Emily spotted a gold cocktail dress that tickled her fancy.
"Let's use this for a test run."
Scanning in the picture to Photoshop, she paused to decide how to try specifying size.
"Let's see; I'm 5'8" so I'll just add a background wall with a horizontal line at the top of her head marked 5'8" and see if that will work."
Printing out a quick 2x3 picture she gave it to Karyn to show to Jon.
"Hey Jon! Check this out!", Karyn called.
Jon glanced over and blat he's a tanned brunette in a metallic gold cocktail dress.
"Wait a minute, something's not right. Emily, go stand next to Jon."
When Emily stood next to Jon she was a good two inches taller.
"Emily, take off your shoes", Karyn said.
When Emily stood in her stocking feet, she came to the same height.
"I see the problem. You specified a standing height. The model is in something like 4-inch heels, so Jon came out 5-4 plus heels. To make him 5-8 in stockings plus 4 inch heels you need to specify the height line as 6 feet."
"5-4 you made me 5-4!", Jon complained. But one wobbly step in an attempt to approach coupled with a soft soprano voice just didn't command a lot of attention.
Emily sat down at the computer, made a quick edit to change the line text indicator from 5'8" to 6" and hit print. As soon as it came off the printer she handed it to Karyn to show Jon.
No sooner had Jon looked than poof . Jon was gone!