The first thing I did was undo the cut and paste action, revealing my original picture--my naked, my whole naked, self. I printed the picture and looked at it. Then, I remembered that Karyn's wish made it so that only she could hold it out to me, and then I'd change.
"Well, that leaves me like this for a while," I said out loud, though no one was around. I had no idea where the girls went; I mean, surely they'd want to stick around and see my reaction to their little "joke". I didn't think they went to the mall--that was the whole point of the printing thing: so that they could get free clothes from me.
I went to the kitchen to get something to eat, feeling very odd with all of the different stimulations from unusual clothes and body parts. After eating, I went to my room to change my underwear; the thong-wedgie annoyance was more than I could any longer tolerate. I lowered Karyn's thongs, taking some care not to really look at anything. I put on my own underwear, realizing immediately that they were no more comfortable. They stuck out in the front from being used to having something to push out the front. That fact was also quite intriguing. I pushed the front of my underwear to my, or Karyn's, body, really noticing the lack of extra flesh there.
It was then I noticed that I couldn't find the rock--the stupid thing that got me into this mess.
"Ah, poop, they must've taken it with them," I exhaled. "I'll get them back for this sometime."
Then, I heard a car door slam.
Trying to Fix It
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