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10. Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found -

9. Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found -

8. Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found -

7. Zoe meddles a bit

6. Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found -

5. Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found -

4. Jon finds something that fits

3. Jon needs some new clothes

2. Zoe interprets the wishes

1. You Are What You Wish

Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found - another day

on 2020-12-03 19:58:37
Episode last modified by thisguy10101 on 2021-02-06 07:38:26

3345 hits, 255 views, 10 upvotes.

BE MTF Unaware

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Jon woke up to find that his changes continued overnight. His chest was significantly bigger, and they were definitely heavier. Jon put a shirt on over his chest, to feel that it stopped mid torso. He couldn't see the end of it over his... tits. He went down the hall to the bathroom, feeling them sway with each step. He also felt like his walk was different too, it also had more sway. At least yesterday the tits didn't feel as heavy. He got to the bathroom and couldn't find the opening for his penis on his underwear. He pulled down his underwear to find that little John was still an inch, but much smaller in girth. He had some trouble holding onto it. He stood over the toilet and let it go, and fortunately the stream ended up where it was supposed to. He pulled the underwear back up and looked at himself in the mirror. His face was still his, but his breasts were very noticeable. He also caught a glimpse of his shirt which had "Sleeping Beauty" on it. He was again interrupted by a sibling needing to use the bathroom. He washed his hands and left to allow Mikey in.
He passed his mother in the hall who did a doubletake before she said "Jon, you shouldn't probably walk around with pants. No one wants to see your underwear."

Jon was confused as he walked to his bedroom. He took out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt for school, to see they were not his usual fashion choice. The black shirt had Sakura from Naruto. The jeans had more flare in the legs than he normally wore. Having no other choice he put them on the bed. He took off the t-shirt he was wearing and felt his breast flop down. Sighing, he took off his underwear to discover they were panties! He put them on the bed and went to his underwear drawer, which was full of panties and bras. He dug a bit and found no boxers. He did find one thong at the bottom though. He refused to put on panties, so he grabbed a sports bra and his biggest sweatshirt. He pulled the pants on, which felts like they were generally a little tighter until the calves when the flaring was a welcome change. Jon picked up the stone to try to help his situation
"I wish my chest would go back to normal" The stone didn't respond.
"I wish I had my normal clothing." Still nothing
"I wish my penis was the way it was 3 days ago." still nothing
"I wish I knew why those wishes wouldn't work." Zoe: Granted, but make Jon realize that his chest was now his new normal, his clothing was changing to keep up with his now normal body and penis cannot change because of his hormones. Jon head filled with just that.

Jon was about to try again, when he realized he didn't have much time before the bus came, so he went down for breakfast. He quickly took a swig of OJ from the container and was about to grab a pop tart when he realized he didn't feel like it. He took out some yogurt and blueberries from the fridge and mixed them together. His mom came in and commented, "Jon, good for you for having a healthy breakfast." Jon have her an exasperated look and finished his yogurt, rinsed of the dish and put it in the dishwasher. His mom yelled thanks as he went back upstairs to the bathroom to brush his teeth and finish up getting ready for the school day. He went to the bus and sat with Karyn. He caught her up on his changes and wishes this AM. They walked into school, and no one commented on Jon's change in fashion or figure. The day crawled by as Jon kept thinking about his situation and tried to figure out how to get out of it, which feeling a little uncomfortable in his groin. Almost like what he thought a hernia would feel like.

Lunch was a bit different. Chloe asked to sit with Jon and Karyn. After a moment she spoke up "Hey Jon, I know what you are going through. If you want to talk about it, just give me a call."
Jon looked confused
"I'm talking about your...developments. It's pretty obvious under you clothing, since I do the same thing. I know you have Karyn, but I just want you to know you have another friend if you want."
"...Thanks Chloe. I'm not sure if I want to talk about it now."
"Sure.....Did you see they are going to redo Wonder Woman?"
"I did, it looks like it's going to be great, "replied Karyn. The trio talked about movies the rest of the meal, which Jon found he really liked a lot. He excused himself before lunch period ended to go to the bathroom. He went up to the urinal, and again found he couldn't aim, especially since he couldn't see down past his breasts. He went into the stall and sat down, embarrassed to have a pee like a girl. He was about to stand up when he felt a couple drops escape after he thought he was done. He sat down again and took some paper to wipe up the dampness, and found there was a little ravine under his penis. His scrotum was now flat without any movement to it. He tried to get a look, but couldn't in the stall with his breasts in the way. He pulled his jeans back up, feeling them hug is larger ass. He washed his hands and went to his afternoon classes, with that pain in his groin still there.

