Episode | Author | Date | Depth | Tags |
Playing with Karyn The return of little cougar | sarok | | 39 | |
Continuity note Oops... | Sarah | | 6 | |
Confronting Michelle The peaceful approach? | Sarah | | 6 | |
Thoughts on Michelle Thinking this through | Sarah | | 5 | |
French Class In class... | deepfried | | 4 | |
Jon is Interupted Interupted! | deepfried | | 3 | |
Minor Problem Problems | deepfried | | 2 | |
could be a sexchange story but its not hm | scott_free | | 5 | |
....right? An even easier solution | Gyzzmo | | 4 | |
little mistake that could change the world | none | | 4 | |
More trouble | none | | 6 | |
Whats a Girl to do? | kylene_devlin | | 5 | |
Mall Fun | anonymous | | 13 | |
Wish Happy wishes | anonymous | | 12 | |
Safety feature John Protects His Interests | anonymous | | 11 | |
You sure about that Michelle? Easy solution | cvn88 | | 3 | |
An Unexpected Guest... | Gyzzmo | | 2 | |
Problems | x | | 12 | |
Swinging and swinging... And now you swing... | The_Weirdo | | 4 | |
finding who is who | no_name | | 11 | |
Who to help? | x | | 10 | |
Nothing to be embarrassed about | jrepg | | 5 | |
Interpretations? yet another hasty wish | sarok | | 36 | |
What are you talking about? | x | | 30 | |
Back again.... | x | | 30 | |
There's Something They're Not Telling You.... | x | | 29 | |
More Questions and More Answers Time Travel Made Complicated | Sarah | | 28 | |
A little bit later.... | x | | 27 | |
Crumbling Reality What do we do? | Sarah | | 26 | |
Melissa Saunders, Cover Girl Explanations | Sarah | | 25 | |
Reunions Back to the Buick | Sarah | | 24 | |
A Face From the Past Gramps? | Sarah | | 23 | |
Not a waitress anymore.... Not a waitress anymore... | x | | 8 | |
9 - 2 - 5 36 - 24 - 34 | FayeKistry | | 8 | |
Karen at your service. Look who it isn't... | FayeKistry | | 7 | |
Plot Complication #1 Jon tries her hand at waitressing | the_phantom_brancher | | 8 | |
Shelly When will he ever learn? | FayeKistry | | 7 | |
...and into the fire. Out of the frying pan... | FayeKistry | | 6 | |
Tg, over easy Any tips? | FayeKistry | | 5 | |
Can I take your order? Any clothes in particular? | Faye_Kistry | | 4 | |
Jon's still not awake enough In the kicthen | jrepg | | 3 | |
Where did the week go? Early the next morning | jrepg | | 2 | |
Stuck for the moment Karyn enjoys the situation | cuchulainn | | 5 | |
Confession after Chemistry Meanwhile... | deepfried | | 9 | |
Invisible Tom makes a getaway Tom seems happy | deepfried | | 8 | |
Girls Don't Cry Either ...Karen will know what it's like to be a transsexual. | the_phantom_brancher | | 4 | |
Boys Don't Cry 2: Electric Boogaloo ...Jon will understand what it's like to be a transsexual. | the_phantom_brancher | | 3 | |
Purrrr.... Jon becomes a Tiger Girl | Kat_girl!_ | | 10 | |
more not thinking | non | | 3 | |
Karyn Likes It Another try | cvn88 | | 2 | |
Time for the Transfer Final Trasformation Compete | Mangina | | 23 | |
Meet Hoj Time for Hoj | Mangina | | 22 | |
Questions for Naka Naka Returns | Mangina | | 21 | |
Questions for Naka Naka Returns | Mangina | | 21 | |
Getting Dressed Getting something to wear | Mangina | | 20 | |
Since Being Jon Malkovich was such a hit, we'll be seeing more of these kinds of movies. Exposition | the_phantom_brancher | | 23 | |
Ixios Awakens Not Going as Planned | Mangina | | 19 | |
Out Cold A Disturbing Dream | Mangina | | 18 | |
Naka gets into some detail Aomi's Battle | Mangina | | 17 | |
I wish I knew what I know now, when I was younger The Transformation Continues | Mangina | | 16 | |
Stage One: Baby Jon comes to... | Mangina | | 15 | |
The Transforming begins... Jon says Yes | Mangina | | 14 | |
In 1492, the Incas sailed the ocean blue...wait a second! That's not right! Nothing Dreadful Happens...Right? | Rain_Dance | | 3 | |
A Night of Reflection You know all those branches where Jon becomes a power and/or sex crazed meglomaniac? Well, this isn't one of them. | Rain_Dance | | 2 | |
Come With Me If You want To Live... Sarah? | ranmakun | | 22 | |
Horror of the change Zoe turn | root | | 10 | |
Enter The Agent Provocateur Where's My Agent?! | ranmakun | | 21 | |
Out of the frying pan... In deeper trouble. | the_phantom_brancher | | 20 | |
THE END THE END? | the_phantom_brancher | | 20 | |
The rock is a bad screenwriter. Two thumbs down | the_phantom_brancher | | 19 | |
Ready to out in public again. Disguised Once More | ranmakun | | 18 | |
I wish that if this was like a movie.... that it'd have a happy ending. I wish that if this was like a movie.... | ranmakun | | 17 | |
Jon implores a bit Get some more information... | Mangina | | 13 | |
Jon gets a mouth full Naka explains | Mangina | | 12 | |
Help? Another point for Jon | Mangina | | 11 | |
John's Plan | Whos | | 7 | |
Fixing thing up Trying the powers to fix some problem | me | | 34 | |
We're Outa Here! But First | Sapphire | | 34 | |
A wishing bra, yes. But a THINKING wishing bra. Wishing bra? | someone | | 33 | |
Karyn, the Wishing Bra Later... | JMD | | 32 | |
The Dog Pound Now what? | JMD | | 31 | |
Down the Hatch! Good News...Bad News | JMD | | 30 | |
A dog's life Just a couple of strays | LeMachi | | 29 | |
Patty's Savior? But first... | JMD | | 28 | |
In a land not so far away.... | x | | 15 | |
More Gym With Jim. The insanity continues! Depantsed and Discovered??? How dumb are these Jocks? | tohosmi | | 14 | |
oops, someone forgot something Joan and Karyn move on | tfh | | 27 | |
the curse takes affect the girls need some proof | tfh | | 26 | |
lockerroom curse Jon gives the girls incentive to help Patty | tfh | | 25 | |
Grandpa is that you? shared fates | Freddie | | 11 | |
Who's the Freak Now? One down... | JMD | | 24 | |
Jon gets it A quick fix | Mangina | | 11 | |
not quite what they'd planned | tfh | | 36 | |
Watching Anime Closely Turning Japanese | The_Weirdo | | 9 | |
"I wanna go home!" Dizzy...I'm so Dizzy... | burke_rakers | | 11 | |
You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, and ... Mikey tries to help | MaleKim | | 10 | |
Oh, boy, are we in trouble now! Anyone got a good lawyer? | MaleKim | | 9 | |
Wish Congruence... Wish Congruence.... | x | | 12 | |
Jessica Rabbitt good enough? Cartoon Carol lives up to her name. | The_Weirdo | | 8 | |
Mikey's on TV! Mikey's favorite kiddie show! | MaleKim | | 7 | |