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9. Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found -

8. Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found -

7. Zoe meddles a bit

6. Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found -

5. Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found -

4. Jon finds something that fits

3. Jon needs some new clothes

2. Zoe interprets the wishes

1. You Are What You Wish

Zoe Interprets: Lost & Found - more changes

on 2020-11-28 11:14:48

3028 hits, 245 views, 9 upvotes.

BE MTF Magic Unaware

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Jon woke up in Wednesday morning feeling poorly rested. He slowly rolled over and sat up. He scratched under his chest and stopped. He cupped the little bit of breast tissue that grew overnight. He brought up his other hand to his other...breast and it felt the same. He stood up quickly, grabbed his camera and felt a little bit of bounce on his way to the bathroom. After closing and locking the door, he looked at himself in the mirror. Absentmindedly, he pushed his slightly longer brown hair out of his fair and focused on his new developments. This was definitely no reaction, they were actual breasts. On his research of gynecomastia, there was nothing about things progressing this quickly. Part way through panicking, Jon felt the call of nature and pulled out little Jon who looked a little smaller than yesterday. His ball felt a little smaller too. What is going on? After washing his hands, he left the bathroom and got back to his room. He pulled out the rock and was about to wish when there was a knock at the door, it was his mother who peaked her head in.
"Sweetie, don't forgot to put on the training bra this morning. You'll appreciate it later."

Jon quickly brought his arms up to cover his chest, dropping the rock and gestured for his mother to leave his room. He looked for the stone, which must have rolled under something. He looked under the bed (feeling his small breasts get pulled a bit by gravity) and under the dresser. He'd need a light for that. He'd have to do that later. He went to his underwear drawer and found some boxers and training bras. Sighing, he pulled the training bra on and pulled on his boxers, which were a bit tight around the hips. He put on some baggy clothing and went down for breakfast. After having some cereal, he finished getting ready for his day, including packing Chloe's shirt, before grabbing a flashlight. He looked under the dresser and there was the rock. He grabbed it and wished "I wish I didn't have to wear a training bra."

Zoe: Granted, make all his training bras underwire bras of the size he needs. Jon felt his bra shift, but not go away. It offered some more support than what he was wearing, which he briefly appreciated before realizing what he was appreciating.

"I wish I didn't need any bras," tried Jon, but nothing happened. "I wish I knew why that didn't work," tried Jon. Immediately, Jon realized that he already wished about bras, so he couldn't "undo" the bra wish.

"Jon! Bus!" Jon pocketed the stone and ran down the stairs and got to the bus in time. He caught Karyn up on the situation, at least as much as he knew. He kept shifting while seated on the bus, feeling like something wasn't quite right. It was like seats fit differently. The two agreed to brainstorm in the morning and make a wish that lunch that may help. After a slow morning, and a quickly eaten lunch, they were about to talk about wishes when Chloe came over and asked for her shirt. Jon said he had it in his locker, so the 3 went to Jon's locker and he provided the shirt. Chloe said thanks and offered her number to Jon, who took it. Karyn then asked for the rock, because she had a wish idea that would help them both

"I wish that whatever changes happen to us, our clothing would always fit and be fashionable." Zoe: granted, excited to see her brother's wardrobe change to a fashionable female variety.
"I guess that will help if we change any more, Karyn, But what about my situation?" said Jon, trying to adjust his changed boxers through some sweatpants.
"Let's just wish to know what's going on."
Jon liked the idea, direct and to the point. Jon held up the rock
"I wish I knew what was going on." Zoe: Not granted. Jon didn't feel anything from the rock.
"I guess that won't work," said Jon as the bell rang to get to next period. The two parted ways until after school, when the started their walk home. The conversations went from wishes to clothing pretty quickly. Karyn appreciated the conversation, usually Jon didn't like to talk about that kind of stuff. He even commented on her nail polish, which he normally didn't even notice.
Jon got home and put his backpack on his bed before getting called by his dad to help a bit outside. All 3 kids were doing something, raking leaves, mowing lawn until dinner. They washed their hands and had some chicken& broccoli alfredo before they parted ways to do homework. He went to the bathroom and found he was now wearing satin boxer-briefs, rather than the boxers he had on this morning. That explains why it was so tight today. The more alarming discover was that little Jon was barely an inch long. He felt his scrotum and found it hard to find his balls. He pulled up his sweatshirt and his chest was definitely bigger. He put everything back on, washed his hands and went back to his room. Homework would have to wait.

He took off all his clothing, except the boxer-briefs and took a picture and was about to share with Karyn, but stopped. He texted her instead that there were more changes. While waiting for her to message back, Jon wished for his homework to be done to his normal level and for him to know everything he was supposed to learn, which Zoe granted fully. She wished the same thing for herself. Jon wished for the changes to stop, which wasn't granted. Jon updated his friend on that too.

"I don't know Jon, seems like this is a runaway train. You've tried to stop it and modify it, but without luck. Maybe we can do something when it stops?"
"I don't want to wait that long, Karyn. Who knows were this will end?"
"True,but I have no ideas right now. I'll keep thinking on this. Hang in there. Goodnight Jon."
Jon put on his sweatpants and did his end of night routine. When he got back in his room, he left the clothing on and went to his computer. He loaded up ESPN to see who won that day and by how much and got bored with it pretty quickly. He tried Sports Illustrated, with the same outcome. He saw an ad for best sports movies and enjoyed reading about movies, like Rocky, Might Ducks and Raging Bull. He went down the movie rabbit hole pretty far, until his dad knocked on the door staying it was time for bed. Jon took off his outfit, except the boxer-briefs, and went to bed.

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