Karyn and Jon walked back to Jon's house after school, with Karyn's parents saying it was OK that she stay over there for dinner. Karyn and Jon went upstairs, and Karyn started to go through Jon's stuff. The closet now had some skirts. His shirts now had some yellow and pink, rather than just black and whites he had before. His underwear now had more frilly underwear, including the bras and increased number of thongs. He took off his sweatshirt, and saw that his shirt was the same pattern, but on pink. His socks now had a pastel purple to them when he took off his shoes, which looked a little more sparkly than when he started the day

"This wish for us to have fashionable clothing is not going well," remarked Jon.
"Well, I didn't think your body liked pink. My body has breasts and I don't have this much pink. Maybe you secretly like it?"
"I mean, I don't mind pink, but it not, like, my favorite color."
Karyn gave Jon a puzzled look for a moment, then took out her chapstick, applied it and put it on Jon's desk next to the rock.
"So the rock thinks your clothing and breasts are the new normal. What if we just wish your breasts away? You didn't actually wish for them, did you?"
"I did NOT wish for these," said Jon pointing to his breasts, " Or this," pointing to his rounder butt and wider hips.
"It's a nice butt Jon. A lot of girls, like the cheerleaders, would kill for something like that."
"You think so? Well they can have it. What do you think we can do to try to get these to stop or go away?"
Karyn picked up the rock and tried a few wishes, to try to get them to be like they were last week, shrink or become detachable, without luck. She put the rock down and Jon went to the desk and tried his hand at some wishes, without luck. He put down the rock, picked up the chapstick, applied it and put it back.
Jon's mom called them for dinner. They went downstairs and Jon's parents asked Karyn about how she was doing. Zoe kept on looking at Jon and smirking, which unsettled him a bit. It was like she knew something. After dinner, Karyn went home and Jon went to his room. He made the same homework wish, which Zoe granted.

"Hey bro, mind if I borrow some of your stuff?" asked Zoe as she walked in without waiting for an answer.
"I do mind, and why do you need my stuff?" asked Jon.
"Well, a girl's gotta have some variety. I'm thinking some of the pink could compliment my black well."
"While that may be true, Zoe, I still mind, " said Jon, surprised that he really did the pink would go well. Zoe was rolling on the floor laughing on the inside. She decided to keep up the pressure.
"I also need a bra or two, since mine are starting to get a little old. My cup size may have gone up," said Zoe as she started to walk to her brother's underwear drawer
"Why do you think I have those?"
"Well, everyone knows you have breasts Jon. Just ask anyone in school, they know about your pubertal hormonal imbalance."
"WHAT?" yelled Jon embarrassed.
"I mean, I know more than the others, since I live with you. You look like you may be a 34C," guess Zoe as she opened his drawer and nodding to herself when she saw she was right. She picked out 2 of the frilliest ones Jon had
"I'm going to use these. Geez, they are pretty. You have good taste Jon" Zoe looked over at Jon, who was starting to tear up a bit. She decided to call it a night there. It was fun making him squirm, not cry.
"Thanks Jon. Have a good night."

After Zoe left, Jon lay back on his bed and cried. He felt his breasts jiggle with each sob, which made it worse. He rolled over and cried into his pillow, feeling his torso put pressure on his breasts. He couldn't escape them. Eventually, he stopped crying and decided he had to man up. He sat up, took a deep breath and stood up. He took stock of his room while rubbing his lower abdomen to help the discomfort. There were no clothing that he recognized. His wardrobe was now half skirts, and he could actually see a pair of pants very slowly have the legs merge into a single skirt. He looked at his shoes, and there were more flip flops, and definitely more sparkles. He looked at a pair of sneakers, which were the same size as they were before, but just pink. He did have 1 pair of wedges, which he thought were cute, but he couldn't wear them.....wait....cute? He stopped looking at clothing, and looked at himself in the mirror after locking his door Man, he was curvy. Taking a deep breath yet again, he took off his shirt and bra, seeing his 34C in full glory. He then took off his jeans and let out a little squeak. His penis was just about gone. And the ravine he felt before now looked like it was starting to open up. He put his finger on it, and felt a little shock when he touched his tiny penis. He stopped touching and went back to looking. His pubic hair was looking more red-tinged. He had enough, he went to grab some pajamas, and found they were all long nightshirts now. He decided not to wear one, and went to his computer. He went to IMDB to see what was coming out for a bit before he was distracted by an advert for handbags. He was looking for about 10 minutes before he realized what he was doing. He closed the webbrowser and thought a bit. Why would he be changing? The stone won't tell him, but maybe he could figure it out on his own. He started to change the day of the slushie. Was it something in the liquid? Or maybe it was the clothing? That was new that day. He also wished for clean clothing, but did he phrase it oddly? No, he just wished for new clothing. He replayed the day a couple more times and those were the only things he could think of. Jon grabbed the stone

"I wish I knew if the slushie was the cause of my changing." Zoe: Granted. Jon knew it wasn't the slushie. So it was something to do with the clothing.
"I wish I knew why the clothing was related to me changing." Zoe: Granted, but Jon will think that his body is changing to the clothing was just part of the wish he made. Jon realized was Zoe wanted him to think. He concluded that his chest was from Chloe. So who would have sweatpants that has a great ass and maybe is a redhead? His gears turned, and realized that it had to be one of the cheerleaders, Mandy Ryan. He then saw the time. He texted Karyn his discovery and went to the bathroom. He was about to leave his room when he realized he was naked. He put on his last pair of sweatpants and his sweatshirt and went to the bathroom. He sat down, admitting that he had to be done. He wiped and flushed. He washed his hands and face. He took 2 Motrin for the cramping in his lower abdomen. He used some of Zoe acne cream and moisturizer, to get her back for taking his stuff. He then went to his room and to bed.

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