
Alpha Bitch
Christine L.3MTF TF
A bimbo fairy? No waylimaneko3Bimbo MTF Magic TF
Matching Desires: Leaving the house
Jon leaves the house
The_Fedora_Hat4MTF TF
Karyn avenges Zoe
Vengeance for Zoe
yearends6BE MTF Omni TF
The goddess enjoys a good time
The goddess pass a good time
magical_neko7Age MTF Omni TF
Jon's Wish... Backfired? Who Knew?
Amarantha3MTF TF Twin
Steve Farber is the Father
Steve Farber
Jon the Mother IIIspotty3Herm MTF TF
The Deity Stone: An Arrogant Goddess
An Arrogant Goddess
Anonymous516MTF Omni
Playing With DolliesAnonymous514Age MTF TF
Jon's New LifeAnonymous514Age MTF TF
When Will He Learn?
Another Wish
It's a Woman's WorldCelesta5MTF TF
A Whole New World
Oh, Like You Didn't See This One Coming!
Celestus4MTF TF
Little GirlsMik3Age MTF TF
Jon The Motherroot3Age MTF TF
Starting up.DeadMeat7MTF Super TF
At Karyn's home and new life.CoolMan6MTF Super TF
Jon becomes a Goddess?
Becoming a Goddess
riana5MTF Omni TF
John is Powergirl but...Dean_Meat4MTF Super TF
Broken Stone?
How Do You Fix A Wishing Stone?
Anonymous514MTF TF
Jen Mcmillan
Sarah's twin
wehtam4MTF TF Twin
Karyn's twinwehtam4MTF TF Twin
Sarah's Twinspooky3MTF TF Twin
Karyn's twinspooky3MTF TF Twin
little girlspooky3Age MTF TF
Body shapesspooky3MTF TF
Big Change Goes Unnoticedmarjy9FTM MTF Part_Swap Unaware
Mikey is stuck
merging livesvictoria4FTM MTF TF
The roundabout wayHikaru4MTF TF
so diff. it hurts
really different
victoria3MTF TF
One yearHikaru3MTF TF
Jon Becomes a bitch
Jon was female
riana3MTF TF
Denise isn't such a "little" angel
kursaal4MTF TF
Every Guy's Wish
Leaving the Locker Room
Anonymous5112MTF Magic Unaware
Onward and upward to second period...x4MTF Part_Swap
I don't want you to be...Murdock6MTF
Karyn wishes up a unique remote
A new plot device!
The New Jonmagicman5MTF

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Oldest episodes

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