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9. The dating pool and dating

8. Well, what now?

7. Not all bad news

6. What Jon's dumb wish did.

5. Further Developements

4. Things between the legs change

3. Something interesting with Kar

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

The narrow dating pool after their change

on 2019-01-15 00:25:59
Episode last modified by bigbustgazer on 2020-08-07 00:02:47

5590 hits, 328 views, 10 upvotes.

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After a several more minutes Karyn spoke.

"Well Jon, got any ideas?"

Jon spun back around in the chair to face Karyn on the bed, he saw her eyes go to his chest, up to his face and back to his chest again, she closed them for a moment and managed to keep looking at his face.

"No, sorry, but... well.. this sort of narrows our dating pool doesn't it?"

"I.. I suppose it does, there aren't many women in town that look like men everywhere except the chest..."

"Yeah, I mean I could probably just date a woman, but well, after thinking about it I don't think I'm interested in uh... vaginas anymore... and well I think I'd be unsatisfied. Not to mention how hard it would be to find someone who's into... well whatever I am now."

"What, have you just been sitting over there fantasizing?" She had been actively avoiding thinking in that direction just to avoid the extra discomfort of getting even slightly hard in her existing clothes.

"I... no, well I mean a bit, after I had the thought I... uh... kinda wanted to know how I felt..."

"Oh I know how you feel about... genitals, remember it's how I felt this morning!"

"Yeah... I..." Jon trailed off.


"Well going back to the dating pool thing..."

"Yeah, I know, our only real options are each other."


"Do you think we can make that work... I mean we've known each other for so long..."

"Well you obviously find at least part of me attractive", Karyn blushed, as she had been looking at his chest again, "and I find you attractive, even without the um... accidental enhancement you made to your chest." Jon continued.

"I... you have a point... but what if it doesn't work out... I don't want to loose the friendship we already have."

"I don't think things will change all that much between us... we're already closer than any couple I know at school, seriously I've been spending the last 15 minutes going back and forth on it, and trying to decide how to bring it up... and I think it's worth a shot. Besides even it doesn't work out that doesn't mean we won't be friends, lots of people stay friends after breaking up."

Karyn tried to think, closed her eyes and then thought.

"I suppose you're right, we're not likely to find someone 'physically compatible' who we also like that way... so... are we officially a couple then?"

"I guess we are... what do we do next?"

"Well, if it's alright with you I'd kinda like to take my pants off."

Jon's eyes went wide.

"Not for that! Jeans, they're tight, I have your junk now, there's not enough room!"

"Ooooooh, well everyone else is out for the rest of the day... so I guess you could."

"Though um... we could make out too, you know just to um... solidify that we're dating and not just friends..." Karyn said as she undid her jeans. This had a strong effect on Jon seeing her bulge in her panties as she unzipped combined with what she said he felt a surge of arousal, it felt different but similar enough to know what he was feeling, and it came with a bit of wetness an warmth.

Karyn looked at Jon, the relief of having the jeans off felt great, but she was feeling exposed, both because of the semi in her panties and what she had just said.

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